Mass Communication Research Papers/Topics

The Role Of Fm Radio In Promoting Children’s Rights In Mukono Municipality. A Case Study Of Dunamis Radio 103.0

ABSTRACTThe research on fm radio in promoting children’s rights in Mukono “was conducted in MukonoMunicipality in Mukono district found in central part of Uganda. The research involved 110respondents who included. 15 human rights activists, 30 children, 20 parents both male andfemale 10 journalists, 5 political leaders and 30 community members. The research was guidedby research objectives which involved; finding out role of the radio in promoting children’srights in Mukono, finding out...

Mass Media In Promoting Of Children’s Rights In Uganda Acase Study Of Bukedde Tv In Kabalagala In Makindye East

ABSTRACT The study was carried out in Kabalagala, Makindye Division- Kampala district. It was intended to examine the role of mass media in promoting of children’s rights in Uganda, the main objectives of the study were to the to examine the causes of child abuse in Uganda. to examine the role of Mass 1\4edia in Advocating for Children’s Right, to examine the challenges faced by Mass Media in Advocating.for Children’s Right and lastly to examine measure taken to.solve the challenges fac...

The Role Of The Broadcast Media In Aids Awareness Campaign Among The Youth In Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration .................................................................................. . Dedication .................................................................................... 11 Acknowledgement.......................................................................... 111 Table of Contents........................................................................... 1v CHAPTER ONE ....................................................................................

Assessment Of The Influence Of Joint Ownership On The Broadcast Stations: A Case Study Of Radio West Mbarara,

ABSTRACT The general objective of the study was to determine the effect of joint ownership on the broad cast stations in Uganda, to determine the level of joint ownership in the media industry, to determine the level performance of broadcast stations and to determine the relationship between joint ownership and broad cast stations in Uganda. The findings of the study revealed that there is a high level of joint ownership in the media industry as respondents agreed to all the statements that w...

Role Of Television In Achieving Education Goal In Kawempe Division A Case Study Of Ubc Television.

ABSTRACTThis study was on impact of television on education case study of Ubc Tv in Kampala. The overall aim was to examine ~ff~ct of television on education, identify the challenges faced by television s as a source of education infOrmation and establish solution to challenges which affects televisions and ,the overarching research question was what is the role of television on education? what is the effect of television on education? What are the challenges faced by&nbsp...

The Impact Of Liberalisation On Public Media Content: A Case Study Of Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (Ubc Tv)

ABSTRACTThe study on the impact of liberalization on public media content was conducted at Uganda Broadcasting Corporation, Kampala. The study was guided by research objectives which included; establishing the types of the programs aired by Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (UBC-TV); examining the quality of media content being produced by UBC-TV; and establishing the impact of liberalization of the media in the society.On establishing the types of the programs aired by...

Examining Mass Media Reports In Highlighting The Orphans In Uganda A Case Study Of Uweso

ABSTRACTThe study examined the "Examining the challenges faced by UWESO toward the welfare of orphans. A case study of Rakai orphanage centre Uganda. The study was carried out at Rakai orphanage centre in Kakuuto County located in Rakui district in central Uganda.The study achieved the following objectives; to examine the achievements of UWESO towards the welfare of orphans in Uganda, to recommend policies to improve on UWESO operation, in Uganda, to examine the challenges face...

An Assesment Of The Role Of Media In Political Change And Election Transtion In Kenya.

ABSTRACT The aim of this research disse1iation is to identify the role of media dming political change and in election transition. Media has an impact on people and can influence them , positively or negatively, the extent which it can influence depends on how journalist wodcing in the media presents information or news data. In the nm up to the December 2007 general election in Kenya, the media played a key role in promoting images of different political readers and their paiiies, most polit...

The Role Of The Media In Stopping The Use Of Child Soldiers Case Study: Northern Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ..................................................................................... .i DEDICATION ....................................................................................... .ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................... .iii ABBREVIATIONS: ................................................................................ .iv DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS .............................................................

The Role Of Print Media In Promoting Awareness On Positive Measures Against Breast Cancer: A Case Study Of Nakawa Division

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Nakawa Division and it examined the role of print media in promoting awareness on positive measures against breast cancer; a case study of Nakawa Division, whose aim was to have achieved through these specific objectives: identifying the types of print media used in creating awareness on preventive measures against breast cancer in Nakawa Division, examining the contribution of print media in creating awareness on preventive measures against breast cancer, ...

Role Of The Media In Promoting Democracy And Human Rights In Uganda

ABSTRACT A strong democratic society will be marked by respect for human rights which includes freedom of press, right to vote and be elected at genuine and periodic elections, freedom of assembly and association, good governance among others. This study was therefore carried out to determine the role of the media in promoting democracy and human rights in Uganda. The study used cross-sectional design due to limited time of study. It took a quantitative approach because it involved use of str...

Role Of Mass Media On Academic Performance Of Universal Primary Education (Upe) Schools A Case Study Of Kampala

ABSRACT The study examined the role of mass media on academic performance of primary schools a case study Kampala. The study achieved the following objectives, to examine the role played by mass media in promoting primary education, to examine the challenges faced by primary schools in Uganda to examine government programs aimed at promoting primary education. There fore the findings were based on the above objectives. Data was collected from a sample of 90 respondents in using self administe...

The Role Of Public Relations In Customer Retention Within The Telecommunication Industry A Case Study On (Mtn) Uganda Limited

ABSTRACTThe study focused on an analysis of the Role of Public Relations in customer retention on the telephone service provision of Mobile Telecommunication Network (MTN) Uganda limited. The objectives of the study were; to investigate whether public relations plays a role in customer retention within the businesses that applies it, to examine a clear relationship between customerlanguage a company uses and the retention of customers, examine the relationship between thecompan...

Challenges Facing The Independent Media In Uganda A Case Study Of The Daily Monitor

ABSTRACTThis study considered the challenges facing the independent media in Uganda and in particular The Daily monitor. First, the study reviewed the history of the independent media and the obstacles and challenges they faced. It singled out the challenges as being economic, political and constitutional. The paper then presents some evidence on how independent media tackles these challenges and under what circumstances they are experienced.Collection of data wa...

Contribution of Print Media in Forest Conservation Case Study: Daily Nation Newspaper (Kenya)

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .................................................................................... iAPPROVAL.......................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ....................................................................................... iiiACKN'"OWLEDGEMENT.. .. . . . • .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . • . . . .• . .• . •. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. ivLIST OF TABLES .....

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