Business Management Study Materials

Cyber Security Penetration Testing Courses

Cyber security penetration testing training will provide you with the skills and knowledge to conduct professional penetration tests on systems and networks


INTRODUCTION Management is as old as a human organization. There are several theories and principles under which the discipline operates. The principles guiding the operations of managers evolved over time. In this unit, we shall be studying the evolutionary process of management as a discipline. FMS 106 ELEMENTS OF MANAGEMENT II 2 2.0 OBJECTIVES At the end of this unit, you should be able to: · discuss the evolutionary process of management as a discipline from the-industrial period to the ...

MAN 102- Management

INTRODUCTION The Development of Management thought is basically the historical background of management; management yesterday and management today. This unit introduces you to the early management 10 practices of the division of labour to the industrial revolution up to the scientific management era, which established the framework for many of the contemporary ideas in organizations today. 2.0 OBJECTIVES By the end of the unit you should be able to: 1. Describe the early management practices ...

Coursework on Classical Theories

Management is the skill of getting work done with the active assistance of other persons hence an organization cannot attain its purposes without appropriate management. For instance, every society always depends on group work, and as many systematized groups have turned into large, theworkloadofmanagershasbeengrowingsignificantlyanddifficultyalsoarises (Naidu,2016).  According to  Nwachukwu, (2009), management theories are the set of general rules that guide the managers to manage an or...