Fisheries Research Papers/Topics

Nutritional Composition Of Wild And Hormone Sex Reversed Nile Tilapia(Oreochromis Niloticus)

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to evaluate the nutritional composition through analysis of wild and hormone treated Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. The fifteen samples of each wild and sex reversed were measured. The mean weight of wild species samples were (225.9 ± 19.9 g), while sex reversed samples were (169.9±46.3 g) with, significant difference (𝑝 < 0.05). The result of chemical composition presented was as mean percentage to moisture, Fat, Crude protein and Ash all which c...

Impact Of Fish Introduction In Al Rahad Turda - North Kordofan - On Local Communities Development

Abstract The present study was conducted at Al Rahad Turda North Kordofan State. The main target of this study was to investigate the impact of fish introduction in Al Rahad turda on the development of the local community mainly the impact on the fisher men and fishing activity, the impact on market mediators and fish marketing and to study the impact on fish consumption .For data collection three questionnaires were designed for fishermen, market mediators and final consumers. Descriptive a...

The Role of Fisheries' Marketing Extension on Development of Nile Fisheries' Production and Marketing Case study of Fishermen and Merchants in Almorda Market – Omdurman Locality – Khartoum St

Abstract The purpose of the study was to study the role of fisheries' marketing extention on development of nile fisheries' production and marketing for fishermen and merchants in Almorda fish market in Omdurman Locality in Khartoum State. To achieve this purpose adescriptive analytical approach was used to collect the field data. And A systemic random sampling approach was used to select a sample size of 100 Respondents (50 fishermen and 50 merchant( in Almorda Fish Market in Khartoum State...

Some Fisheries Biological Aspects For Two Fish Species In Khashm El. Girba Reservoir

Abstract The data used in This study was collected from Khashum El Girba during the period (November 2016 to December 2017) to show the variation in the total landings for major fish species, to estimate the length - weight relationships O. niloticus and L. niloticus with the condition factor and to indicate the spawning seasons of O. niloticus and L. niloticus depending on the (b) values from the length - weight Relationships . The Total landings during study period show the highest landing...

Quality Attributes, Minerals and VitaminsContents Of FishPatties

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to assess the effect of fish species and water environment on chemical, physical, mineral, vitamin and organoleptic properties of fish patties Malpetrauselectriccus(A) and Tetradonfahaka(B), which were usedin the study. Samples were collected from three different water environments River Nile, White Nile and Blue Nile. After collected the fresh fish patties were formulated as two groups(A and B) . The chemical analysis showed that, the protein, moisture, ash...

Fish Nutrition and the Economic Way to Feed Fish

BACKGROUND The aim of most farmers has always been to 1 maximize their gains and break even within the shortest possible period. However, no healthy animal can develop optimally without being adequately well fed. Fish are normally fed collectively without special monitoring of individual fish feeding behaviour or agility. Thus, it must be ensured that an adequate quantity of feed is served periodically without (much) wastage. Feed may be served based on an estimated fish biomass (total body w...

Assessment of Mineral Composition of Molluscan Shells in South-Eastern Nigeria

Standard methods of analysis were used to determine the mineral and nutrient content of the molluscan shells. The mean and variance of each nutrient were determined. The shells contained high percentage of calcium of 12.35 to 15.07% (13.90±0,26) sodium 0.10 to 1.55% (0.705±0,16) magnesium 0.10 to 1.02% (0.44±0.009) phosphorus 0.18 to 0.63 (0.35±0.005) potassium 0.003 to 0.021% (0.012±0.002). The molluscan shells also has large proportions of crude protein with values of 1.49-3.76% (2.32...

