Philosophy Research Papers/Topics


Marxism coveys the genuine nature of suffering even today. Thus, one can say that Marxist perspective in sociology is still an effective method for examining societies. This is a must read for all. Request for complete work by Oluremi Aanuoluwa Awoleye.


Education is a tool for personal and societal development and its impacts are felt in all sectors of any society. The gains of education for the individual, is that it inculcates the right knowledge and skills on the individual which give him/her the leverage to seek for high paying jobs that will add value to his/her socioeconomic status. Also, it makes the individual to be a productive citizen. This makes education to be a mechanism for empowerment in order to break the burden of poverty. P...

Same Sex Marriage

Same-sex marriage (also called gay marriage) is a legally or socially recognized marriage between two persons of the same biological sex or social gender. Same-sex marriage however is not legally recognized in some States. As a result, partners in homosexual relationships often lack privileges, such as the right to inherit property and to medical, tax, and retirement benefits, that partners in traditional marriages enjoy. Same-sex marriage is a civil, political, social, moral, and religious i...

The Notion of Human Rights in the Philosophy of John Locke

ABSTRACT The greatest tragedy in life that is worse than death is to deny one his human rights. From the antiquity of human existence, Nature has endowed man with certain privileges and rights, a fact that cannot be gain-said. Man being created in the image of God [imago dei] was given a right that is fundamental over all that is. From the history of thought, many sages have written works about the rights of man based on the fact that man has become wolf to his fellow man. Going through the p...


                                                                       ABSTRACT   As in any other scientific field, we can speak of the advent of a new epoch in biomedical science and technology. The many novel advances which underlie our unfolding knowledge about man and reveal the possibilities of his reshaping his very nature can be studied only in the total context of new era into which humanity is now entering. Consequently there are emerging opinion...

Pan-Africanism and African Citizenship: The Way Forward

This paper critically analyzes Pan-Africanism as an ideology for the liberation of Africa, with a view to assessing the possibilities of a common African citizenship. This paper argues against the claim that the focus of Pan-Africanism should shift from activism, agitations and struggles to a univocal platform that will define the authentic African identities by crystallizing a common nationality for Africans in the continent and those in the diaspora. This claim is known to be rooted in the ...

Political Morality on Nigeria Education System

Abstract Political corruption is a social problem found in various degrees and forms, and in the education system where it is not exempted, it has become almost endemic. This paper takes a critical observation regarding the conduct of educational bureaucrats, administrators of various educational institutions and Nigerian political structure. It appears that there is a symbiotic relationship between the educational culture and the socio-political culture of the Nigerian society and this has ...

Is Technology Transferable: Argument in Support

Technology has an offshoot of science is a phenomenon that has  become  on  issue  of  discourse  in  recent  time.  Though  it  is seen  as  a  being  mental  i.e  a  thing  of  the  mind,  but  the  idea  of imperialism and colonialism which had made people in this part of the world (Africa) to start incorporating western thoughts and tradition now made it expedient to ask  the question on whether technology can be transferred?    It  is  important  to  note,...

Arguments in Favour of Objectivism and Subjectivism

Over time, many anthropologists and sociologists have had divergent views about societal moral issues which, in one way or another have contributed to the high ethical discourse and standards.


Over time, mortals have endeavored to comprehend the meaning of reality and one’s temporal state of being. Modern intellectual mystical spiritualism is a sequel to the period of one thousand years of inquisitive human faculty searching for a solution to immortality controversy. It also takes care of the complete condition of not being filled with all knowledge obtained and the fullness of the immortality unifying all things. The basic function of modern mystical spiritualism is to restrict ...


ABSTRACT  This study focused on attrition determinants of textile (SMES) in Nigeria. The study became necessary because the textile industry in Nigeria which was the second largest employer of labour after government declined in productivity rapidly and between 1995 and 2003, 83 textiles closed shop. The main objective of this study therefore is to investigate the determinants of attrition of textile SMEs in Nigeria. Past studies have focused on firm success, with only few on firm attrition....


ABSTRACT Philosophy, a discipline as old as the human faculty of reason has its thrust on the good life for man. It employs the instrumentality of contemplation, reflection, analysis and criticism to arrive at truth. African philosophy has its orientation in communalism, as contra-distinguished from Western philosophy which is individualistic in outlook. Many Africans began the search for an ideological project of self-affirmation and assertive cultural nationalism. Among these were Nnamdi A...

An Examination of Hans Kelsen Philosophy of Law

ABSTRACT   One reason for the current revival of interest in Kelsen is the desire for an alternative to the empiricist and natural law approaches that have been the main competitors in English-language philosophy of law. Unlike empiricists, for whom the law is reducible to social facts, Kelsen argues that legal interpretation concerns non-empirical norms. These norms have a necessary structure that restricts legal interpretation. In examining the Hans Kelsen philosophy of law, the s...

A Detailed History of African Philosophy

ABSTRACT One of the challenges that have persisted in African philosophy through the centuries is the question, if there is an African philosophy at all. Thus, when one uses the term African, one is asked to contextualize the term: Does it (the term African) refer to the content of the philosophy or does it qualify the identity of the philosophers themselves? Whether resting with the former, or the latter, or making a synthesis of both perspectives, our Western counterparts in the field of ph...

Aims of A New Epoch

Introduction In the paper “Aims of A New Epoch,” Charles Taylor focuses on Hegel’s revolutionary thoughts, a kind of philosophical movement that seemed necessary to the pressing needs of his time. This paper focuses on the paradigm shift around the 17th century from seeing the universe as ordered and predictable by interpretation, to that which has a causal set of contingent correlations, discoverable empirically. At the time Hegel was born (1770), German thought was and literature was ...

556 - 570 Of 570 Results