ABSTRACT Staphylococcus aureus is a predominant pathogen isolated from diabetic foot ulcers. In recent years, complications-related to diabetic foot infections has increased due to increased incidence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Management of these infections requires appropriate antibiotic selection on the basis of culture and susceptibility test results. Although diabetes is among the top ten causes of mortality in Vihiga, most public hospitals in Kenya do not isolate and conduct anti...
ABSTRACT Female refugees have been presented by many scholars as vulnerable to psychosocial problems during their journey to exile and upon resettlement where they would have sought sanctuary. The researcher is intrigued to employ a different perspective by researching on positive aspects of female refugees optimal functioning and their coping strategies amidst risk and protective factors to their psychological wellbeing. Psychological wellbeing will take an eclectic and ecological perspectiv...
ABSTRACT Background: Transmission of HIV from pregnant mothers to their children is a key route of HIV transmission in Nigeria. Nigeria contributes up to 30% of the global PMTCT gap and coverage of PMTCT services has however remained low at less than 19% - falling short of both the universal access and National Strategic Plan targets. The current study intends to identify factors underlying the low uptake of PMTCT interventions in Abia state. Method: The study was conducted in ten out of the...
ABSTRACT The study was conducted to examine yam production and its contribution to household income and food security in Zabzugu
ABSTRACT The study looked at Apprenticeship Training and Human Resource Development in the Tamale Metropolis, a case study in the automobile industry. In Ghana apprenticeship training in the informal sector is mostly practical based and the duration of the trade can take from months to years depending on the type of trade. The most common trades are tailoring, blacksmithing, metalwork, carpentry, masonry, and automobile mechanics. Some characteristics in the apprenticeship training in Ghana ...