Peace and Conflict Studies Research Papers/Topics

Boundary and resource conflict between Kisii and Nyamira counties at Keroka town (1963-2017

Abstract/Overview Daily interaction of society members in a given locality depends on their level of acceptance and recognition of one another as distinct and unique individuals. Thus, coexistence of communities in disregard to administrative boundaries, clans or ethnicities is quite instrumental in realizing the goal of development. However, the introduction of devolved units of government in Kenya since 2013 following the promulgation of the 2010 constitution has generated politicized r...

Boundary establishment and its influence on pastoral resource conflict between the Pokot and Karamojong since 1902

Abstract/Overview International boundaries remain finite lines of divisions by which national geopolitical space is delineated and contained. This understanding is based on territoriality and sovereignty of each state denoting what is internal and external to the state. The thrust of this paper is that the establishment of the international boundary between Kenya and Uganda not only split or separated pastoral communities that hitherto lived together but has contributed in fueling cross b...

Factors, Actors And Strategies of Insurgent Groups in the Middle East: A Case Study of the Houthi Movement in Yemen 2004 - 2014

Abstract: This research explores the case study of one prominent insurgent group in the Middle East: the Houthi movement. There is limited research available on the strategies insurgent groups employ and factors that influence these non-state actors to attain their goals. The research examines three key areas of the Houthi movement: the factors, the actors and the strategies that enabled it to achieve its objectives. Yemen has struggled with various other insurgent groups in recent history. ...

Sustainable solutions in management of refugees in IDPs

This research paper examined the sustainable solutions in management of refugees in IDPs it emphasis on solution oriented approach and the responsibility of the State in the protection of IDPs,  This paper focuses on this topic, which employ human needs theory and this helps to explain the work better it also gives recommendation which includes: (1) Humanitarian actors have an important role to play in post-conflict peace-building.(2) The Nigerian government should fight corruption and ensur...