Agricultural Economics Research Papers/Topics

Adoption and Disadoption of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas (L) Lam) Production and Processing Technologies by Farmers in South-Eastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study sought to determine the adoption and disadoption of sweetpotato production and processing technologies by farmers in the South-east zone of Nigeria. The specific objectives were to: determine the level of awareness of the sweetpotato production and processing technologies among farmers in the zone; determine the extent of adoption and disadoption of the sweetpotato production and processing technologies by farmers in the zone; examine the determinants of adoption and disad...

Analysis of the Effects of Policy on the Development of Agro-Based Micro-Enterprises in the Informal Sector of Bayelsa State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to analyze the effects of policy on the development of Agro-based micro-enterprises in the informal sector of Bayelsa State of Nigeria. Structured questionnaires were used to collect data from 150 microenterprises that were randomly selected. Descriptive statistics, multiple regression, Access model and the t- statistics were employed for data analysis. Among the major findings were that the agricultural micro-enterprises span the entire agricultural sector o...

Impact of Fertilizer Policy on Crop Production in Nigeria

Abstract This study examined the impact of fertilizer policy on crop production. The various trends in fertilizer policy reform were explored. Specifically, the fertilizer policy was studied under two policy regimes: the pre-liberalization and the liberalization periods. The first period is between 1986 and 1996, which otherwise constituted the preliberalization era while the years between 1997 and 2006 make up the second period, otherwise called the liberalization era. Secondary data on the ...

Effects of Micro Credit on the Livelihood of Rural Households in Enugu State, Nigeria

Abstract Micro-credit has been identified as a sustainable and effective poverty reduction strategy that can be employed to reallocate resources to the rural active poor. The livelihood of rural dwellers is usually characterized by low potentials. It is however believed that their access to micro – credit may improve their livelihood outcomes such as income, well-being, reduced vulnerability, food security, access to social amenities, economic expansion and employment. Also, it brings addit...

Performance of Watermelon Marketing in Enugu State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study analyzed the performance of watermelon marketing in Enugu state, Nigeria. Watermelon has long been regarded as a minor crop in Nigeria and thus, has attracted little marketing research attention, in comparison to other major food and cash crops. The specific objectives were to: describe the socio-economic characteristics of watermelon marketers (wholesalers and retailers); describe the marketing channels of watermelon; examine the structure and conducts of watermelon market...

Access to Formal Credit by Farmers’ Co-Operatives in Enugu State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study examined access to formal credit by farmers’ co-operatives in Enugu State. The specific objectives were to: (i) ascertain the institutional credit guidelines which affected access to formal credit by farmers’ co-operatives in Enugu State, (ii) describe the patterns of access to credit, (iii) ascertain the extent of access to formal credit by the respondents, (iv) ascertain the factors which determined access to formal credit, (v) examine the respondents’ perceptions ...

Performance of Farmers’ Multipurpose Cooperative Societies in Enugu North Agricultural Zone of Enugu State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study examined the Performance of Farmers’ Multipurpose Cooperative Societies (FMCS) in Enugu North Agricultural zone of Enugu State, Nigeria. Purposive and proportional sampling techniques were used to collect primary data from 30 FMCS through their chairmen. The analytical techniques involved both descriptive and inferential statistics. It was revealed that 46.7% of the cooperative had between 31 and 50 members (i.e. cooperators). About 47% of FMCS had less than N 200,000.00 ...

Comparative Analysis of Technical Efficiency and Input Levels Used in Rice Production Under Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems (FMIS) and Rain fed Systems (RFS) in Kogi State

Abstract This research was designed to determine and compare the technical efficiency and input levels used in rice production under farmer managed irrigation systems (FMIS) and rain fed systems (RFS) in Kogi State. It also compared the effects of socioeconomic characteristics on the technical efficiency of farmers in the FMIS and RFS. Four null hypotheses were tested. The study was conducted in commercial rice producing areas of Kogi State. It adopted a multi stage purposive sampling techni...

Evaluation of Food Potentials of Tiger Nut Tubers and Its Product

ABSTRACT The food potentials of tigernut tubers (Cyperus esculentus) locally know as “aki awusa” in Igbo, ”aya” in Hausa and “ofio” in Yoruba were evaluated. The proximate composition of 100g of raw and processed tigernuts showed that moisture content of tigernuts ranged from 4.19 – 51.93 %, crude protein 2.61 – 10.12 %, ash 0.70 – 1.77 %, crude fibre 7.48 – 13.97 %, crude fat 10.79 – 32.06 %, and carbohydrate 22.73 – 56.85 %. Energy values ranged from 232.31- 487.15 K...

Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflow to the Agricultural Sector in Sudan (2005 – 2015)

Abstract Sudan has a fertile agricultural land, large amount of fresh water and variety of animal resources. This beside it’s distinguishable geographic location in Africa. Nevertheless Sudan is characterized by low per capita income and high dependency ratio, therefore, savings is very low in both public and private level which is constraining capital formation and economic growth, so foreign direct investment is needed to bridge the wide domestic investment- gap, but the foreign direct in...

Economic Use of Fat and Oil to Preserve Chicken Egg by Shell Coating

This study was conducted to determine the effect shea butter fat, palm kernel oil and ground nut oil on the shell strength and internal quality attributes of freshly laid eggs during storage at tropical ambient temperature. A total of 90 eggs were used. The eggs were collected from 72 weeks old black harco  fed 3.75% calcium and 16.50%  protein. The eggs were candled, divided  into three (3) treatments groups. (including the control), the eggs were treated with the fat and the oil within 2...

Causal relationship between world Oil Prices and Agricultural Productivity

This study analyzed the direction of causality between world oil prices and agricultural productivity in selected staple crops in Nigeria. This study explored analysis based on the output and input quantities of the crop sub-sector, which is the dominant sub-sector of the agricultural sector in Nigeria. Secondary data was utilized which were sourced from secondary sources such as the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and Central Bank of ...

Long run Impact of World Oil Prices on Agricultural Productivity

This study analyzed the long-run impact of world oil prices on agricultural productivity in selected staple crops in Nigeria. The analysis was based on the input and output quantities of the crop sub-sector, which is the dominant sub-sector of agriculture of Nigeria. Secondary data which were sourced from secondary sources such as the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) annual statistical bulletin were use...

Rural Farming and Development in Bukwa District Eastern Uganda

ABSTRACT The study investigated, “rural farming and development in Bukwa district, Eastern Uganda. The main reason of study was to establish the effect of rural farming on development and how It can be transformed to Improve the wellbeing of the population. The study mainly targeted the farmers. Questionnaires (Self Mmlnlstered Questionnaires) in-depth interview observation methods were used to get the required Information In which 350 respondents were Interviewed in the whole study. Primar...

Determinants of Use Intensity of Inorganic Fertilizer and Its Effect On Maize Yield Among Smallholder Maize Farmers in Northern Ghana

ABSTRACT Studies have shown that poverty rates in Northern Ghana are two to three times more than the national average. Poverty, low income generation, and chronic food insecurity remains a critical challenge among the people in this region. Smallholder farmers in northern Ghana have limited access to the assets that would facilitate a shift from low productivity subsistence farming to modern commercial agriculture. The major constraints to their livelihoods include lack of infrastructure an...

256 - 270 Of 859 Results