Political Science And International Relations Research Papers/Topics

Boko Haram Insurgency and Nigeria’s Relations with United States, 2009 – 2014

ABSTRACT  The persistence of Boko Haram insurgency impinges upon Nigeria’s relations with US, which have been cordial but restricted. Researchers have divergent opinion about the extent U.S. should be committed in assisting Nigeria in countering Boko Haram insurgency. Researches on the interconnectivity between Boko Haram insurgency and Nigeria’s-US military-security partnership, trade and aid are inadequate and do not reflect current developments. Consequently, the study set out to exam...

Impact of Foreign Aid on Poverty Reduction in Selected Urban Areas of Mogadishu, Somalia.

ABSTRACT  Since there has been a lot of foreign aid to Somalia and most of this aid directed to urban population, poverty levels remain to be high. The research was based on a sample size of 242 respondents; the samples were randomly selected from Xamarwayne, Hodan and Wardhiigley. The sample age was between 5 up to above 65 years, 115 male and 127 Female. All the respondents were ethnic Somalis. The researcher was use both quantitative and qualitative approaches in data collection, however,...

Commonwealth Integration and Nigerias Foreign Policy, 1999-2007

Abstract  This study examines the interface between the Commonwealth integration and Nigerian foreign policy. The thrust of the study however is to ascertain whether the enthronement of democracy in Nigeria has significantly impacted on Nigeria’s Common-wealth economic relations. The study also investigates the extent to which the frameworks of democracy have enabled the Commonwealth impact on social welfare in Nigeria. Relying on Dependency theory derived from the political economy paradi...

Civil War and Human Rights Violations in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 1996 -2003

ABSTRACT  This study examined the relationship between the 1996 and 2003 civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo, (DRC) and human rights violations in that country. The area of study was the African Great Lakes region, and the (DRC) was the unit of observation and analysis. The ex-post-facto design was adopted for the study. Data were collected from secondary sources. The secondary data were analyzed using the qualitative descriptive method, logical induction and content analysis. To e...

Piracy along Somalia Coast An Examination of its Impact on International Trade and Security

ABSTRACT  This study carried out an investigation of piracy along Somalia coast, and it impact of international trade and security. The objectives of the study were 1) To establish the extent of piracy along Somalia coast 2) to examine the level of international trade and security 3) To establish a relationship between the extent of piracy along the Somali coast and the level of international trade and security. The study employed descriptive correlation study design which involved a quantit...

Contributions of the International Community to Refugee Governance in Uganda

ABSTRACT  This study assessed the contributions of the international community towards refugee governance in Uganda, with the objective of evaluating the impact of forced migration and refugee crisis on Uganda, and assessing the role of international organizations and the challenges they face. Owing to the nature of this study, it took on the international relations theory of Rational Choice Institutionalism (RCI). RCI is a theoretical model that explains institutions with a premise that dif...

United Nations Mission and Peace Process in Malakal, Central Upper Nile State — South Sudan

Abstract The purpose of the study was to examine the role of UNMISS in supporting peace processes in Malakal south sudan. The study was guided by mainly three specific objectives which included; to examine the contribution of UNMISS towards conflict resultion, to assess the effectiveness of UNMISS in ensuring peace and stability and to investigate the challenges faced by UNMISS in resolving conflicts in South Sudan. The study adopted ~añ~plbi~tary descriptive research design ba~éd àn.tl~é...

United Nations Mission and Peace Process in Malakal, Central Upper Nile State — South Sudan

Abstract The purpose of the study was to examine the role of UNMISEm supporting peace processes in Malakal south sudan. The study was guided by mainly three specific objectives which included; to examine the contribution of UNMISS towards conflict resultion, to assess the effectiveness of UNMISS in ensuring peace and stability and to investigate the challenges faced by UNMISS in resolving conflicts in South Sudan. The study adopted anexploratory descriptive research design based on the quanti...

African Union Operations and Sustainability of Peace Building in Mogadishu Somalia

ABSTRACT  The study examined the role African union operations and sustainability of peace building in Mogadishu-Somalia. The objectives of the study were to; to investigate the sustainability of peace building in Mogadishu-Somalia, to examine the effectiveness of African Union intervention Peace building in Mogadishu-Somalia and to analyse the relationship between African Union peace operations and peace building in Mogadishu Somalia. The research used a descriptive design, descriptive co r...

International Terrorism Threats on National Peace and Stability Among Selected Divisions in Kampala District Uganda

ABSTRACT This research study was carried out in three divisions of Nakawa, central and Makindye in Kampala district, to find out the existing international terrorism threats on national peace and stability in Uganda. it's guided by three objectives; (i) To establish the existing international terrorism threats on national peace and stability in Uganda. (ii) To assess the achievements and possible failures of security state agencies, in Promoting national peace and security in Uganda. (iii) T...

United Nations and Conflict Resolution in Somalia

ABSTRACT  The study sought to examine United Nations and Conflict Resolution in Somalia. The study objectives were; to establish the contributions of the United Nations towards conflict resolution in Somalia, to identify the challenges facing the United Nations towards conflict resolution in Somalia and to examine the possible solutions to the challenges facing the United Nations towards conflict resolution in Somalia. The study was based on conflict theory. The theory of conflict is a theor...

International Intervention and Conflict Management in Somalia A Case of Amisom

ABSTRACT  This topic of the study was the effect of International intervention on Conflict management in Somalia a case of AMISOM. The objectives of the study were examine the relationship between Military and conflict management, To asses The relationship between reconciliation and Conflict management, and To evaluate the relationship between Governance and Conflict management. The study employed the case study design. It was quantitative in nature. The study used Simple random sampling was...

Foreign Intervention and Political Stability in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT The study investigated foreign intervention and political stability in Mogadishu Somalia. The study was guided by three objectives; (1) to establish the contributions of AMISOM to political stability in Mogadishu; (2) to examine the contribution of foreign intervention in form of infrastructural development in Mogadishu; and (3) to assess the contribution of foreign intervention in form of political reconciliation in Mogadishu Somalia. The study comprised of a population of 220 respo...

United Nations Women and Women Rights in Uganda

ABSTRACT The study examined United Nations Women and women rights in Uganda. The study objectives were: to examine factors influencing Women rights violations in Uganda, to assess the contributions of UN Women in promoting women rights in Uganda and to examine challenges faced by UN Women in promoting women rights in Uganda. The study applied a cross-sectional research design to reflect aspects of perception, feelings, experiences, facts and emotional feelings of the study respondents in exam...

International Support and Humanitarian Assistance in Mogadishu Somalia

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate international support and humanitarian assistance in Mogadishu-Somalia. The objectives of the study were. To determine the effectiveness of humanitarian assistance in Mogadishu Somalia., To determine the role of international support on humanitarian Assistances in Mogadishu, Somalia, To examine the relationship between international support and humanitarian assistance in Mogadishu The study population was !50 constituted of employees of loc...

61 - 75 Of 224 Results