Agricultural Economics and Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

Comparative differences of whitefly-transmitted diseases between local and hybrid bean varieties in Kitui County, Kenya

Abstract: The typical dry bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, is the essential food legume for direct human consumption. They play a significant role in food security and nutrition. Despite their nutritional importance, its production growth rates have declined in Kenya due to diseases, insect pests, plant nutritional deficiencies, and drought. Therefore, this study's main objective was to determine whether there are differences in bean varieties' tolerance to whitefly transmitted viral diseases. The ...

Issues of Food Security in Kenya and Zimbabwe: Emerging Trends

Abstract: There is evidence that food insecurity has been increasing recently in Sub-Saharan Africa. The foundation of this statement is that development of agriculture can contribute both to the increase of food supply and constitute the main source for generating income, thus ensuring access to food by the greater proportion of food insecure people. This study was guided by various objectives in reviewing the global concerns and trends underlying the threat to food security. Emphasis is on...

Food Security and Devolved Governance in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions: A Case of Mandera County

Abstract: The general study objective was to assess the effect of devolved governance in strengthening food security Mandera County. The study was guided by the following research questions: How does devolved governance affect provision of credit facilities to farmers in their pursuit to supporting food security in Mandera County? What is the effect of devolved governance on capacity development of farmers in enhancing food security in Mandera County? Lastly, how does devolved governance aff...

The effects of market intelligence systems on sales revenue among French bean producers: a case study of Ol-donyo Sabuk, Machakos County, Kenya

Abstract: Businesses operate in a world in which information is more readily and publicly available than ever before. Thanks to the development of the Internet, information on market trends, legislation, customers, suppliers, competitors, distributors, product development and almost every other conceivable topic is available at the click of a mouse. Search engines, online libraries, company websites and other sources provide information in an increasingly plentiful, easy to find, and easy to...

Water column usage and environmental determinants in southern elephant seals from Marion Island

Abstract: Southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) are relatively common top predators and major consumers within the Southern Ocean. This study aimed to describe the at-sea behaviour of a small population of southern elephant seals at Marion Island and to place this behaviour into an ecological and evolutionary context. Calculations of life-time habitat use for animals from this population revealed that seals spent an average of 77.59% of their lives diving at sea, 7.06% at the sea surfac...


Abstract: Increase of agricultural production and productivity is very important to achieve the goal of food security. An efficient use of the existing resources by farm households improves their productivity and thereby increases their output. Wheat is one of the dominant crops and its productivity is low in the study area. This means that it is possible to obtain additional output from existing inputs used, if resources are properly used and efficiently allocated. This study aimed to estim...


Abstract: The study was aimed at analyzing ware potato value chain in Tiyo district. The objectives were identifying ware potato value chain actors, linkages and their roles; estimating marketing margin; identifying determinants of market participation and extent of participation; and determinants of marketing channel choices. A two-stage random sampling procedure was employed to select 126 households from 5 kebeles. The data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. The data w...

Assessment of Health and Environmental effects of Mango Integrated Fruit Fly Management Strategy in Meru County, Kenya

Abstract: Mango is among the three most imperative crops in Kenya in terms production and crop area. However, mango production is limited by a number of issues, among which pests and fungal disease infestation are major. Among the pests, mango fruit fly present a real challenge to producers due to losses incurred at the farm level. Majority of the farmers have decided to use of pesticides which have negative impacts on health and environment. To promote sustainable and environmentally friend...

Assessment of Health and Environment Effects of Mango Integrated Fruit fly Management Strategy in Meru County

Abstract: Mango is among the three most imperative crops in Kenya in terms production and crop area. However, mango production is limited by a number of issues, among which pests and fungal disease infestation are major. Among the pests, mango fruit fly present a real challenge to producers due to losses incurred at the farm level. Majority of the farmers have decided to use of pesticides which have negative impacts on health and environment. To promote sustainable and environmentally friend...