Plant Physiology and Crop Ecology Research Papers/Topics

Carbon Sequestration Potential Of Rehabilitated And Natural Forest Sites Of Bamburi Cement Limited, Mombasa County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Deforestation in the tropical regions accounts for approximately 20% of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to the atmosphere. Restoration of mined areas through afforestation/reforestation (A/R) can potentially capture large quantities of atmospheric carbon dioxide if appropriate management strategies are applied. This will help reduce the rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere. The key challenge for successful implementation of A/R carbon project is the unreliable estimation of biomass ca...

The Effect Of Invasive Species Lantana Camara On Soil Chemistry At Ol- Donyo Sabuk National Park, Kenya

ABSTRACT Invasive species are a major ecological and management concern in natural ecosystems and pose a threat to many of Kenya’s protected areas. Invasive plant species compete and hybridize with native species often to the disadvantage of the native species. Invasion can lead to the phasing out of native species and loss of ecosystem services such as water filtration, soil stabilization, and pest control. They may also result in reduction of wildlife forage or death of animals when they ...

Assessment Of The Potential For Sport Hunting Of Gamebirds With Special Emphasis On Guineafowls In Laikipia District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate potential for rural communities in arid and semi-arid areas to derive economic benefit from hunting of gamebirds, specifically the guineafowls. In order to achieve this, it is important to have knowledge on guineafowl ecology and population dynamics; particularly how environmental conditions which vary in space and over time, influence their population dynamics. The study focussed on two sympatric species of guineafowl in Laikipia district, Kenya. Th...

Spatial Distribution Of Opuntia Stricta (Haworth) In Tsavo East National Park, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya has experienced biological invasions some of which are considered to have significant consequences on the socio-economic status of affected communities. At the ecosystem level, they change community structure and composition. Available data on invasive species in the East African region shows that 34 different species of invasive plants have invaded Kenya. Notable examples of invasive species include Opuntia stricta (Haw) and water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). This res...

Assessment Of Water Quality Status Of River Kibisi, Kenya Using The Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera And Trichoptera (Ept) Index

Abstract The term water quality is applied universally to refer to the water status that meets the universal standards set for legitimate and vital water use at any scale i.e. local, regional and international levels (WHO, 2000). The evolution of the term water quality has been due to the expansion of water requirements and ability to measure and interpret water characteristics. The definition of water quality depends on the factors that determine it, and other variables that affect the natur...

Impact Of Habitat Moderation By Weir Installation On Invertebrate And Fish Communities In Rivers Awach–Seme (Kenya) And Nambale (Uganda

ABSTRACT The Lake Victoria Basin (LVB) rivers and streams once rich in biodiversity have been undergoing degradation over the years resulting in decline in fish productivity. Studies have mainly focused on large rivers in Kenya and Uganda. Impacts of habitat alteration by weir installation as a river management tool are lacking. This study aimed at comparing the limnological responses of Rivers Awach Seme (Kenya) and Nambale (Uganda), after weir installation. Data was collected monthly for si...

Ecological Factors Influencing Distribution Patterns Of Three Aristida Species And Their Associated Species In Kifuko Ranch, Laikipia County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Species of Aristida are a common component of rangelands of Northern Kenya. They provide high value pasture to livestock, especially during their young stage of growth. The ecological data relating to the distribution of Aristida species at a local scale is scanty. The objectives of this research were; to assess the distribution patterns of the three Aristida species occurring at Kifuko ranch during wet and dry seasons, to determine plant species associated with the three species of ...

Effects Of Bischofia Javanica (Bishopwood) On Stand Structure And Species Diversity In Natural And Planted Vegetation Types In Kakamega Forest, Kenya

ABSTRACT Recent studies have indicated that Bischofia javanica Blume (Euphorbiaceae), a tree species that was introduced in Kakamega forest as a restoration species in the early 1960s, is gradually recruiting and dominating its secondary and plantation forest stands. It is not clear whether this is a transitional succession process or a permanent takeover of the forest. The species has been reported to be invasive in other parts of the world such as Bonin forest and Oceanic Islands in West P...

Human Use Of Forest Trees And Its Impact On Tree Diversity And Abundance In Chemususu Forest, Baringo County, Kenya

ABSTRACT  Trees provide both direct and indirect benefits to humans, who depend on them for their livelihoods. Forest ecosystems are vulnerable to over-utilization and exploitation due to the sensitivity of its complex and highly diverse ecosystem. The aim of the study was to determine the human impact on tree species diversity, abundance, plant population structure and uses of forest trees by local communities adjacent to Chemususu forest Reserve in Koibatek Sub-County, Baringo County. Ques...

Fish Species Community Structure Of Rivers Awach Seme And Kisian In Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya Before And After Wire Installation

ABSTRACT Populations of riverine fishes have been on a continuing decline since the early 1970s. This has been attributed to channeling, destruction of riparian vegetation, agricultural and industrial pollution, hydrologic alterations, introduction and invasion of exotic fish species, illegal methods of fishing such as the use of herbs and nets with small mesh sizes and other anthropogenic factors. Estimates from throughout the globe suggest that 75 to 95 percent of riverine habitats are deg...

Effects Of Weir Installation On Water Quality And Macroinvertebrate Community Structure Of Two Rivers In Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya

ABSTRACT Riverine benthic communities play a crucial role in trophic relationships by providing major sources of energy to economically and ecologically important fishes. With the declining production of the Lake Victoria fisheries, the importance of surrounding rivers as sources of fish will continuously increase. There is therefore need to refocus the management of the riverine ecosystems in order to improve their fisheries production, particularly concerning their natural fish food product...

The Influence Of Soil Water Content And Nitrogen Supply On Growth, Yield And Polyphenol Content Of Selected Tea [Camellia Sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze] Clones In Kenya

ABSRACT Tea is a major foreign exchange earner in Kenya and it accounts for about 24% of the total value of the domestic exports for the last 10 years. The sector employs 10% of Kenya’s population directly and indirectly, and contributes to infrastructural development which includes construction of schools and health facilities, rural access roads and rural industries. However, tea suffers frequent droughts with significant yield decline, often accompanied by plant deaths, a condition which...

Response Of Spk 004 To Meloidogyne Species Infestation And Impact Of Sweet Potato Management Practices On Nematofauna In Mwea, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is an important food crop consumed throughout Africa. However, sweet potato yields are greatly reduced by pests including plant parasitic nematodes. Management of nematodes in sweet potato fields in Kenya has mainly been through the use of nematicides and crop rotation which have limitations. The use of resistant sweet potato cultivars along with other low-cost organic amendments is the most economical, effective, and environmentally safe method of m...

Response Of Spk 004 To Meloidogyne Species Infestation And Impact Of Sweet Potato Management Practices On Nematofauna In Mwea, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION................................................................................................................ i DEDICATION................................................................................................................... ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................... iii LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................

Phytoplankton Composition, Growth Rates And Oil Production Potential Of Fast Growing Species From Lake Naivasha And Water Reservoirs At Embu University College

ABSTRACT The demand for non-renewable fossil fuel has greatly increased in the last few years from 84 million barrels of fossil fuel per day in 1980’s to over 100 million barrels per day in 1990. To supplement this demand, research on alternative sources has been going on since 1960’s in different parts of the world. Among the alternative sources, the phytoplanktons have shown great promise due to their high oil yield in comparison to energy crops. In Kenya, despite the occurrence of high...

16 - 30 Of 45 Results