Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Papers/Topics

A Comparison of the Growth of the Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus, Linnaeus, 1758) Fingerlings Fed with Blue Crown® And Skretting® Commercial Feeds

ABSTRACTA comparison of the growth of the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)fingerlings fed with Blue crown® and Skretting® commercial feeds was studiedfor a period of 8 weeks. A total of sixty fingerlings of Oreochromis niloticuswere used. The treatments showed significant difference (p0.05)between   the   two   feeds.  Some   water   quality   parameters   assessed   during   theexperiment indicated that only the dissolved oxygen was significantly differentbetween the two treatments (p

Determination Of Thermal Tolerance, Density And Distribution Of The Mangrove Crabs, Perisesarma Guttatum (Sesarmidae) And Uca Urvillei (Ocypodidae) At Gazi-Bay, Kenya

Abstract Mangrove crabs are important in ecosystem functioning including; bioturbation of the soil resulting in soil particle size distribution, sediment aeration, reduction in sediment salinity and nutrient recycling and thus are fundamental for the viability of mangrove forests which are in turn important to the coastal communities’ livelihoods. Mangroves are intertidal forested wetlands confined to the tropical and subtropical regions. They play important role as habitat for animals, pro...

Nutrient Composition of Trachurus trachurus (Atlantic Horse Mackerel) Smoked With Sawdust and Different Fire Woods (Dialium guineensis AND Pentaclethra macrophylla)

ABSTRACT Trachurus trachurus (Atlantic horse mackerel) was smoked with two different fire woods Di'alium guineensis and Pentaclethra macrohylla and sawdust using a traditional smoking kiln and a constructed sawdust stove sited in the fish farm of Michael Okpara University of agriculture Umudike. The frozen fish sample was weighed, eviscerated and washed properly with clean water. During smoking the temperature of the heat was taken, duration of smoking period was also noted in smoking p...

Chemical Analysis and Nutritional Assessment of Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. (Jack Fruit) Defatted Seeds used as Additive in Feed for Clarias gariepinus post juveniles

Abstract A 49-day feeding trial was carried out with feeds supplemented with microgram quantities of the defatted seeds of Artocarpus heterophyllus in the diets of Clarias gariepinus at the post juveinile stage. Five diets at 40% crude protein were formulated containing 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60x106 µg DAH seed as additive. Each dietary treatment was replicated three times with 10 fish per replicate. Proximate composition of the defatted seed showed that it was rich in protein, carbohydrate and ...

Assessment of Genetic Structure of Clarias Gariepinus, Burchell, 1822 Population in Asejire Lake

Abstract Wild brood-stock is a major genetic reservoir for sustainable culture of Clarias gariepinus. This has been observed to be declining in major freshwater dams in Nigeria. There is inadequate information on factors responsible for this decline and their effects on genetic structuring of the fish resources in these dams. This study therefore investigated genetic structure of C. gariepinus in relation to environmental condition of Asejire Dam.    The Dam was spatially divided into Oyo...

Economic Efficiency Of Fishing Among Marine And Lagoon Artisanal Fisherfolks In Lagos State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Fishing is a major source of livelihood for rural and peri-urban communities along coastal waters. The operation of artisanal fisherfolks is threatened by increasing overfishing of inshore waters, inadequate credit facilities, insufficient fishing input subsidies and inadequate extension services. These had negative implications on their efficiency hence their well-being.  In order to enhance their performance, the efficiency of the fisherfolks, profitability and challenges were ex...

The Effect of Walnut (Tetracarpidium conophorum) Leaf and Onion (Allium cepa) Bulb Residues on the Growth Performance and Nutrient Utilization of Clarias gariepinus Juveniles

Abstract Feeding trial were conducted in experimental tanks (50 x 34 x 27 cm) to assess the growth responses and nutrient utilization of Walnut Leaf (WL) and Onion Bulb (OB) residues in Clarias gariepinus. Nine experimental diets: control (0%), OB2 (0.5%), OB3 (1.0%), OB4 (1.5%), OB5 (2.0%), WL6 (0.5%), WL7 (1.0%), WL8 (1.5%) and WL9 (2.0%) were formulated and replicated thrice at 40% crude protein. Fish (mean weight 7.39±0.02 g and length 10.37±1.24 cm) were fed twice daily at 3% body wei...

