ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to compare 5-fluorouracil
(5-FU) with beta-irradiation in the prevention of pterygium
Materials and methods: A retrospective non-randomised
review of cases of fleshy prcrygium treated with bare scleral
excision and adjuvant 5-FU were compared with similar
morphologically appearing prcrvgiu, marched for age and
sex, treated with bare scleral excision and adjuvant berairradiariou.
All surgeries were carried our ar the university
college hospital and () julowo eve hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Results: Twcnrv-scvcn eyes of 24 patients who had
prer:'gium excision wirh adjuvanr rrcarmcnr with 5-FU
were compared wirh 31 eyes of 24 patients who were
treated wirh excision and beta-irradiation. Thc mean agc
for rhc 5-FU group was 46.1 vcars while rhar for rhc betairradiarion
group was 46.9 ycars. Borh sexes were cquallv
represented, 12 males and 12 fcmales. There were seven
(2'i.9%) initial recurrences in rhc 5-FU group bur four. of
these became atrophic, and rhcrctorc, cosmetically acccptable
lea'ing duel' eTS (11 %) with unacceptable recurrent
(22.5) inirial recurrence bur five of these became atrophic
and fell shorr of rhc cornea, leaving rwo (6.5%) with
clinicallv unacceptable recurrence. The diflcrcncc was,
however, nor srarisricallv significanr (Zc = 0.-4 and
p > 0.1). The associated complications were mosrlv mild
in borh groups and included cornea opacirv of 10 (,-;-00)
complicarions, co njuncriviris of three (11 Oil) complicario
ns, 'sclera granuloma of three (110'0) coruplicarious
and conjuncriva necrosis of one (3.-%) complicarion for
rhc 5-FU group, and while rhc bcm-irradiation gwup
had corneal opacirv of OIlC (3.-~·0) cornplicarion and
conjuncriviris of three (11 %ll complicarions.
Conclusion: The no n-srarisrical significance of a 1ovv crprcrigium
recurrence rare with use of bcra-irradiarion for
rhe rrcarmcnr of flesh:' prcrvgiurn compared with 'i-FlT
ma:' have been pard:' due ro rhc small number of patients
studied. A rando miscd-courrollcd srudy using a larger
sample size is therefore proposed. However, the facr rhar
over half of rhosc wirh inirial recurrence in the 5-FU group
became atrophic (and therefore cosmcricallv acccprabic)
over rime as well as less cosr implicarion in rhc purchase
of 5-FU relative ro Srronrium-90 associarion with fc-wand
mild complicarions makes ir a desirable adjuvant rhcrapv in
depressed economics. However, bcra-irradiariou still has a
place when cosr issue is nor an inhibiring facwr in view nf
its clinically superior outcome.
BEKIBELE, C (2021). 5-fluorouracil vs. beta-irradiation in the prevention of pterygium recurrence. Afribary. Retrieved from https://track.afribary.com/works/5-fluorouracil-vs-beta-irradiation-in-the-prevention-of-pterygium-recurrence
BEKIBELE, C.O. "5-fluorouracil vs. beta-irradiation in the prevention of pterygium recurrence" Afribary. Afribary, 23 Apr. 2021, https://track.afribary.com/works/5-fluorouracil-vs-beta-irradiation-in-the-prevention-of-pterygium-recurrence. Accessed 26 Mar. 2025.
BEKIBELE, C.O. . "5-fluorouracil vs. beta-irradiation in the prevention of pterygium recurrence". Afribary, Afribary, 23 Apr. 2021. Web. 26 Mar. 2025. < https://track.afribary.com/works/5-fluorouracil-vs-beta-irradiation-in-the-prevention-of-pterygium-recurrence >.
BEKIBELE, C.O. . "5-fluorouracil vs. beta-irradiation in the prevention of pterygium recurrence" Afribary (2021). Accessed March 26, 2025. https://track.afribary.com/works/5-fluorouracil-vs-beta-irradiation-in-the-prevention-of-pterygium-recurrence