Agricultural Economics Research Papers/Topics

Assessment Of Factors Influencing The Use Of Icts In Accessing Market Information Among Smallholder Rice Farmers In Kilombero District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in agriculture have the potential to facilitate greater access to market information and it can connect the rural poor farmers with well-established markets. The aim of this study was to assess the factors influencing the use of Information and Communication Technologies in accessing market information among smallholder farmers in Kilombero District. A cross-sectional research design was used and data were collected using structured ...

Traditional Irrigation Systems And Livelihoods Of Smallholder Farmers In Same Distrct, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  This study presents the impact of traditional irrigation on the household livelihood in Same district, Kilimanjaro region. The overall objective of this study was to assess the contribution of traditional irrigation systems to the well-being of smallholder farmers. The specific objective was to examine the contribution of traditional irrigation in improving household food security and income; determine the profitability of crop production enterprises with and without traditional ir...

Farm Livelihood Impact Of Apron Star 42 Ws – Dressed Bean Seeds And Its Commercialization Viability In Mbeya And Mbozi Districts, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Commercializing subsistence agriculture is essential for improving the smallholder farmers‟ productivity in Sub-Saharan African countries including Tanzania. However, without the adoption of productivity-enhancing technologies such as improved seeds, the realization of such an improvement is inevitable. Arguably, for smallholder farmers to adopt new technologies, they need to feel their impact on their livelihoods. This study assesses the adoption, commercialization and impact of...

Aggregate Acreage Response Of Cashew Nut And Sesame To Commodity Price And Non Price Factors In Southeastern Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating the impact of price and non-price factors on cashew and sesame acreage in Nachingwea and Mtwara rural Districts. Growth rates analyses were also conducted through linearlized exponential growth model to trace the trends for area, yield (productivity) and production of the two crops for the period 1995-2010. The general trend showed positive growth rates in area, yield and production, but with few exceptions. Meanwhile, the logarithmic functional for...

A Comparative Economic Analysis Of Tobacco And Groundnut Farming: A Case Study Of Urambo District, Tabora Region

ABSTRACT Tobacco farming is well established as the traditional cash crop in Tabora region. However, in recent years, groundnut is one among the cash crops which have been introduced in the area as an alternative source of income for smallholder farmers. Using 2007/2008 cropping season survey and the data from 121 randomly selected smallholder farmers from three villages, this study provides a comparative economic analysis for tobacco and groundnut farming systems. The analysis of quantitati...

Effects Of The Benue Adp’s Cassava Production Technologies On The Productivity And Incomes Of Women Farmers In Benue State, Nigeria

Abstract This research work was carried out to assess the effects of the Benue ADP’s cassava production technologies on the production and incomes of women farmers in Benue State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to identify and describe the cassava production technologies available in the study area; to describe the socio-economic characteristics o f cassava women farmers in the study area and determine their effect correspondents productivity and incomes; to determine and compa...

Economic Assessment Of The Warehouse Receipt System For Cashew Nut Marketing In Mtwara Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study to assess the economics of the Warehouse Receipts System (WRS) for cashew nut marketing was conducted in the Mtwara region, in southern Tanzania. Three districts namely: Masasi, Newala, and Nanyumbu were randomly selected. A cross-sectional survey was conducted to collect primary data from 90 farmers, 30 primary cooperative societies, three bank institutions, six exporters, six processors, and three input suppliers. Secondary data were secured from CBT, TANECU, MAMCU, MDC,...

Contribution Of Agricultural Marketing Co-Operatives (Amcos) In Poverty Alleviation: A Case Study Of Cashew Nut Farmers In Mtwara Region

ABSTRACT This study assesses the contribution of Agricultural Marketing Co-operatives (AMCOS) in poverty reduction to cashew nut farmers. The study was conducted in the Mtwara region, in southern Tanzania. The two Divisions of Newala District namely Newala and Kitangari were purposefully selected followed by a random selection of seven wards. A cross-sectional survey was conducted to collect primary data from 200 farmers, and seven Agriculture Marketing Cooperative Societies. Secondary data ...

Analysis Of Factors Affecting Foreign Direct Investment Flows Into Agricultural Sector In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Global economy, trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) has grown by approximately 20 times since 1980. Developing countries receive about a third of world FDI inflows. Tanzania has been receiving an average of US $ 489 million FDI inflows for the past 10 years. Sectoral distribution of Tanzanian FDI favors mining, trade and manufacturing sectors. However agriculture sector, which contributes about 26% of GDP in 2008 and employs 74% of the population, is among the sectors receivin...

Determinants And Effectiveness Of Collective Action In Cocoa Marketing Among Small Scale Producers In Kyela District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Farmer’ organisations are seen as key vehicles to achieve intensification and increased market orientation of the smallholder farm sector; however there are contradicting reports regarding the effectiveness of these farmer organisations to achieve these goals. In the study, the role of collective action on cocoa marketing among rural smallholder farmers in Kyela District was analyzed. Cross-sectional household data were used to analyze the effect of farmer group membership on inco...

Economic Analysis Of Contract Farming For Small-Scale Tobacco Producers In Songea District, Ruvuma Region

ABSTRACT  This study analyses the performance of small-scale-tobacco producers under contract farming system and farmer characteristics that influences tobacco production in Songea district. The Specific objectives were: (i) To examine the cost and return of tobacco small-scale farmers under contract farming scheme in the study area; (ii) To assess the influence of contract farming characteristics on tobacco production; (iii) To examine the resource use efficiency in contract farming; (iv) T...

Economic Impact Of Contract Farming On Income Of Smallholder Farmers: Case Study Of Paprika Contract Farming In Mbozi District-Tanzania

ABSTRACT  This study provides empirical evidence on economic impact of contract farming on the income of smallholder farmers of non traditional crops. Specifically it analyses the requirements for farmers’ participation, factors that determine income and effect of paprika contract farming on household income and identifies constraints and prospects of contract farming. A cross section research design was adopted and a purposeful sampling procedure was used to select villages and wards and ...

Rural- Urban Complementarities (Ruc) In Tanzania: Analysis Of Savings And Credit Services At Kibaigwa In Kongwa District

ABSTRACT The study was carried out in Kibaigwa Township and immediate hinterlands at Kongwa district. The specific objective of the study were to: identify and characterize savings and credit services in the study area; assess rural-urban linkages between Kibaigwa emerging urban centre and immediate rural areas and to determine the role of savings and credit on development of Kibaigwa urban centre. Primary data were collected using structured questionnaire administered to 120 respondents. Mi...

Analysis Of Production And Marketing Of Irish Potato In Mbulu And Babati Districts In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Mbulu and Babati are among the districts that produce Irish potatoes in Tanzania. The crop is important in the two districts for household food security and income because it takes a short period to mature compared to other crops like maize. The present study intended to fill the information gap related to the reason behind the low production of Irish potatoes in Mbulu and Babati districts. The specific objectives of the study were: to determine factors affecting production of Irish...

Economic Analysis Of Cassava Processing And Marketing Kogi State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT This research work examined the economics of processed cassava products and marketing in Kogi East of Kogi State, Nigeria. Among other objectives the study sorts to: identify and describe different processing/marketing channels of selected the value added chain in cassava processing, and describe the constraints’ seriousness in cassava processing/marketing in the study area. A multistage purposive and random sampling technique was used to select 120 cassava processors/marketers wh...

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