Agronomy Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Water Stress On Antioxidant Activity And Phenolic Contents Of African Nightshades And Their Distribution In Kisii And Siaya Counties Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Drought is a major abiotic factor limiting crop productivity in many regions of the world. It causes reduction in plant growth, dry matter accumulation and decline in plant water status of the plants and in certain cases interferes with biochemical processes within cultivated crops. The aim of the study was to map out the distribution of different African Nightshade species in Siaya and Kisii Counties of Kenya and to determine water stress effect on total antioxidant capacity and tot...

Ultraviolet Radiation And Selenium Nutrition On Yield, Biochemical Composition And Sensory Quality Of Selected Tea Varieties In Kericho County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Ultraviolet (UVB) radiation (280–315 nm) and interaction with Selenium (Se) have potential promoting plant tolerance to UVB stress in plants and modify metabolites that influence taste and functional properties of tea. The objectives of this study were to assess sensitivity of two tea varieties to ambient solar UVB radiation and Selenium nutrition on 1) yield components,2) secondary metabolites, antioxidant activity, theanine and mineral composition of tea and 3) non-aerated (gree...

Effects Of Nitrogen Fertilizer On Yields And Quality Of Selected Rice Varieties At Mwea Irrigation Scheme, Kirinyaga County, Kenya

Rice is a staple food and the main source of calories and proteins for more than half of the world population. Its increasing demand in Africa made it a commodity for food security and poverty reduction. Rice ranks third in Kenya’s staple food after maize and wheat. Its consumption has been growing rapidly due to urbanization and changing eating habits in both rural and urban households. In 2014, local rice production was estimated at 129,000 metric tonnes, while consumption was 548,00...

Effect Of Withholding Irrigation Water After Complete Heading On Rice Yield And Seed Quality In Mwea, Kirinyaga County-Kenya

ABSTRACT Rice is considered main source of calories and protein especially in many countries of Africa as it constitutes a major part of the diet. It is steadily becoming a major staple food for many households in Kenya as annual consumption has increased by 12 % for rice; compared with 4% for wheat and 1% for maize hence, increasing its productivity is paramount, as eating habits changes especially among the youth. Threat of climate change continues to impede agricultural activities, resulti...

Effects Of Phosphate Rates On Nitrogen Uptake, Growth, Yield And Quality Of Finger Millet In Busia, Kakamega And Makueni Counties

ABSTRACT Finger millet (Eleusine coracana) is an important subsistence cereal grain grown mainly in the relatively marginal and dry areas of Kenya. The crop has particular relevance in food security as it is more resilient to abiotic and biotic stresses than other cereals and even fetches higher prices in the market. It provides valuable sources of minerals and nutrients and is recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers and infants. However, productions of the crop both in hectareage and yi...

Soybean (Glycine Max) Response To Rhizobia Inoculation As Influenced By Soil Nitrogen Levels

ABSTRACT Inoculation of soybean (Glycine max) is an efficient and convenient way of introducing rhizobia to soil and subsequently the rhizosphere of the crop. However, its full potential in sub-Saharan Africa is yet to be realized due to effects of varying soil limiting conditions. Critical levels of nitrogen (N) below and above which response is not guaranteed are unknown. The objective of the study was to determine the critical range of N outside which response to inoculation is hindered. ...

Effect Of Vine Lengthon Growth, Yield And Nutrient Concentrationof Sweet Yellow Passion Fruits (Passiflora Edulis Var. Flavicarpa) In Embu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Sweet yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa) is widely gaining adoption in Kenya, emerging as an important high market value horticultural crop. However, its current yields are low due to poor agronomic practices among other reasons. The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of vine length on growth, yield and nutrient concentration of sweet yellow passion fruits in Embu County and evaluating orchard management practices for sweet yellow passion frui...

Effects Of Phosphorus Deficiency On Secondary Metabolites And Distribution Of African Nightshade In Siaya And Kisii Counties, Kenya

ABSTRACT African Indigenous Vegetables form an integral part of the Kenyan diets, among the most commonly consumed being the African nightshade. These vegetables contain important phenolics that have medicinal values and good health attributes. The abundance of these phenolic substances has strongly been associated with phosphorus use efficiency. In order to investigate the effect of phosphorus stress on African nightshade distribution, a purposive research was done from February 2014 on 70 ...

