Agricultural Economics Research Papers/Topics

Effect Of Improved Sweet Potato Varieties On Household Food Security In Bungoma County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya’s Agricultural Sector Development Strategy (ASDS), envisions a food secure and prosperous nation with the overall goal of the agricultural sector to achieve an average growth rate of 7 percent per year. The strategy has, among others, target to reduce food insecurity by 30 percent to surpass the MDGs by the year 2015. About 60 per cent of households in western Kenya live below poverty line an indication of a high proportion of the population without adequate quantity and qua...

Economic Analysis Of Indigenous Small Ruminant Breeds In The Pastoral System: A Case Of Sheep And Goats In Marsabit District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Small ruminants provide very important genetic resources that can be exploited for continued improvements of the livelihoods of poor livestock keepers in the pastoral production system, particularly in the developing country situation, Kenya being one of them. Though important, the motivation of livestock keepers to hold and maintain particular AnGr in conditions of decreasing animal genetic resource base is imperfectly understood. Consequently, in an endeavour to improve the livelih...

Economic Cost Evaluation Of Selected Vegetable Post-Harvest Losses In Babati District Tanzania

ABSTRACT Vegetables remain an important source of nutrients in many parts of the world as they contain essential micronutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and other health-related phytochemicals. They complement staple-based diets. Economically, vegetable production and marketing has a potential of high profit, employment, income generation and increasing commercialisation of the rural areas. However, vegetables are highly perishable and as such most actors in the vegetable value chain incur hi...

Analysis Of Farmers’ Adaptation To Climatic Change In Kilimanjaro Region

ABSTRACT  This study aimed at assessing farmers’ adaptation mechanisms to climate change in Kilimanjaro region. Specifically, attention was devoted to examine farmers’ awareness and perception towards climate change; adaptation measures used and their influence on crop yield as well as factors which influence adoption of those strategies. The data were collected through household surveys and focused group discussions. A questionnaire was administered to a sample of 175 farming households...

Marketing Efficiency Of Beef Cattle Value Chain In Longido And Monduli Districts In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to analyse beef cattle value chains so as to identify potential areas for intervention in order to improve livestock keepers’ access to markets in Longido and Monduli districts in Tanzania. The study was a cross sectional design. Data were collected from 191 beef cattle value chains actors using individuals and key informant interviews. The data collected were summarized using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel. Sub-sector ma...

Empirical Analysis Of Federal Government Expenditure Policy On Agriculture In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study assessed the trend, structure, composition, determinants and effectiveness of Federal Government agricultural expenditure policies and the implications of these policies from 1960- 98.The study covered the Nigerian nation and used federal level time series data to achieve the set down objectives. The primary analytical method consisted of descriptive analysis, appropriate pictorial diagrams, line and pie charts. Stationarity, co – integration /error correction model (ecm...

Effects Of Participation In Limid Programme On Household Welfare Of Small Stock Producers In Boteti Sub-District, Botswana

ABSTRACT The study was generally intended to estimate the effectiveness of Livestock Management and Infrastructure Development (LIMID) programme in improving the welfare of the rural poor in Boteti Sub-District Botswana. Specifically, the study was carried to determine the main challenges encountered by small stock producers during and after application for LIMID programme, and further determine the factors influencing the decision of rural farmers to participate in the LIMID programme and f...

An Assessment Of Dry Beans Market Integration In Selected Markets In Kenya

ABSTRACT The agriculture sector in Kenya has put in place several strategies to ensure availability and access to food by all people. Market efficiency is one of the strategies that ensure effective movement of food commodities from surplus to deficit regions through market integration. This study assessed dry beans movement across Nairobi, Nakuru, Eldoret and Kitale markets. The main objective of the study was to contribute to knowledge towards monitoring prices of food staples between surp...

Market Participation And Its Effect On Employment And Food Access Within Households Of Smallholder Women Farmers In Rwanda

ABSTRACT Agricultural transformation is key to poverty reduction and food security in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). In Rwanda, transformation efforts have been focused on increasing smallholder farmers’ participation in agricultural markets, with a purpose to shift them from subsistence to market-oriented production. In spite of this, subsistence farming is still dominant, involving more women than men and little is known on the progress of these farmers towards market orientation. This study ...

Influence Of Social Networks On Agricultural Commercialization: Case Of Tissue Culture Banana In Murang’a County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Information asymmetry has been recognized as a major impediment to small holder agricultural commercialization in most parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Theoretical and empirical studies in economics and sociology argue that social networks are the most persuasive source of information about new products and behaviours, but governments in developing countries continue to rely on extension services, usually a set of external agents, to communicate with farmers about new technologies. Mixe...

Analysis Of Structure, Conduct And Performance Of Cow Milk Market In Sululta Woreda, Ethiopia

ABSTRACT Ethiopia’s economy is based on subsistence agriculture accounting for 40% of the gross domestic product (GDP). Livestock production contributes 30-35% of the gross domestic product and more than 85% of farm cash income. In this respect, milk production plays a major role in the livelihoods of Ethiopians and it accounts for 19% of the export earnings in the country. In relation to this, Oromia region contributes 40% of the country’s milk production. Despite this importance, milk ...

Analysis Of Resource Use In Smallholder Food Crop Production At River Njoro Watershed, Kenya

ABSTRACT This research explores how small-scale farmers in River Njoro Watershed in Kenya allocate resources to production of the main food crops in order to understand the underlying causes of enterprise productivity differentials. The River Njoro watershed stretches from the Mau forest to Lake Nakuru; it is part of the on-going research under the Sustainable Management of Watersheds (SUMAWA), Collaborative Research Support Programme (CRSP). The study was done in the five locations that fall...

Evaluation Of Milk Marketing By Sahiwal Farmers Of Kajiado And Narok Counties: Deteminants Of Participation, Outlets Choice Decision And Prices

ABSTRACT To improve pastoralists’ livelihoods, Sahiwal cattle breed, resilient and dual purpose in nature with the benefits of both improved milk and beef production and better adapted to harsh conditions in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) were introduced by Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) now Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO). With potential expected increase in milk production, the market profiles are likely to change, yet the underlying factors...

Determinants Of Adoption Of Shade Coffee Technology And The Role Of Agroforestry In The Productivity And Profitability Of Coffee In Imenti South District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Agro-forestry has continued to receive increasing attention from researchers and policy makers especially in coffee farming systems but there is lack of sufficient evidence on its role in productivity and profitability of coffee farming in Kenya. There is also lack of empirical evidence on whether factors that influence adoption of shade technology have the same effect on productivity and profitability of coffee. The general objective of the study was to examine the adoption of agro...

Analysis Of Production And Marketing Potential For Paprika As An Alternative Crop To Tobacco In Urambo District,Tabora Tanzania

ABSTRACT Tobacco has been the most important traditional cash crop in Urambo district since. But 1960s, the production of tobacco in the district has been declining due to world market price. Due to this price decline, farmers have now shifted to paprika production. The economic benefit of tobacco vis a vis paprika production in Urambo district has not yet been exploited. This study describes and analyses two crop production systems namely tobacco and paprika growers. Specifically, the objec...

376 - 390 Of 859 Results