Graduate Studies Research Papers/Topics

Endogenous Levels Of Cytokinins In Ageing Cucumber Cotyledons

ABSTRACT ENDOGENOUS LEVELS OF CYTOKININS IN AGEING CUCUMBER COTYLEDONS John A.G. Poku, M.Sc. University of Guelph, 1974 Supervisor: Professor R.A. Fletcher There are several procedures for isolating cytokinins which involve a number of steps including extraction, solvent fractionation and column or paper chromatography. Various combinations of these procedures were tried in an attempt to isolate cytokinins from cucumber cotyledons. It was found that with this tissue it was preferable to omit ...

Production Of Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L) Pre-Basic Seed Through Tissue Culture In Katibougou, Mali

ABSTRACT In Mali, the main problems limiting the productivity and production of potatoes is the nonavailability of quality seeds in adequate quantities and at affordable prices for the farmers. To meet quantity and quality requirements for potato seeds in Mali, this study proposes to undertake two experiments to improve the techniques adopted in the IPR/IFRA plant biotechnology laboratory in Mali. The evaluation of the effects of three (3) concentrations of coconut water and two (2) concentra...

The Effect Of Plant Water Potential On Nitrogen Fixation Of Soybeans

THE EFFECT OF PLANT WATER POTENTLAL ON NITROGEN FIXATION OF SOYBEANS John Nene-Osom Azu, M.Sc. Supervisor: University of Guelph, 1975 Professor J.W. Tanner Field experiments at two sites, Elora and Arkell,were conducted to investigate the effect of plant water potential on the nitrogen fixation of two soybean cultivars, Vansoy and Anoka. The treatments were Vansoy and Anoka both under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions. The acetylene reduction technique was employed to estimate nitrogen f...

Integrated Control Of The Alfalfa Weevil, Hypera Postica (Gyllenhal) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), In Ontario

ABSTRACT INTEGRATED CONTROL OF THE ALFALFA WEEVIL, HYPERA POSTICA (GYLLENHAL) (COLEOPTERA: CURCULIONIDAE), IN ONTARIO John F. Abu, Ph.D. Supervisor: University of Guelph, 1976 Professor C.R. Ellis The distribution of the established parasitoids of the alfalfa weevil, Hypera postica (Gyllenhal) in western Ontario was determined during 1973 to 1975. Potasson luna (Girault), a parasitoid of eggs, was found in 13 out of 17 counties surveyed, but parasitism was only 0.7-17-0$. Tetrastichus incertu...

Effect of Maturity on Dry Matter Accumulation and Quality of Forage from Natural Grassland and Three Introduced Grasses in the Accra Plains, Ghana

ABSTRACT EFFECT OF MATURITY ON DRY MATTER ACCUMULATION AND QUALITY OF FORAGE FROM NATURAL GRASSLAND AND THREE INTRODUCED GRASSES IN THE ACCRA PLAINS, GHANA Francis Kwasivie Fianu, Supervisor: University of Guelph, 1977 Dr. J.E. Winch Two studies were conducted in Legon, Ghana, in 1974 and- 1975 to characterize the dry matter accumulation and quality of a natural grassland sward (dominated by Sporobolus and Heteropogon) and of introduced giant star grass (Cynodon plectostachyus (k . Sc...