Curriculum Studies Research Papers/Topics

Ict Adoption In The Management Of Public Primary Teacher Training Colleges In Meru County

ABSTRACT For more than a decade now, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been the dream of many organizations. The shift from the manual, ineffective and inefficient way of managing organizations has placed ICT high in the ladder. Organizations can boast of the contribution made by adoption of ICT, in-terms of efficiency and effectiveness. However, despite its role in improving effectiveness and efficiency in the management of teacher training colleges, its adoption in most of ...

The Role Of Mock Examination In Predicting Performance In Kenya National Examination Results (2008-2012). A Case Of Public Secondary Schools In Migori County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The role of examination to any nation is to determine whether students have achieved the learning objectives. The examinations were administered at the end of the education (learning) system or periodically before the end of a system. This gave rise to the use of mock just before the KCSE examination is administered. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate the role played by mock examination result in predicting students’ performance in the national examination in se...

Impact Of Child-Labour On Participation In Primary Schools: A Case Of Nyamira Division, Nyamira County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Child-labour is a very pertinent issue affecting the society. However, little attention has been given to it, yet it is detrimental to the child‟s development in many ways. The child is the bridge between the present generation and the next one. If today‟s child is not properly nurtured then tomorrow‟s society is threatened. Child-labour has negative implications on the child‟s education, and particularly participation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent ...

Evaluation Of Procuring Biology Resources For Teaching And Learning In Public Seconadry Schools, Nakuru District

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to evaluate procurement for biology resources for teaching and learning in public secondary schools in Nakuru District Kenya. Specific objectives for the study were to establish whether schools have established procurement committees, teaching and learning material selection committee, that coordinate procurement of biology resources for teaching and learning .The study used the input- output systemic theory of organization as transdisciplinary and inte...

Status Of Education Quality In The Context Of Free Primary Education In Nginda Zone, Murang’a County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Introduction of FPE in January 2003 was meant to ensure access, retention and completion of primary education despite of high enrollment in classes, limited teaching/learning materials and inclusion of all learners with diverse needs. This was characterized by low learning achievements which is a threat to quality education. The study aimed at investigating the status of education quality in the context of free primary education in public primary schools in Murang’a County. The pu...

Challenges Facing Principals In Integrating Information Communication Technology (Ict) For Efficient Management In Secondary Schools In Nyamira County, Kenya

Abstract This study examines the challenges faced by Kenyan secondary school principals in the use of ICT in enhancing school management. The study investigated computer literacy levels of secondary school principals, challenges faced by principals in integrating ICT for management and acquiring computer hardware and software, extent in which ICT is being used in management and the recommendations which can enhance the principals use ICT for management. The target groups of schools under the...

Challenges In Teaching And Learning Of Learners With Hearing Impairment In An Integrated Education Programme In Public Primary Schools In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Including children with hearing impairment in mainstream schools has generated a lot of debate across the globe with many campaigning for the rights of these children to be educated separately in special schools in which they can access information through sign Language. Pupils with hearing impairment have been found to lag behind in academics as compared to the visually and physically impaired on account of their problems in communication, socialization, curriculum adaptation, modif...

Relationship Between Unit Cost Of Education And Students' Academic Performance In Public Secondary Schools In Gucha District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite the large amount of resources allocated to the education sector, students' academic performance has been declining in the face of the rising cost of education. To this end, this study was intended to determine the relationship between the Unit Cost of Education (UCE) and academic performance in public secondary schools of Gucha District. The study objectives were to determine the UCE in public secondary schools in Gucha District, relate the UCE to the quality and quantity of...

Challenges To Efficient Implementation Of Science Curriculum In Public Primary Schools: A Case Of Migori District, Migori County, Kenya

ABSTRACT For the achievement of the school goals, aims and objectives as articulated in the vision and mission of a school, the stakeholders should emphasis on high efficiency in all activities. This minimizes wastages on both human and material resources leading to high quality output that meet the desires of the society. The Kenya Government is faced with the attainment of Millennium Development Goals (MDG), Universal Primary Education (UPE), Education for All (EFA) and Vision 2030. To acco...

Parent- Related Determinants And Their Effects On Girls Retention In Public Secondary Schools: Kilifi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Education is an important life process that plays a vital role in forming the foundation for girls’. Female education especially in secondary level has been realized as a critical pathway in promoting social, political and economic benefits for the developing countries. In spite of the government’s progress in narrowing the gender gap in education at secondary level, girls’ low retention in secondary school remains unresolved in some parts of the country. Therefore, the purpos...

Determinants Of Academic Achievement Among Secondary School Students In Kericho County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out influence of family background on learner’s cats (mocks) performance among Kipkelion east sub-county students. The Kenyan government had injected a lot of resources in education which include equipping schools by employing more teachers, building classrooms and pay students school fees in public secondary school. The mean score for mocks exams has been reducing for the last three years as follows, 2014 mean score was 5.52, 2015 the mean was...

Administrative Challenges Faced By Primary School Head Teachers In Management Of Pupils In Embakasi District, Nairobi County- Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was influenced by increased concern by the Head teachers and other stakeholders of the increased myriad administrative challenges encountered in Management of pupils following an enactment of Children Act 2001, which banned corporal punishment in all schools in 2001 and also the provision of Free Primary Education (FPE) in public primary schools in 2003. The study sought to establish the following study objectives; determine the challenges public primary school head teacher...

Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting Kenya Certificate Of Primary Education Performance In Public Primary Schools, Turkana County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) results in Kang’itit zone indicated plummeting trend of mean scores 224.14, 227.91, 239.39, 240.53, and 221.8for years 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 and 2011 respectively. This necessitated the study whose key objectives were: To identify socio-cultural factors affecting KCPE performance in public primary schools; to establish strategies adoptable by teachers and other education stakeholders to counter socio-cultural factors which attribu...

Access Of Primary Education To The Pastoralist: A Case Study Of Namanga Division Kajiado County

ABSTRACT In this research project, the researcher dealt mainly with access of primary education to the pastoralist of Namanga division, Kajiado County in the Rift valley province of Kenya. The objectives of the study were to find out how household conditions, educational facilities, socio-cultural practices and environmental factors affect access to primary education to the pastoralist of Namanga division. The design of the study was descriptive survey design where a sample size of 20 out of ...

Teachers’ Perceptions Of The Role Of Performance Appraisal In Enhancing Teaching And Learning: A Case Of Public Secondary Schools In Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to determine the perceptions of teachers about the role of performance appraisal in enhancing teaching and learning in public secondary schools in Kiambu County. The study was guided by Performance Appraisal Model by Yee and Chen (2009). The objectives of the study were: to establish the nature and types of tools used in teachers’ performance appraisal; to find out how performance appraisal has enhanced teaching and learning; to establish the challenge...

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