Peace and Conflict Studies Research Papers/Topics

Conflict in Somalia: Drivers and Dynamics (1969-2006)

Abstract: Somalia has been without a functioning central government since January 1991, when the military regime collapsed and civil war among clan militias broke out. During the subsequent decade, de facto decentralization of political power largely along clan lines has occurred, with varying degrees of territorial control achieved by militia leaders and local administrations in different areas of the country. The study focuses on the factors and dynamics at play in the Somalia conflict by ...

International Dynamics of Internal Conflict: The Role of Slavery in the Liberian Conflict (1820 to 2003)

Abstract: Almost every internal war has an external component. Some external effects are purposive, where external actors aid and abet internal factions and governments. There are cases, however, of purposive international action that have prevented, mitigated, resolved, or managed internal conflicts. International response to conflict has always presented new dynamics to an existing conflict. The role of a variety of international actors, including individuals, states, international organiz...

United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: A Case Study of Rwanda Peace Support Operations (2004 – 2012)

Abstract: Despite the failure of the United Nations (UN) to stop the 1994 Genocide, Rwanda has been actively participating in peacekeeping operations under the African Union (AU) and United Nations (UN) efforts in Sudan and troubled countries since August 2004. This study will mainly focus on three important variables through which Rwandan Defence Forces (RDF) largely originate its great success in peacekeeping missions. This study examines the role of UN peacekeeping mission in Rwandan conf...

Child Protection and Conflict in Africa: A Case Analysis of Children Associated With Armed Conflict in the Horn and the Great Lakes Regions of Africa

Abstract: This paper seeks to investigate child protection/child rights in armed conflicts in the HOA and GLRA. By establishing the principles of child protection during armed conflict, the study tries to establish a conclusive analysis on the plight of CAAC in the HOA and the GLRA. In addition, the study aims at investigating the extent of the execution and implementation of child rights in armed conflict in the HOA and the GLRA, and also it aims at examining the prospect involvement of chi...

Impact of Isiolo International Airport Project on Resource-Based Conflict in Kenya: The Case of Borana in Isiolo County, 2017-2020

Abstract: Isiolo County has experienced conflict over a long time. The conflict could be best described as resource based as it has always involved one or more of the resources that the local population has been competing over, which ranges from water, pasture and land among others. Currently, there is a great flurry of land speculation and illegal acquisition where by national and county government to address resource-based conflict is expected. The study sought to investigate the impact of...

Assessing the Operationalisation of Triple Nexus in Protracted Crisis; A Case Study of South Sudan (2017-2022)

Abstract: Many communities have been thrust into humanitarian crises as the number and complexity of conflicts have increased. Despite the supply of humanitarian aid, conditions worsen, and conflicts recur. As a result, the United Nations, and its partners, including NGOs, civil society, and local or national government actors, have been compelled to employ new approaches to offer long-term solutions - the triple nexus. It specifically refers to efforts in the humanitarian, development, and ...

Reintegration of Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone from 2002 to 2021

Abstract: The use of child soldiers in West Africa has been a longstanding problem, particularly in countries affected by conflict and political instability. Children as young as 7 years old have been recruited into armed groups and used to carry out a range of activities, including combat, intelligence gathering, and forced labor. Sierra Leone is one of the West African states that faced a decade-long civil war. The use of child soldiers was a common problem in Sierra Leone's civil war, and...

The Role of Youth in Peacebuilding in the Horn of Africa with Possibility for the Establishment of the IGAD Youth Special Envoy

Abstract: The predominant image of youth with regards to peace and conflict is often negative, meaning that they are often seen as major actors when it comes to violence. Much research has tended to focus on the role of youth in violence promotion. Youth are often neglected in post-conflict reconstruction activities since it is not clear who they are. Definitions of youth are context-dependent. The trend in research is increasingly on the need to target youth since their capacities can easil...

The Role and Strategies used by Women in Conflict Management and Peacebuilding in Kenya: A Case Study of Kibera Constituency, Nairobi County (2007-2020)

Abstract: Violent conflict in Sub-Saharan Mica has been responsible for direct and indirect deaths of civilians during and after general elections. Most countries embroiled in post-election violence arc characterized by poverty, inadequate service provision, poor governance, and political instability. Violence inflicts suffering on all persons in a country, however, women are particularly more affected. During conflict women are sexually assaulted, used as tools of war: victimized, alienated...

The Effects of Government Policies on the Escalation of Terrorism: The Case of Somalia

Abstract: The rise of terrorist organizations has become a threat to African countries, for most nations have fallen due to terrorism. This situation has become worse in Somalia where terror organizations have taken over the nation due to its government policies and local conflicts. Terror organizations target such nations, for they do not possess the measures to combat organized crime or terrorism. This thesis sought to study how terror organizations manipulate local African conflicts and t...

Fragility and Regional Conflict Resolution in West Africa: An Analysis of Ecomog’s Motivation to Intervene in Liberia & Sierra Leone

Abstract: The math objective of this thesis was to examine the drivers of fragility within the West African conflict zone and the motivation of ECOMOG to intervene in both Liberia and Sierra Leone to resolve internal conflicts using regional peacekeeping arrangements. This study was guided by the following study objectives: To determine the drivers of fragility in West African conflict zone, to analyze the motivation of ECOMOG's intervention in Liberia and Sierra Leone conflict and to evalua...

The Implications of Land Resource Conflict on Communal Peace in Nandi and Narok Counties in Kenya from 1980-2019

Abstract: The study explored the implication of land resource conflict on communal peace in Nandi and Narok counties. Land resource conflict are not new in Kenya and have drastic impact on communal peace. The study's objective was to examine the implications of land resource conflict on communal peace, socio-economic and political factors attributed to the conflict and legal challenges therein. The legal and institutional challenges for land resource conflict. The study used two theories to ...

Assessing the Impact of the Arusha Peace and Reconciliation Agreement in the Burundi Conflict

Abstract: The period following the Second World War was marked by a surge of intra-state conflicts on the African continent, and studies show that there have been more than thirty wars recorded in Africa since 1970 (Nhema, 2008). Burundi, a landlocked country located in East-Central Africa was of no exception. Since its independence in 1962, Burundi has been plagued by series of inter-ethnic conflicts caused by political instability and ethnic violence. The population of Burundi is made of t...

Determinants of Resource Based Conflicts in Kenya: A Case of Turkana and Pokot Conflict 1964-2019

Abstract: Ethnic conflicts over natural resources have been evident in Africa since time immemorial and this has affected the livelihood of many communities. The North Rift of Kenya is no exception to this, as communities face harsh climatic conditions leading to scarcity of resources that capacitates conflicts. This research looked at the determinants of resource based conflicts between the Pokot and Turkana communities who practice pastoralism as their main livelihood. The determinants wer...

Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration in Practice: An Investigation of Its Process on Ex-Combatants in the Post-2005 South Sudan

Abstract: Many studies have been carried out on post-conflict disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) in many countries including the Republic of South Sudan. However, to this date, there is no comprehensive literature or empirical data on the process of DDR on the Sudan People’s Liberation Army. Since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2005 up to date, there has not been sustainable peace in the world’s nascent state. This vexes the mind as if the world neg...

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