Agricultural Extension And Rural Development Research Papers/Topics

Consumers Demand For Traditionally Processed Cashewnuts: A Case Of Morogoro And Coast Region -Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was carried out in Morogoro and Coast Regions. The study used a crosssectional research design where data was collected from a sample of 80 consumers and 30 sellers using structured questionnaire. Also survey methods including personal observations and key informants was used to obtained necessary information. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and linear regression analysis was adopted by using S...

Members’ Participation And Financial Performance Of Wheat Producers’ Cooperative Societies In Southern Ethiopia

ABSTRACT Currently, cooperative enterprises in Ethiopia are growing in terms of numbers and membership. However, despite growing policy attention and researchers‟ interest on cooperatives, the issue of members‟ participation, in relation to performance of cooperatives has not been adequately addressed. The overall objective of this study was to determine the influence members‟ participation in their cooperative financial performance of cooperatives. The study used a cross-sectional rese...

Contribution Of Women’s Income Generating Activities To Household Income In Kigoma Urban District, Kigoma Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study presents the findings on the contribution of women’s income generating activities (IGAs) to the household income in Kigoma Urban District. The overall objective of the study was to assess the extent to which women’s IGAs contributed to household income. The specific objectives were: to identify types of IGAs undertaken by women in the study area, determine contribution of women’s IGAs to the household income, and lastly to determine factors affecting performance of w...

Harmonizing The Factors Constraining Accessibility Of Credit To Women Entreprenuers In Tanzania: A Case Of Morogoro District

ABSTRACT The study on harmonizing the factors constraining accessibility of credit to women entrepreneurs was conducted in two divisions namely: Mikese in Morogoro rural and Morogoro urban districts. The objective of the study was to establish different scenarios that harmonize factors limiting accessibility of credit to women. The study involved 103 respondents who were credit beneficiaries from three types of financial institutions; the Formal Financial Institution (FFI), Semi-formal Financ...

Perceived Effect Of Corruption On The Quality Of Public Health Services In Mbeya Urban District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Corruption is a concern in all sectors of the economy,and it is a critical problem in the health sector.Nevertheless, there is little empirical evidence which shows the way corruption affects the quality ofhealth services.The main objective of this study was to determine the perceived effect of corruption on the quality of public health services.The study was conducted in Mbeya Urban District and it adopted a cross-sectional research design. Quantitative and qualitative and data were...

Land Use Plan And Farmers-Pastoralists Conflict In Mvomero District: It’s Implications On Household Food Production

ABSTRACT This research has been done in Mvomero District to examine the effects of land use plan on farmers-pastoralists conflict and its implication on food production at the household. Specifically, the study examining people’s attitude towards land use plan, assessing effects of land use plan on farmers-pastoralists land conflict between and to examining the effects of land use plan programme on household food production. A cross section research design was adopted. Systematic random sam...

Contribution Of Rural Electrification To Household Income In Moshi District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Tanzania is among the countries with lower rural electrification rates. It is estimated that less than five percent of the rural population are using grid electricity services. This study assesses the contribution of rural electrification to household income in Moshi District, Tanzania. Specifically, the study aimed at identifying income generating activities undertaken using grid electricity, assessing the contribution of grid to household income as well as identifying the challenge...

Social Influence On Continuation Of Adopted Agricultural Technologies: A Case Of Hima Project Kilolo District

ABSTRACT This study was set to investigate social influence on continuation of adopted agricultural technologies in Ukwega and Mtitu wards of Kilolo District, Iringa Region. Specifically the study aimed at identifying innovations currently used after HIMA project, determining whether social influence was responsible for continued use of agricultural technologies and assessing socio-economic characteristics of household influencing adoption and continued use of adopted agricultural technologie...

Parents’ Participation In Adolescents’ Home Based Hiv/Aids Prevention Education: A Case Study Of Musoma Municipality, Mara Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Whenever a discussion on AIDS comes up one cannot escape talking about sexuality issues. Education and communication are currently the only weapons we have against HIV/AIDS. Communication and information can help to fight HIV/AIDS by changing young people’s behaviour through protective education schemes. Communication between parents and their children about sex is often difficult. Although most adults want youth to know about how to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infec...

Assessment Of Students’ Academic Performance Under Secondary Education Development Plan (Sedp I) Implementation: The Case Of Nyamagana District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to assess students’ academic performance under Secondary Education Development Plan (SEDP I) implementation in Nyamagana District, Tanzania. Data were collected using both structured and non-structured interviews. Field observations and secondary data supplemented the data collected using questionnaires. Purposive sampling procedure was used to select 5 schools that were in place before and after SEDP 1 implementation. At the school level, 12 teachers and 8 ...

Land Tenure System And Income Poverty Reduction Among Female Headed Households In Morogoro District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was three-fold; to determine the land tenure system existing in Morogoro District, to assess the perception of female headed households (FHHs) on the existing land tenure system and to determine income poverty status among FHHs based on existing land tenure systems. The study used a cross-sectional research design; data was collected from 160 FHHs using a structured questionnaire in Matombo, Mkuyuni and Mikese divisions. This study only used primary data, ...

Local Government Authority Support To Informal Sector And Performance Of The Sector In Tanzania: A Case Of Food Vending In Songea Rural And Urban Districts

ABSTRACT The study for this dissertation was done to assess Local Government Authority (LGA) support to food vendors in Songea Rural and Urban Districts. The sample comprised 120 food vendors both men and women. Data were collected using a questionnaire with open-ended and close-ended questions and analyzed using SPSS. The findings showed that the food types vended were those locally available like maize stiff porridge, and rice served together with beans, meat, fish and green vegetables. Loa...

Energy Sources For Cooking And The Determinants Of Their Choices In Rural Areas Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Continued use of traditional sources of energy for cooking in rural areas of Tanzania is associated with human health problems such as lung diseases and environmental problems including soil erosion and air pollution. This paper aimed at determining the types of energy sources used for cooking and the determinants of their choices in rural areas of Tanzania. Cross-sectional survey research design through questionnaires was used to collect data from 384 heads of households from rura...

Influence Of Information Access On Adoption Of Improved Sweetpotato Varieties In Migori County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Sweetpotato (Ipomea batatas) (L) Lam is a root crop and the seventh most important food crop after wheat, rice, maize, potato, barley and cassava in Sub- Saharan Africa and in Kenya. It is rich in carbohydrate offering a cheap source of energy and vitamins for health and nutritional benefits especially orange fleshed varieties. Improved sweetpotato varieties were disseminated by different institutions and organization in Migori County from 2014 to avail clean planting vines for farmi...

Why the search for global newsflow balance should begin at home

Abstract: In the clamour for a new world information and communication order (NV/ICO), extensive scholarly attention has been given to international disparities and their effects. But national and domestic issues have only been mentioned, when at ail, in passing. This article attempts to investigate the possibility of there being a domestic dimension to the world imbalance. The daily news bulletins of four Nigerian broadcast stations were monitored for three months and analysed. The result sh...

226 - 240 Of 308 Results