Early Childhood Education Research Papers/Topics

Impact Of Hiv/Aids On Students Education In Selected secondary school Of Riana Zone Homa Bay District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the Impact Of HIV/AIDS On Students Education in Selected Secondary School Of Riana Zone Homa Bay District, KenyaSpecific objectives of the study were to: Determine the impact of HIV/AIDS on the enrolment and attendance a/learners in Selected Secondary School of Riana Zone Homa Bay District, Kenya. Investigate the Psychological effects of HIV/AIDS on students in Selected Secondmy School of Riana Zone Homa Bay District, Kenya and Determin...

The Impact Of Inclusive Education On Children With Hearing impairment In Kole District. The Case Of Aboke Sub-County

ABSTRACT The study sought to examine the impact of inclusive education on children with hearing impairment. Inclusive education is provision of education for all in schools. It came as a policy after many conventions and declarations. Research instruments used were questionnaires and arm chair traveling document method. Subjects involved in the study were the DEO, headteachers, teachers and parents. The findings indicate that inclusive education has not sunk deeply in our education system and...

The Impact Of Students Discipline On Academic Performance In Secondary Schools A Case Of Masinga Sub-County, Yatta District, Kenya

Abstract Discipline is the key aspect of the secondary school students for them to excel in their academic performance. Discipline varies from one school to another, although, in general, young children are expected to respect school rules, such as lining up, tidying up after lessons, and undressing and dressing themselves for physical education classes, in an attempt to promote independence and resourcefulness. The study was carried out in five (5) secondary schools in Masinga Divion, Yatta...

Socio-Economic Determinants Of Pupils Academic Perfomance In Mutwot Zone, Nandi North Disrict, Kenya.

ABSTRACT This study focused on the impact of socio-economic factors on academic performance of pupils in Nandi N01ih district, Kenya. A descriptive research design was adopted which enhanced the researcher to obtain a better understanding of the problem of socio-economic factors on academic performance of pupils. Questi01maires and interview guides were adopted in the collection of data after which such data had to processed, coded and analyzed. An interpretation was made and this had to be ...

Poverty And Pupils' Academic Perfomance In Selected Primary Schools In Yatta Zoni<:, Yatta D!Yis!On, Kit!Ji District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS I ) I :t 'I_, R/1 TIC) N: ___ . __________________ ---- __ -- ________________________________ . ___ . ______________________________ ---------- __ I : PP R 0 VAL . .. . _.. . _. _. _. _.. _.. _. _,. __ ... __ .. ,. ____________________ . __ . _____ .. _. __ . _______________________ . _ . _____ . __ ., _. __ II DEDIC AT! 0 N _________________________ --------.----.-, .. __ . _ . _ . __ . ____________________ . _ ... __ .- .. ,. __ . _ .,,. ___ . --- ___ iii _ C, K N 0 \I Jo...

Culture And Female Genital Mutilation In Kenya. The Case Study Of Transnzoia District

ABSTRACT This study labored to analyze the factors responsible for the persistence female circumcision among the Pokot ofK.ipsaina division in Trans Nzoia district. It was realized that despite the tireless efforts by the international community to stop Female circumcision the practice still goes on in Kenya. The indigenous people take it for cultural, religious, social conformity, sexuality control; among other items thus perpetuate it. Chapter one contains the historical background of Femal...

Social - Economic Problems And Academic Performance Of Aids Orphans In Primary Schools. Mathira Division, Nyeri District Kenya.

ABSTRACT The study was a research on the socio economic problems and education of AIDS orphans in Mathira Division, Nyeri District, Central province of Kenya. The elements examined were Joverty, neglect, stigmatization and child abuse. the study used a sample survey designed, where a simple random sampling procedures was used to form a sample size of thirty (30) AIDS orphans and twenty six (26) AIDS orphans guardians, and twenty four (24) AIDS orphans teachers, interview schedules were the to...

School Learning Resources And Academic Performance In Early Childhood Education Development In Waringa Nursery School Suba District, Kenya.

ABSTACT The major purpose of the study was to determine the school learning recourses and academic performance of pupils in early childhood education development education in Waringa nursery school Suba district, Kenya The specific objectives of the study were to determine the relationship between instructional materials and academic performance of early childhood, find out the relationship between class size and the academic performance of early childhood, establish the relationship between ...

Influence Of Parental Child Neglect On Education Wastage Among Grade Two Children In Muvuti Sub- County, Kenya

Education is fundamental for human development and economic growth. All children have a right to quality education. Education is key to every government both globally and nationally. However, much of the resources invested in education have been wasted due to many factors. This study sought to investigate the influence of parental child neglect on educational wastage among grade two pupils. This was achieved through the assumption that Physical, emotional and educational neglect by parents ma...

Determinants Of Information And Communication Technology Integration In Learning Of Numeracy Concepts In Lower Primary Schools In Mombasa County, Kenya

This study explored how teachers use ICT in their teaching of numeracy concepts to children in lower grades. The study also examined factors that enhance or hinder teachers’ use of ICT in teaching numeracy skills. Literature reviewed revealed that there is generally poor performance in mathematics among pupils. This could be attributed to inadequate development of basic mathematics concepts in the lower grades. Findings from previous studies indicate that ICT has great potential in enh...

Teachers’ Motivation As Determinant Of Inclusive Education In Early Childhood Centers, Kampala District, Uganda

Studies from other countries with different social economic and political environments have identified teacher motivation as one of the factors that enhance Inclusive Education, while those specific to Uganda were yet to be determined. Whereas the Inclusive Education Act of 2011 was enacted in Uganda to ensure that all children benefit from education, teacher motivation still remained a challenge as many children remained left out. The purpose of the study was to establish teachers’ m...

Influence Of Resources, Knowledge, Capacity Building And Cooperation On Delivery Of Quality Services By Early Childhood Education Officers In Kwale County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The quality of Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) services given to children in their early years is essential for proper growth and development. Provision of these services begins with the parents i.e. mother and father and at preschool level teachers and other stakeholders in education get involved. The specific objectives of the study were to; determine whether availability of resources influence delivery of quality ECDE services, establish whether ECDE officers‟ ...

Determinants Of Public Investment In Early Childhood Development Within The Education Sector At National And Local Levels In Uganda

ABSTRACT Research has shown that significant investment in Early Childhood Development (ECD) is a strategic avenue for national development due to benefits that accrue from it. Studies from other countries with different social, economic and political environment from Uganda have identified policy and contextual determinants as crucial for investment in ECD, while those specific to Uganda are yet to be determined. The purpose of this study was to establish the level of investment in ECD and ...

Early Intervention Of Mathematics Difficulties And Performance Of Standard Three Pupils In Primary Schools In Butere Subcounty, Kenya

ABSTRACT Mathematics skills are not only a basic requirement for every member of the society to productively engage in everyday activities but also a universal language that finds meaning in all cultures and civilizations. Every tribe, culture and social group thinks and communicates ideas through quantities. Mathematics education is to a nation what protein is to a young human organism. It is not only a vital tool for the understanding and application of science and technology but also a gr...

Effects Of Single Parenthood In The Education Of Children: A Case Study Of Karemo Division, Siaya County

ABSTRACT The recent rapid increase in divorce, along with its distinctive cultural and welfare environments for single-parent families, makes Kenya an interesting case for examining effects of single parenthood on children’s education. Using data from the questionnaires distributed I compared the levels of educational aspiration and student disengagement between students with two parents and those with a single parent, distinguishing divorced single fathers, widowed single fathers, divorced...

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