Early Childhood Education Research Papers/Topics

Perception Of Early Childhoo I Educa Ion Teachers Towards P Rformance A’ Praisal: A Case Of Teac Ers Sergoit Zone, Uasin S Dist ‘ict -kenya

The purpose of the study was to determine the perception of ECD teachers towards performance-appraisal. The study was on perception. The study was carried out in Sergoit Zone ofUasin Gishu District, Kenya. The study adopted a theoretical framework i.e. systems theory. The main purpose of the study was to investigate the ECD teacher perfo rmance appraisal and its effect to effective school management. A case study wasadop ted for the study. The target population was 46 comprising of teachers a...

The Impact Of Transition From Pre-primary To Lower Primary On Learning In Wandiege Primary School

The main aim of the study was to find out the impact of transition from pre primary to lower primary on learning in Wandiege Primary school. The study used 16 teachers of Wandiege Primary school as subjects. From the study it was found that there was a sic~a tificant impact of transition from pre-primary to lower primary on learning in Wandiege Primary school: This project is made up of five chapters. Chapter one deals with the introductory part of the research. It talks about the backg...

Socio-economic influences on pupils academic perfomance in ngonyek zone, trans-nzoia east disrict, kenya.

ABSTRACT This study focused on the impact of socio-economic factors on academic performance of pupils in Trans-Nzoi East district, Kenya. A descriptive research design was adopted which enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problem of socio-economic factors on academic performance of pupils. Questionnaires and interview guides were adopted in the collection of data after which such data had to processed, coded and analyzed. An inte1pretation was made and this had to...

Challenges Faced By Physically Handicapped Cidldren Among Selected Prima,Ry Schools In Matungu Division, Mumias District

ABSTRACT This document was meant to carry out an investigation on challenges faced by physically disabled learners among selected primary schools. The researc};ler used ·quantitative approach where numerical data to explore traits and situations . . was of great help to the intended research objectives. Since the research is based on education, the researcher used a survey technique in gathering the information about the academic and cocurricular performance; Environmental status; teachers'...

Perception Of Early Childhood Education Teachers Towards Performance Appraisal: A Case Of Teachers Sergoit Zone, Uasin S District -Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to determine the perception of ECD teachers towards performance-appraisal. The study was on perception. The study was carried out in Sergoit Zone ofUasin Gishu District, Kenya. The study adopted a theoretical framework i.e. systems theory. The main purpose of the study was to investigate the ECD teacher perfo rmance appraisal and its effect to effective school management. A case study was adop ted for the study. The target population was 46 comprising of...

The Impact Of Free Primary Education On Early Childhood Development In Kakuku Primary School, Yatta District Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite the importance of pre-school as a foundation for the country's formal education, the Ministry of Education spends less than one percent of its budget on this sub-sector. The General objective of the study was to determine the impact of free primaiy education on early childhood education. The reseai·ch study was conducted between December 2008- April 2009. The study was carried in Kakuku primai·y school, Y atta district. The study benefits the early childhood pupils since t...

A Comparative Study Of Tiie Factors Affecting Acadlimic Performance Of Selected Schools In Urban And Rural Sectors In Eldoret Municipality Uasin-Gisihj District, Rift Valley Province Kenya

ABSTRACT The study set out to establish the factors that account for poor a cad em ic pe1formance in rural secondaiy schools. It was carried out along a number of objectives which included: assessing the relationship between students' discipline and academic perfo1mance, to examine the accessibility of students to learning materials and their effect on academic petlormance and to find out the effect of teachers' motivation practices on the students' academic perfonnance. From these objective...

The Impact Of Students Discipline On Academic Performance In Secondary Schools A Case Of Masinga Sub-County, Yatta District, Kenya

Abstract Discipline is the key aspect of the secondary school students for them to excel in their academic performance. Discipline varies from one school to another, although, in general, young children are expected to respect school rules, such as lining up, tidying up after lessons, and undressing and dressing themselves for physical education classes, in an attempt to promote independence and resourcefulness. The study was carried out in five (5) secondary schools in Masinga Divion, Yatta...

Effect Of Remedial Teaching On Pupils' Academic Performance In Kitise Zone, Makueni District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was intended to establish the relationship between attending holiday tuitions and change in academic performance of learners in schools. All secondary sources including journals and other relevant publications were used in the collection related literature. The study employed a descriptive design and in this case questionnaires and interview guides were employed in the collection of data. The findings of the study revealed that holiday tuition has an impact on the academi...

Drug Abuse In Public Primary Schools In Kenya: A Case Of Central Divion In Kitui District, Eastern Province Kenya

ABSTRACT The study sought to investigate Cause of drug abuse in public primary schools in Kenya. A case study of Central Division in Kutui District Eastern province Kenya with specific objectives which include; to evaluate the effect of Academic stress on drug abuse, to assess the effect of peer pressure on drug abuse, to examine the effect of peer group altitude or drug abuse. The study developed a correctional design employing descriptive summary methods in the collection of data and its an...

Learning Materials And Pupils' Academic Performance In Selected Primary Schools In Kajo-Keji County, Southern Sudan

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between Learning Materials and pupils' academic performance in primary schools in Kajo-Keji County, Central Equatoria Statte, Southern Sudan. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the relationship between text books and pupil's performance, find out the relationship between library and pupils performance and establish the relationship between physical facilities and pupils achievements. The methods used for...

Socio-Economic Determinants Of Pupils Academic Perfomance In Mutwot Zone, Nandi North Disrict, Kenya.

ABSTRACT This study focused on the impact of socio-economic factors on academic performance of pupils in Nandi N01ih district, Kenya. A descriptive research design was adopted which enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problem of socio-economic factors on academic performance of pupils. Questi01maires and interview guides were adopted in the collection of data after which such data had to processed, coded and analyzed. An interpretation was made and this had to be ...

Poverty And Pupils' Academic Perfomance In Selected Primary Schools In Yatta Zoni<:, Yatta D!Yis!On, Kit!Ji District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS I ) I :t 'I_, R/1 TIC) N: ___ . __________________ ---- __ -- ________________________________ . ___ . ______________________________ ---------- __ I : PP R 0 VAL . .. . _.. . _. _. _. _.. _.. _. _,. __ ... __ .. ,. ____________________ . __ . _____ .. _. __ . _______________________ . _ . _____ . __ ., _. __ II DEDIC AT! 0 N _________________________ --------.----.-, .. __ . _ . _ . __ . ____________________ . _ ... __ .- .. ,. __ . _ .,,. ___ . --- ___ iii _ C, K N 0 \I Jo...

Hiv/aids and social development of children aged 4- 6 years in kiviu pre-school, mutomo zone, mutomo district, eastern province, kenya.

ABSTRACT The study is aimed at finding out the effects of HIV/AIDS in social development of children aged 4 - 6 years in Kiviu Primary School, Mutomo zone, Mutomo District, Eastern Province of Kenya. Most of the African communities have not accepted HIV/AIDs as a disease but it is associated with witchcraft and curses. This has led to a lot of deaths in our societies hence leaving many children in our societies affected and others infected. In most African societies, the effects of HIV/AIDS ...

Culture And Female Genital Mutilation In Kenya. The Case Study Of Transnzoia District

ABSTRACT This study labored to analyze the factors responsible for the persistence female circumcision among the Pokot ofK.ipsaina division in Trans Nzoia district. It was realized that despite the tireless efforts by the international community to stop Female circumcision the practice still goes on in Kenya. The indigenous people take it for cultural, religious, social conformity, sexuality control; among other items thus perpetuate it. Chapter one contains the historical background of Femal...

151 - 165 Of 327 Results