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Radiographers Registration Board of Nigeria RRBN Final Qualifying Examination for Medical Image Processing / X-Ray Technician Past Questions

The politics of the Chinese Revolution

The Chinese Revolution remarkably entailed several polical angles. The politics of the same are effectively discussed in this paper 

Barcelona Over tourism Management Strategies and Challenges

INTRODUCTION Overtourism is the term used to describe the uncontrollably high number of visitors that result in overcrowding in places where locals are negatively impacted by sporadic and seasonal tourist peaks. This can lower the quality of life and foster animosity towards tourists (Hristov et al., 2021). An excellent example of this phenomenon is Barcelona, one of the most popular tourist locations in all of Europe. almost 32 million tourists, or almost six times the city’s population, v...

Health safety and environment module one

This study work illustrate health and safety mechanism is offices, industries and workplaces education. This will help researchers, academicians and students. in broad Field from sciences to Engineering.

Empirical Investigation of Health Moral Hazard in Nigerian Health Insurance Scheme.

The research investigation the presence of moral hazard in Nigerian Health Insurance Scheme using Nasarawa state civil service. Descriptive research design was employed and the result revealed the presence of moral hazard.

Mid semester Commercial Law assignment 2024

ABM 323 Commercial Law Mid Semester Assignment 

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)

INTRODUCTION Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is often referred to as the "energy currency" of life. This remarkable molecule plays a central role in various cellular processes, including metabolism, muscle contraction, and cellular signaling. In this comprehensive review, we will delve into the structure, function, and significance of ATP in biology, exploring its synthesis, utilization, and regulation. Furthermore, we will discuss the recent advances and future prospects in ATP research, shed...

The Service Sector and Contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

SUMMARY Meaning of Service Sector The service sector refers to the portion of the economy that provides intangible goods or services rather than tangible products. It encompasses a wide range of industries and activities that focus on meeting the needs and preferences of individuals and businesses. The service sector deals with activities that are often knowledge-based, information-driven, and oriented toward customer satisfaction. Examples of service sector activities include financial S...

Information Resource Development Policy for the College of Education, Billiri Library Gombe State

Information resource management is another name for collection development which can be used synonymously. Information resource management relates to selection and acquisition of information resources, it requires constant examination and evaluation of information resources as well as constant study of patrons’ needs and changes in the community served (Corrall, 2012). Therefore, information resources management is a process deliberately and consciously put in place for the continuous ident...

Query Formulation and Reformulation?

Search strategies are ways of using search terms in finding required information from search tools, such as search engines (Google), the library catalogue and online databases. However, to achieve good search results, it is necessary to use search strategies.

Discuss the Stakeholders in Health Information Systems

According to Martin and Powell (1992) ―a system is a collection of entities which are interrelated to each other and to their environment so they form a whole. While the Oxford Advanced Learner‘s Dictionary defined system as a group of things or systems working together as a whole. From the two above definition you can see clearly that when we talking about system, we are referring to several things working together in unity under the control of one entity for efficiency or optimization. ...


A presidential system is also known as a single system or an executive system, in this system, the man or woman is also known as the head of state or head of government. In this type of government the head is generally known as the president, he or she controls the executive branch of his or her government but not in control of the legislative and the judicial branch of government because the presidential system of government uses what is called separation of power. In a parliamentary system,...

Contract law

Breach of a contract does not discharge it; it gives the innocent party an opportunity to treat the contract as repudiated or as existing. If it treats the contract as existing, it is bound to honour its part however, if it treats it as repudiated it is not bound to do so.

GEO 452: Justify for the Assertion that, 'The Production and Use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) May Have Positive Effects on the Bio-physical Environment

Genetically modified (GM) foods are organisms that have had new genes added to themselves from other organisms. Being around since 1994, they are produced in a way that is very similar to genetic engineering. The technique used in this type of crop management has been introduced to ensure farmers and merchants are able to improve crop or food quality in a more efficient way. Some people arrogate that this technology will help those in the agricultural industry decrease the amount of wasted cr...