Agricultural Economics and Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

Determinants for rainwater harvesting adoption: a case study of smallholder farmers in Murang’a County, Kenya

Abstract Rainwater harvesting has been practiced among smallholder farmers for centuries in many parts of the world. Recently, it has gained more attention due to the reported increasing water demand and the need for sustainable water management. Drawing on data from a cross sectional survey of 384 household heads (HH), the research study explored the determinants for rainwater harvesting among smallholder farmers in Murang’a County, Kenya. Multistage random sampling technique was employed...

Factors Affecting Multiple Climate Change Adaptation Practices of Smallholder Farmers in lower Eastern Kenya

Abstract The study investigated the socioeconomic and institutional factors influencing uptake of multiple climate change adaptation practices among smallholder farmers in lower Eastern Kenya. Multistage sampling procedure was used to select 384 small-scale farmers. Percentage and regression were used in the analysis. Among the socio-economic factors, gender positively and significantly influenced adoption of conservation agriculture and water harvesting at 5%, respectively. Among the instit...

Gender appropriateness of field days in knowledge generation and adoption of push-pull technology in eastern Africa

Abstract: The performance of the agricultural sector in many developing countries has been rated as belowaverage, in particular the staple cereal crops whose productivity is limited by both biotic and abioticfactors. Furthermore, underperformance by the agricultural sector has in part been attributed to theinability of women to access resources, yet they represent a crucial resource in agriculture and the ruraleconomy through their roles as farmers and entrepreneurs. These challenges can be ...

Willingness to pay for an integrated pest management strategy for suppression of citrus infesting false codling moth, African citrus trioza and greening disease among citrus producers in Keny

Abstract: Citrus production in Kenya has been declining due to myriad of challenges, top among them, being pest and disease infestations, with most severe ones noted to be the African citrus triozid (ACT) and false codling moth (FCM) pests and Huanglongbing (HLB) disease. In order to strengthen citrus industry in the sub-Saharan Africa, including in Kenya, the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) and its partners are proposing an alternative strategy for addressing t...

Performance of Push–Pull Technology in Low-Fertility Soils under Conventional and Conservation Agriculture Farming Systems in Malawi

Abstract: Push–pull technology (PPT) is one of the most viable low-cost agroecological practices that reduces the effects of insect pest infestations (e.g., stemborer) and parasitic weeds (e.g., Striga) in croplands. PPT was evaluated in low-fertility soils and two farming practices, minimum-tilled conservation agriculture practice (CA), and conventionally tilled practice (CP), in contrasting agroecological zones at the Chitedze, Mbawa, and Chitala stations in Malawi. Stemborer and Striga ...