Fisheries and Wildlife Management Research Papers/Topics

Preliminary Study On Administrative Performance, Animals Care And Visitors Interest Satisfaction In Kuku Zoo

ABSTRACT A preliminary study was carried out in Kuku Zoo on administrative performance, animal welcare, and visitor interest satisfaction towards the services rendered to them in the Zoo. The study was conducted in the period (2-31 December, 2018). The methods used are three questionnaire forms distributed randomly to the Zoo administration personnel's, Zoo worker and Zoo visitors (30 forms for each), in addition to daily direct observations of animals cages or enclosures and feeding quality...

Evaluation Of The Additions Gum Arabic On The Growth Performance Indices Of Mix-Sex Tilapia O. Niloticus Fingerlings

ABSTRACT This experiment was conducted in the Fisheries lab of the Sudan University of Science and Technology during the period from 6 July to 7 September 2015 .The objective of the study was evaluate the effect of feeding graded levels of diets contained gum Arabicon the growth performance of Oreochromis niloticacus fingerlings. A total of 150 tilapia were randomly assigned to five dietary treatments (0, 3, 6, 9, and 12% gum Arabic), each treatment was composed of three replicates (10 fish...

Trend Of Trophy Hunting In Tanzania: Case Study Of Six Species In Selous Game Reserve

ABSTRACT Selous Game Reserve (SGR) is the most important destination for trophy hunting in Tanzania. Assessment of the trend of trophy hunting and its role in conservation was conducted for a 10-year period (2001-2010) using buffalo, elephant, greater kudu, impala, leopard and lion. The main objective was to assess ecological sustainability of trophy hunting and its role in wildlife conservation in Tanzania. Data were collected from secondary sources, including SGR trophy hunting database, t...

Impacts Of Human Activities On The Conservation Of Igandoigawa Wildlife Corridor In Njombe And Mbarali Districts, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Wildlife corridors are features connecting two or more otherwise isolated patches of habitat and are among the areas of land affected by human activities. Corridors are much affected because in most cases they are not legally protected. This study assessed the impacts of human activities on the conservation of Igando-Igawa wildlife corridor in Mbarali and Njombe Districts. Specifically, the study determined socio-economic and cultural activities, the level of human disturbances to ...

Insect Abundance And Food Intake By Agama Mwanzae In Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The kopjes of Serengeti National Park, can be considered to be an understudied ecosystem although harbours a diverse distinct flora and fauna; even basic information such as knowledge about the food of Agama mwanzae is unknown. Thus, the study involved the investigation of the spatial and seasonal variation of insect abundance and agama food intake in the grass plain kopjes of Serengeti National Park. The insects were sampled by pitfall, sweep net and tray traps monthly within one y...

Contribution Of Tourism In Improving The Livelihoods Of The Communities In The Uluguru And Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Tourism is the fastest growing industry and the largest in the world in terms of contribution to the Gross Domestic Product, and second after agriculture for providing employment. However, there is a paucity of information on how tourism improves the livelihood of the communities living in the Uluguru and Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania. This study therefore sought to contribute some information to fill the existing knowledge gap. The study was conducted in four villages, namely Nugu...

Effects Of Vegetation Burning On The Foraging Strategy Of Waterbuck, Wildebeest And Reedbuck In A Moist Savanna Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT Savannah grasslands are occupied by large mammal herbivores whose ecological separation between and within each guild have resulted to different foraging strategies and preference for forage differing in attributes to reduce competition between them. Therefore, the current study aimed at: 1) measuring the relative use of burnt and non-burnt areas by waterbuck, wildebeest and reedbuck, and their possible shifts between the two patches over time; 2) assessing forage characteristics in...

Abundance, Distribution And Conservation Threats Of African Wild Dog (Lycaon Pictus) In The Loliondo Game Controlled Area, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Assessment of abundance, distribution and conservation threats to African wild dogs was conducted in Loliondo Game Controlled Area (LGCA), northern Tanzania. Specifically, the study focused on determining population size and structure, spatial distribution, attitudes of local people towards wild dogs and wild dog conservation and threats impacting the species. Semi-structured interviews, diurnal random searches, internal and external examinations of wild dogs carcasses examined and...

Rodent Diversity And Habitat Association In Handeni Hill Forest Reserve, North Eastern Tanzania

ABSTRACT The distribution and diversity of rodents is influenced by various factors such as vegetation characteristics, climatic conditions, disease, predation and habitat modification due to anthropogenic activities and food abundance. This study was conducted in Handeni Hill Forest Reserve from November 2018 to March 2019 with the aim of assessing the influence of habitat characteristics on the abundance and distribution of rodent species. Four permanent grids of 70 m by 70 m with 49 Sherm...

Rural Women Accessibility To Water Resources And Their Resilience To The Resources Variability: Case Study Of Muheza District, Tanga Region

ABSTRACT  The geographic location, landscape nature and hydrology make Muheza District the base catchment for Tanga, Korogwe, Pangani and Handeni Districts. Considering this, the study on how rural women in the face of climate change and anthropogenic activities on one hand, and national water policies and the Millennium Goals on the other, access water resources and manage its variability was executed. The district was represented by five purposefully selected villages namely, Kwelumbizi, K...

Assessment Of Illegal Bushmeat Using High Thoroughput Molecular Tools In Transboundary Villages Bordering Serengeti Ecosystem In Tarime District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Detection of illegal bush-meat in Africa has over the years relied on morphological identification technique, which is less effective due to post-hunting procedures. Therefore, the current study aimed at assessing bush-meat dynamics in trans-boundary areas of Tanzania and Kenya in the western part of Serengeti ecosystem. A cross-sectional design with two different methodologies was used. First, semi-structured questionnaires were administered to collect information on socio-demograph...

The Impact Of Human Activities On Wildlife In Kwakuchinja Migratory Corridor - Tarangire/Manyara Ecosystem (Tme), Northern Tanzania

BSTRACT Human population growth in areas bordering protected areas is high and has become a serious threat to the management of wildlife all over Africa. Local communities around the protected areas conduct illegal activities which are destructive to habitats and threatens wildlife migratory corridor. Furthermore, there is a local extinction of five species of large mammals in the Kwakuchinja. This study therefore focused on assessment of impacts of human activities on wildlife in the Kwakuch...