Arts and Social Sciences Education Research Papers/Topics

A Critical Examination of Broken Homes in Nigeria

Marriage is an important part of man’s social life; a covenant and commitment between a man and woman. At a particular stage in life, people are questioned if they are not married. Yet, some people see the cure for unhappy marriage as separation (divorce), it’s often seems to be a problem than a solution; meanwhile, the society is heavily affected. Divorce remains a severe crisis; it inflicts pains on people concerned, children and the society at large. Many have seen the marriage covenan...


There is no doubt that investment in education, particularly higher education, is expensive (not as expensive as ignorance), but the returns are of immense benefit for nation building in the long run. Every nation requires competent and experienced people for its development, and the products of higher education form the tools for such development. Higher education provides the necessary manpower with the required skills and competencies essential for the social, economic and political advanc...

The History Of Democracy from Ancient Athens to Present day

Democracy is one of the most successful political systems of the 20th and 21st centuries. In a democrat government people have rights to chosen the religion of their choices; because democracy gives an opportunities to have equal rights before the law. When democracy was invented, the system was referred to as Demokrita, which connotes rule by the people. Schumpeter (1947) opined that “democracy means only that the people have the opportunity of accepting or rejecting the men who are to g...


Abstract  The rate of unemployment has always been calling for attention in most of the sub-Saharan Africa countries. The situation is also pertinent in Nigeria despite inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) and rise in gross domestic product (GDP). The study investigates the impact of FDI and GDP on unemployment in Nigeria using time series data spanning 1981 to 2017; descriptive and inferential statistics of ordinary least square (OLS) method were used. Results of the analysis r...

Education and Employment Nexus in Nigeria

Abstract  This work studies Education-Employment Nexus In Nigeria Education is an important aspect of human life. Thinking of education as human capital motivates societies to invest in education to raise productivity, and to increase individual and social benefits. The issue of employment is very germane to any  economy; this is why one of the main macroeconomic objectives of any country is to attain full employment. This study shall provide the government with relevant and reliable infor...


ABSTRACT  The paper looks at the activities of the colonial masters before Independence and Nigeria rulers after Independence and identifies the era during which the country was underdeveloped. Using descriptive method of data gathering, the paper reveals that Nigerians lived a better life during colonial rule than what is obtainable now. There was orderliness, there was security of lives and property, there was good standard of education, and the infrastructures were not dilapidated. But af...

Managing Childhood Education in a Depressed Economy: Implication for National Development.

Abstract The study was designed to examine managing childhood education in a depressed economy. It viewed that since education is conscious and direct; all the groups that make up the society are involved in providing education to children especially at early stage. The paper therefore discussed the roles of the government, parents and the entire community in child’s education. The paper principally also reviewed the challenges facing childhood education in the Nigerian present-day econom...


Abstract Retirement is said to be a time for rest after much labour in the civil service.  This seems paradoxical in the Nigerian context as pensioners labour more (instead of resting) to get their pensions. Pensions are not paid as and when due, at times for years. The scenario leaves many retired civil servants in abject poverty, frustration, depression, and ill-health that sometimes lead to the death of some of them as they await their entitlements. This paper examined the meaning of reti...


Korku türü içinde kategorilendirilen “The Witch” için tematik film analizi yöntemi ekseninde “tekinsiz” ve “iğrenç” öğelerin psikanalitik bir yaklaşımla okunmasını amaçlayan bu çalışma ile çözümlemeye konu filmde sinematografik hazzın örtüsü kaldırılarak kullanılan öğelerin psikanalitik anlamları gün yüzüne çıkarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Gerçekleştirilen yeniden okuma ile psikanalitik boyutları düzleminde “tekinsiz” ve “iğrenç” kavramlarının filmsel anlatıyla olan bağı kurulmak istenmiştir.

An opinion on Testing and Contact tracing for COVID-19 cases in Nigeria.

Increase in testing capacity of countries for Coronavirus is the first step to a positive battle against this pandemic. This paper provudes annurgent opinion piece on Nigeria's poor testing capacity for COVID-19 cases. Given Nigeria's high population yet slow testing by the authorities, it is important to state and remind the government that Nigeria may be in for tougher times if it does not ramp up testing for cases early as undetected community transmissions could potentially overwhelm the ...


The Effect of Early Marriage and its Implications on Girl Child Education has been studied in Bade Emirate council which includes Bade and Jakusko Local Government Areas. An opinion survey research design was used in which a total of one hundred (100) respondents were randomly sampled (50 from each LGA). These consist of married and unmarried males and females aged between 14-25 years. A validated questionnaire was used as an instrument of data collection. The questionnaire is divided into tw...

Women and Community Development In Rural Africa: Deconstructing Dominant Narratives

Although women’s critical roles in rural community development in Africa is undisputed, its recent discursive appeal in development policy raises questions regarding the ways in which the women living in rural contexts have been mis/understood, mis/appropriated and marginalized. Arguing that two narratives emerge: rural women as victims and rural women as agents of change, this chapter examines the ways in which African women’s experience in rural community development has been framed to ...

Repetition and Dropout Rates in Public Secondary Schools in Atiba Local Government area of Oyo State

Repetition and dropout is like a canker worm that has eaten deep into the fabric of our educational system. Over the years, educational planners, school administrators and educational agencies are concerned about how to reduce this state of educational system inefficiency. This research work determined repetition and dropout rates in public secondary schools in Atiba local government area. Descriptive research design was used and eight out of sixteen public secondary schools in the local gove...

Local Government Administration in Nigeria: The Search for Relevance

Abstract In the general discourse on the local government system in Nigeria, two major influences are notable: the intervention of the military in politics, and the 1976 reform of local government. However, the 1979 constitution, which provided the legal framework for the 1976 reforms, plunged the local government system into a crisis of identity, and ever since local government in Nigeria has remained an idea in search of relevance. This paper examines both the inherent weakness of the cons...

An Assessment of the Learning Environment of Early Childhood and Development Education in Public Schools in Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria

The study examined the learning environment as a challenge to the provision of quality early childhood education in public primary schools in Esan West Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for this study while a total of 117 teachers were sampled from a population of 468 in all the public primary schools in the locality. Data was collected using random sampling. The instrument used was a questionnaire entitled “Challenges of Early C...

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