Tillage, Crop Residue And Inorganic Nitrogen Effects On Crop Yields, Soil Carbon And Nitrogen In Kirimari Ward In Embu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT  Integration of crop residues, inorganic N and appropriate tillage system is an important strategy for improving soil fertility, enhancing crop yields and reducing food insecurity. Such integration under zero tillage systems could enhance soil structural development and nutrient management hence mitigating against soil impoverishment through nitrogen and carbon losses. Crop residues combined with inorganic N in zero tillage results to a controlled immobilization-mineralization proce...

Influence Of One And Two Node Cuttings On Rapid Vegetatively Propagated Infilling Tea (Camellia Sinesis) Plants

ABSTRACT The tea industry in Kenya is rural-based and provides a livelihood to over three million people. Tea is grown in prime agricultural land and can be potentially productive for 100 years if well managed. Peak yields under optimal management are obtained at 20–40 years after planting only if gaps that arise due to factors such as lightening, pests, diseases, unfavorable climatic conditions and incorrect pruning are taken care of through an elaborate infilling program and use of appro...

Evaluation Of Nutrient Management For Improved Nitrogen Use And Agronomic Efficiencies In Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) In Kisumu, Busia And Kirinyaga Counties, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Nitrogen is a major mineral nutrient limiting growth, development and production of crops in Kenya. The cost of production is way beyond the purchasing power of smallholder farmers, coupled with the low availability of nitrogen in the soil has significantly contributed to the reduction in rice productivity in Kenya. In rice growing regions, including Busia, Kisumu and Kirinyaga counties, there is evidence of pollution due to high losses of N experienced from agricultural fields. Redu...

Identification And Characterization Of Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor (L.) Moench) Landraces And Improvement Of On-Farm Seed Production In Eastern Kenya

ABSTRACT Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is an under-utilized crop that is tolerant to drought, flooding, saline-alkaline, infertile soils and high temperature. Farmers maintain landraces through preference selection and obtain seed from different sources. Local germplasm provides greater genetic variability and may provide useful traits to broaden the genetic base. Decline in use may erode the genetic base, preventing use of distinctive traits in crop adaptation and improvement w...

Evaluation Of Fertilizer Formulations On Soil Chemical Properties, Growth, Yield And Quality Of Sugarcane Variety (Ken 83-737) In Kakamega County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Low sugarcane productivity has persisted in Western Kenya where most of the crop is grown. A study conducted by Kenya Sugar Research Institute in January 2011 at, Nyando Sugar Zone indicated that sugarcane yields were varied based on fertilizer type applied to the crop. Average sugarcane yield was 64 tones/ha as opposed to a potential yield of more than 100 tones/ha under rain-fed conditions. Declining soil fertility and lack of critical nutrients in fertilizer formulations applied t...

Effects Of Leaf Extracts, Organic, Inorganic Fertilizers On Soil Ph, Growth, Soil Macronutrients, Beta-Carotene Of Amaranthus In Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Soil is a significant reservoir for plant nutrients and hence necessary for plant growth. Soil pH is a very important chemical property of the soil, as it dictates the availability of plant nutrients. Low soil pH reduces soil nutrients. Some of the factors leading to acid soils include continuous cultivation of soil due to scarcity of arable land, excessive use of inorganic fertilizers, climate change and deforestation. Reclamation of acidic soils includes addition of lime which...

Effects Of Calcium, Potassium And Water Stress On Growth, Yield And Quality Of Different Tomato Varieties In Mandera County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is well known regarding its quality and nutritional value all over the world but imbalances of fertilizer nutrients severely affect its quality. If exposed to stresess, either biotic (organisms) or abiotic (arising from imbalances of environmental factors) e.g water; growth and productivity is affected. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of calcium and potassium on yield and quality responses in two different tomato varieties under ...

136 - 150 Of 236 Results