Growth Responses of Oreochromis nilotleus (L.) Fed Diets Containing Mucuna Meal at Different Inclusion Levels

ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to assess the potential for including mucuna meal as a partial replacement for locally available fish meal in diets for Oreochromis niloticus (L.). Seven groups o± fish were fed prescribe diets at 4% body weight once a day for 56 days. The water temperature and p remained essentially the same during the experiment at 29°C and 6.8 respectively. Fish meal was the only source of supplemental protein in the control rati(i.e diet 1). Diets 2, 3 and 4 had part ...

Induced Breeding Of The African Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus Burchell, 1822) Under Varying Brood Stock Ratios Using Ovaprim

ABSTRACT Modern methods of producing African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fingerlings require that the male brooder is sacrificed to obtain milt for artificial fertilization of the eggs stripped from the female under hormonal induction. The objective of this research was to study the semi artificial technique of producing catfish larvae with different brood stock ratios using Ovaprim. The experiment was made up of three (3) treatment groups and each treatment had three (3) replicates each. T...

Evaluation of Farm-Made and Commercial Fish Diets for Hapa Culture of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) in Ghana

ABSTRACT One of the major constraints to aquaculture development and expansion in Ghana is affordable nutritionally balanced and cost effective fish diet. Although some fish farmers produce their own farm-made fish diets, these diets do not meet the nutritional requirements of the cultured fish as the farmers do not follow the appropriate feed formulation protocol. This study was carried out to generate information on the commercial fish diets and feed ingredients currently used by small-scal...

Growth Response of Pink Shrimp Penaeus notialis (Perez Far Fante) to Protein enhanced Diets

Artificial feeds of different protein levels (20%, 30% and 40%) were formulated and prepared using locally available Agro Industrial By-Products (AIBPs) such as wheat bran, soybean meal, groundnut cake, fish meal, premix and cassava starch. Prepared feeds were fed to three populations of Penaeus notialis Post Larval Shrimps (PLs) under semi-intensive pond conditions for a 24 week culture period. PLs were fed a daily ration administered six hourly at the rate of 10%, 8%, 6%, 4%, and 2%, b...


The outbreak of disease in fish farming has become a worldwide problem. The aquaculture industry in Ghana has seen a major rise in the rate of fish mortality in recent times with significant economic losses. New and emerging diseases maybe associated with these mortalities including the rusty brown spot recorded on cultured Oreochromis niloticus (Nile tilapia). However, there is no much information on the pathological agents associated with the condition. The rusty brown spots have been ...

Studies On Abundance Of Jellyfish In Beach Seine Landings Along The Coast Of Greater Accra Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in three landing villages along the coast of Greater Accra Region of Ghana, namely; Ada, La and Bortianor from November 2018 to April 2019. The purpose of the study was to assess the abundance of jellyfish in beach seine landings. Biological data was obtained primarily from local fishermen who deployed beach seine net. The jellyfish families that were encountered were four in number and a total of 2,676 individuals from 72 beach seine hauls. These were; Catost...

A Comparative Study Of Reproductive And Early Life Growth Performance Of Three Stocks of The African Catfish, Clarias Gariepinus, (BURCHELL, 1822) In Ghana

ABSTRACT A comparative study was carried out into the reproductive and early life growth performance of three stocks of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) in Ghana under pond culture system at Aquaculture Research and Development Center (ARDEC) in Akosombo in the Eastern Region from January, 2009 to October, 2009. Broodstocks of C. gariepinus were collected from Kumah Farms in Kumasi (Ashanti Region), the Pacific Farms in Ashaiman (Greater Accra Region) and ARDEC at Akos...

Department Of Marine And Fisheries Sciences University Of Ghana, Legon

ABSTRACT The decreasing availability and increasing cost of fishmeal have called for efforts in evaluating wide varieties of relatively lower cost ingredients that could partially or wholly replace fishmeal. The Black Soldier Fly (BSF), Hermetian illucens larvae hold potential in this regard due to their high protein and fat contents. This study was conducted at the BSF Centre of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, Accra, and Aquaculture Research and Development Centre at Akosombo, to evaluat...

16 - 30 Of 47 Results