Early Childhood Education Research Papers/Topics

Competence Of English Language Teachers And Improvement Of English Language Performance In Kabasis Zone Of Sacho Division, Baringo District Kenya

ABSTRACT Competence of English language teachers and improvement of English language performance in Kabasis zone of Sacho division, Baringo district Kenya Evidence from the research findings canied out by various scholars on the teaching of English language show that most primary school English language teachers lack the necessary competence required to enable them handle the subject effectively. In view of the said deficiency, the researcher therefore sought to find out the competencies need...

The Hiv/Aids The Dropout Rates Of Pupils Of Selected Schools: A Case Study Of Kangema Division, Murang’a District Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was about the impact of Human Immune Virus & Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome on dropout rates of selected primary schools in Kangema Division, Murang’a district, Kenya. The significant respondents were the class teachers, parents, orphans and head teachers of those selected primary schools. The questionnaires were issued to the parents from each selected school at random. The schedules were given to class teachers of selected schools through the head teachers. For mor...

Factors Affecting Enrollment Of Learners In Primary Schools A Case Study Of Kanja Zone, Embu District Kenya..

Abstract The major pwpose of the study was to investigate the factors affecting enrolment of learners in primary schools Kanja zone Embu district, Kenya. The research objectives were; to investigate the relationship between poverty, child labour, gander imbalance, and parent's level of education, position of a child in a family, cultural and religious beliefs, distance from home to school and educational policies and enrolment of pupils in prima,y schools in Kanja zone Embu district .. T...

Causes And Impact Of Child Labour 0n Academic Performance Of Pupils: A Case Study Of Waberi Zone, Garisa District, North-Eastern Province

ABSTRACT The study carried out a critical analysis and investigation on the causes and impact of child labour on the academic performance of pupils. The study carried out this research from Waberi zone, North Eastern Province in Garisa District. Previous studies indicate that among the causes of child labour that finally force children out of school include; ignorance about the risks associated with involving these children in work, poverty that leaves families with no option apart from gambl...

Effects Of Nutrition On Growth And Development Of Children. Soy Division, Kaplelach Village, In Eldoret West District In Kenya A Case Study Of Soy Division

ABSTRACT The research was aimed at investigating and elaborating the effects of nutrition on growth and development of children of ages between infancy and 15 years of age in SOY Division Eldoret West District Kenya The objectives of the study were; to find out factors that lead to malnutrition in the division, identify the correct nutritional requirements for children and to examine the effects of nutrition on growth and development of children. A sample of 40 head teachers, 50 parents and ...

Teaching Skills And Academic Performance Of Pupils In Fiolo Primary School In Sigoti, Upper Nyakach, Nyando District

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to examine the teaching skills used by teachers in Holo Primary School and their impact on the school’s academic performance. The specific objectives of the study were to assess the teaching skills required and examine the relationship between teaching and learning the method used for data collection were: checklists for the pupils and assessment sheets for teachers. The findings from this study indicated that ineffective use of teaching skil...

Effect Of Remedial Teaching Of Pupils Performance In Mochengo Zone, Gocha South District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION: ................................................................................................................ i APPROVAL ........................................................................................................................ ii DEDICATION .................................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................................................

Effects Of Educational Resources On Performance Among Pupils In Kipkeino Primary School, Uasin Gishu District In Kenya

ABSTRACT This research was conducted to investigate effects of Educational Resources on performance among pupils in Kipkeino primary school in Uasin Gishu district, Rift Valley Province in Kenya. The researcher used both quantitative and qualitative approach in collecting data. The researcher used documentary analysis type of qualitative approach to collect information on performance of the sample population. He used questionnaires a type of qualitative approach to obtained infonnation ...

Assessment Of Availability And Use Of Teaching And Learning Materials On Curriculum Instruction In Early Childhood Development Centres

ABSTRACT ECD education covers an important stage of child growth and development during which social attitude and personality characteristics are fonned. The study sought to find out the availability and use of teaching and learning materials on curriculum instructions in Kipsitet pre-school in Soin division ofKericho district - Kenya. The main objectives were to examine the effects of availability and use of teaching and learning materials on cuniculum instruction in ECD. To determine t...

Effects Of Guidance And Counseling In Relation To Ecde In Kacholwo Zone Metkei Division, Keiyo District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study was set to find out the effects of guidance and counseling in relation to ECDE. The researcher looked into the implementation of guidance and counseling programme, behavioural change and challenges encountered by the teacher counselors. The study was carried out in Kocholwo Zone, Metkei Division, Keiyo District. It involved lower primary pupils, headteachers, teachers and parents. The researcher reviewed relevant literature related to the study. The study was designed ...

Influence Of Childhood Obesity On Pupils’ School Attendance And Participation In Physical Activities In Lower Primary Schools, Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Obesity is a condition of abnormal or excessive fat accumulation in the adipose tissue to the extent that health may be impaired. Globally it is estimated that about 155 million children are obese. Studies further reveal that childhood obesity has become a serious health epidemic, where more than a third of children aged between two to nineteen years are obese. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of obesity on pupil’s school attendance and participation in ph...

School Factors Influencing The Frequency Of Teaching Of Physical Education In Lower Primary Classes In Laikipia County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Physical education is concerned with the teaching of skills, acquisition of knowledge and development of attitudes through movement. The main purpose and objectives of this study was to find out school characteristics influencing the frequency of teaching of physical education in lower primary classes based on the variables: frequency of teaching of physical education in early childhood education, type of school (public or private) and its influence to frequency of PE lesson in early...

Parental Socio-Economic Status: An Implication On Pre-Primary Children’s School Attendance In Kibera Sub-County, Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT School attendance is seen as one of the measures to ensure that all school going children are in school. Children’s poor school attendance is not just a Kenyan predicament but rather a global concern. The Kenyan government in the recent past has put in a lot of efforts to ensure attendance of all school children with the introduction of Free Primary Education (FPE) in the year 2003. Despite these efforts, there have been few studies carried out in Kibera to establish how socio-econ...

31 - 45 Of 72 Results