Epidemiology Of Edwardsiella Infections In Farmed Fish In Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A cross sectional study was undertaken from November 2016 to April 2017 to find out whether Edwardsiella infections exist in farmed fish in Morogoro. The prevalence of infection, risk factors and fish haematological parameters were established. A total of 270 fish were sampled from 24 ponds. Each fish was clinically examined and aseptically swabs of kidney, liver and spleen and pond water were collected for bacteriology. Bacteria were cultured onto Tryptic soya agar and Salmonella-S...

Chemical Analysis and Nutritional Assessment of Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. (Jack Fruit) Defatted Seeds used as Additive in Feed for Clarias gariepinus post juveniles

Abstract A 49-day feeding trial was carried out with feeds supplemented with microgram quantities of the defatted seeds of Artocarpus heterophyllus in the diets of Clarias gariepinus at the post juveinile stage. Five diets at 40% crude protein were formulated containing 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60x106 µg DAH seed as additive. Each dietary treatment was replicated three times with 10 fish per replicate. Proximate composition of the defatted seed showed that it was rich in protein, carbohydrate ...

Assessment Of Trace Metals Pollution Along The Central Namibian Marine Coastline: Using Choromytilus Meridionalis (Black Mussel) As Indicator Organisms

ABSTRACT This study was carried out at four stations along the Central Namibian marine coastline towns (Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, Henties Bay and Cape Cross) to assess trace metals pollution using Choromytilus meridionalis as indicator organism. Samples were collected using randomized sampling techniques during winter and summer months of 2012. EPA 3050B and ICP-OES protocols were used to digest and assimilate the samples. Data were analysed using a 4x2x3 factorial model of a completely random...

Stock Separation Of The Shallow-Water Hake Merluccius Capensis In The Benguela Using Otolith Shape Analysis And Parasite Infestation

Abstract The fishing industry is an important sector in Namibia with hake contributing about one third of the total commercial catch. Merluccius capensis, the shallow water hake, forms the bulk of this resource. Studies on the distribution of spawners and juveniles, spawning areas and genetics have proposed three stock structure hypotheses of M. capensis in the Benguela: (1) one stock throughout, (2) one in the northern and one in the southern Benguela or (3) three stocks: one in the norther...

Analysis Of Marine Biotoxins: Paralytic And Lipophilic Shellfish Toxins In Mussels (Mytilus Galloprovincialis) Along The Namibian Coastline

Abstract The study was carried out along the Namibian coastline, this includes Henties Bay, Swakopmund, Bird Island, Walvis Bay and Lüderitz to assess presence of shellfish marine biotoxins in mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis which are filter feeders and feed on some of the algal species that produces phycotoxins, that can negatively affect the mariculture industry and human health. Samples were analysed for Paralytic and lipophilic shellfish toxins; including environmental parameters and ...

Trophic Relationships Of Shallow Water Cape Hake (Merluccius Capensis) And Cape Horse Mackerel (Trachurus Capensis) In The Northern Benguela Ecosystem

ABSTRACT Shallow water Cape hake (Merluccius capensis) and Cape horse mackerel (Trachurus capensis) are ecologically and commercially important species in the northern Benguela ecosystem (Namibia). The understanding of their trophic relationships is however still limited. In this study stable isotope measurements [carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N)] of their muscles and stomach contents were used to investigate their feeding interactions. Understanding the feeding interactions of these two s...

Ecto- And Endo-Parasites Of Silver Kob (Argyrosomus Inodorus) From Northern Namibia (21° - 24°S)

Abstract The silver kob (Argyrosomus inodorus) has been identified as a candidate species for finfish culture due to its outstanding qualities. There is little information available on the health of this species, especially parasite infestation that can pose a threat to fish cultivation and therefore to the success of mariculture. This study was thus designed to provide information on parasites that are affecting this species. Silver kob were collected monthly (2017–2018 for 11 months) usin...

Evaluation of nile tilapia (oreochromis niloticus, linnaeus 1758) fingerling production at the aquaculture demonstration centre - ashaiman, ghana.

ABSTRACT The Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) fingerling production is important for the continual expansion of the global tilapia aquaculture. This study evaluated the Akosombo Strain Nile tilapia fingerling production at the Aquaculture Demonstration CentreAshaiman, Ghana. A total of 1350 female brooders of mean weight 150.7±41.8 g and 450 males of mean weight 218.6±63.1 g were stocked into nine outdoor concrete tanks of size 50 m2 each in a sex ratio of 3:1 respectiv...

16 - 30 Of 109 Results