Religious Studies Research Papers/Topics

Religion: A Healing Balm For Victims Of Protracted/Terminal Diseases In Nigeria.

ABSTRACT People who live with protracted terminal disease experience stigmatization, abhorrence and hatred from people who once loved them. It is not uncommon also for terminally ill patients to feel insecure, hapless and depressed. The aforesaid supposition is most likely considering the reaction of people in the other divide to others living with protracted disease. In our traditional or contemporary Nigerian society for examples, people who contracted diseases that seem never ending...

Inculturation In African Independent Churches In Igboland 1960-2007

ABSTRACT The title of this work is inculturation in African independent churches in Igboland 1960-2007. Igboland is no longer a virgin soil as far as Christianity is concerned. Igboland has been in contact with Christianity for over a century and has been responding positively and negatively to it. Despite attempts made by the missionaries to eradicate traditional religion and impose Christianity, African independent churches through their inculturation process have preserved some of the tra...

Doctrines of Dreams

As a whole, this study in its psychoanalytical, cultural and biblical investigations on the origins, contents and functions of dreams will propose some answers to some of the above pertinent questions. One of the African cultural approaches to dreams that motivated the writing of this academic writing. 

Factors Affecting Youth Participation In Church Programmes Within The Presbyterian Church Of East Africa, Kajiado Presbytery, Kajiado County, Kenya

Youth failing to participate in the Church programmes though they attend church in large numbers has been a major concern in the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) Kajiado Presbytery. As a result, most of church groups are being led by the elderly people. Failure of youths to be represented in various church groups is a great threat to growing churches because it means that future leaders are not being groomed which can result to having weak churches or even dissolution of some co...

The Impact Of Ethnic Violence Among Christian Youth In Kainuk, Turkana County Kenya

The study was undertaken in Kainuk, Kenya and was aimed at evaluating the of ethnic violence among Christian youth. The objectives of this study were to some of the causes of ethnic violence, to evaluate the impact of ethnic violence, the role of the Church in promoting peace, and to examine the role of the in promoting peace among the Christian youth in Kainuk. The research topic established parameters within which the research focused. The not deal with all Christian youth. Only the views o...

The Effect Of Time Management On Employees Performance Level On Construction Sector

Abstract Time is recently the critical element in standardizing productivity, profits and salaries and consequently important for the accomplishment of business, the activities related to schemes, performance of the required tasks according to specific standard times, for this, the need to study the problem of performing the required tasks (performance Level) in the planned time in order to promote the companies working in the field of construction to the highest levels of performance by meas...

Berith as A Socio-Political and Economic Regulatory Mechanism in Ancient Israel and Traditional Ẹ̀gbá-Yorùbá Society

Abstract Berith, a concept similar to ìmùlẹ̀ among the Ẹ̀gbá-Yorùbá of South-Western Nigeria, is a pact ratified by oath, binding two or more parties in a relationship of moral commitment to certain stipulations. It was used to regulate socio-political and economic life in ancient Israel. Previous studies on Berith have focused on its legal aspect, neglecting its moral basis as a means of effectively regulating and controlling socio-political and economic aspects of human society in...

Factors Influencing The Catholic Laity In The Evangelization Process In Njoro Parish Of Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The involvement of the laity in the Catholic Church is key in evangelization and eventual growth of the Church. Each of the groups contributes its own quota in both the Church and the world. The laity are called upon to imitate Christ in their daily lives so as to realise His values, attitudes and actions in the word today. The laity are also expected to be Christ’s witnesses to make the kingdom of God present in the midst of His people and in the entire world. This study examined...

Holiness And Economic Justice: What Are God's Intentions For Kenyans Today?

proposes God's intentions for the Kenyan society, especially the Christians, to the transformation of the poor economic state of Kenya and the derived from it.) This is presented in five chapters. of economics in the Old Testament is looked at from the perspective Western writers. Holiness and economic justice in the Bible are meanings of the words 'holiness' and 'justice' is suggested. Holiness and major Old Testament themes are also examined. Holiness and justice especially in the Books o...

Hisbah and Sharia Law Enforcement in Metropolitan Kano

Abstract The reintroduction of Sharia in the twelve states of northern Nigeria between 1999 and 2000 underscores the salience of Islam in the politics and governmentalities of the region. Popular pressure led to the reintroduction of Sharia in Kano, but its trajectory signified usage for administrative convenience and legitimacy prompted by the challenges of democratic change. The reintroduction of Sharia was a convergence of state Islam and popular Islam. Hisbah was established to enforce a ...

The Impact of Itinerant Scholars on the Propagation of Islām in Ibadan, Nigeria

Abstract The advent of Islam in Ibadan, in about 1829, was made possible by the arrival of some Muslim scholars from the Northern part of the country. They were Igun Olorun, Ahmad Qifu and Uthman Baasunu who respectively became the first three Imams in the city. For the spread of the faith, these Mallams and their indigenous disciples adopted education and preaching methods. For education, they established Qur’anic schools in almost all quarters and villages where people were taught Arabic ...

Clergy-Laity Conflicts over Nigerian Baptist Policies in Ogbomoso Conference, 1993 – 2008

ABSTRACT Baptist policies regarding clergy-laity practices and benefits have been properly documented and approved by the Nigerian Baptist Convention. Despite the approval, some pastors and members had flouted these policies resulting in conflicts in some places, especially in Ogbomoso Baptist Conference between 1993 and 2008. Existing studies have concentrated on misuse of power and inter-personal relationship in multi-staff ministry with little attention paid to conflicts arising from Bapt...

Socio-Economic and Political Dimensions of Christian and Muslim Pilgrimages in Lagos State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Existing studies on pilgrimage have focused more on the spiritual dimension and have neglected the social, economic and political aspects. For instance, the activities of stakeholders such as state governments, pilgrims, retailers, bureau de change officers, and pilgrimage board officials are hardly explored from a holistic point of view, thus allowing for an abbreviated conception of pilgrimage. This study, therefore, examined the practice of pilgrimage in Lagos with a view to dete...

The Contributions Of Councils Of Elders To The Resilience Of African Traditional Religion: A Case Of Njuri Ncheke In Meru County, Kenya..

ABSTRACT Among the peoples of Kenya, there has been a cultural and religious revival and all means are being sought to propagate it. In certain circles, there is even a revival of ethnic rites, religious rituals and customs, and there are national efforts to preserve and take pride in ethnic cultures. Councils of elders are being treated with respect and honour as custodians of these cultures and religious beliefs. Generally, there has been a resilience of African Traditional Religion (ATR) a...

The Contributions Of Councils Of Elders To The Resilience Of African Traditional Religion: A Case Of Njuri Ncheke In Meru County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Among the peoples of Kenya, there has been a cultural and religious revival and all means are being sought to propagate it. In certain circles, there is even a revival of ethnic rites, religious rituals and customs, and there are national efforts to preserve and take pride in ethnic cultures. Councils of elders are being treated with respect and honour as custodians of these cultures and religious beliefs. Generally, there has been a resilience of African Traditional Religion (ATR) a...

61 - 75 Of 203 Results