Early Childhood Education Research Papers/Topics

Influence Of Child-Headed Families On Socio-Emotional Development Of Pre-School Learners In Musengo Zone, Kitui County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Families provide conducive environments which necessitate acquisition of self-esteem, selfconfidence, self identity, self awareness and self-efficacy amongst learners in ECDE centers. However, Pre-school learners, in Musengo zone have manifested and continue to manifest low intrapersonal skills, low interpersonal skills and poor leadership skills thus; this research aimed at investigating the influence of child headed family formations on social emotional development of learners in E...

The Level Of Parental Involvement In Early Childhood Development In Nkulumane B Cluster In Mzilikazi District

ABSTRACT  Parental involvement in children’s education remains low, despite evidence that parents have a huge influence on children’s achievement. Major researchers in the field have identified many factors that may create barriers to parental involvement and also suggested the solutions. Through interviews and questionnaires this study examined aspects of parental involvement in the education of Early Childhood Education (ECE) learners in Nkulumane Cluster in Bulawayo. The study will pr...

The challenges faced by teachers in teaching learners with mild mental handicap at early childhood education level in gweru urban schools.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to investigate the challenges faced by teachers in teaching learners with mild mental handicap at early childhood education level in Gweru urban primary schools. The teachers were experiencing challenges in teaching learners with mild mental handicap due to the fact that The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education has adopted the principle of inclusion yet the majority of the teachers have not been exposed to any formal training. To add on to thi...

Teachers’ Perceptions On The Use Of Technology In The Teaching And Learning At Early Childhood Education Level In Redcliff Urban Schools

ABSTRACT This study investigated on teachers‟ perceptions on the use of technology at early childhood education level in Kwekwe district. The study was necessitated by the recent advances in technology use in teaching and learning. The Descriptive survey design was used to collect data. The population of this study comprised of twelve primary schools in Redcliff circuit and thirty six early childhood educators. A sample of nine out thirty six early childhood educators were selected to answ...

Case Study Of Aggressive Behaviour Problems Of Orphans In Ecd B At A Primary School In Bulawayo

Abstract Aggressive behaviour problems are common in the early years of most children’s lives. However, children who are not raised by their biological parents are believed to be a greater risk of developing aggressive behaviour problems than those raised by their biological parents. This study was carried out to establish the causes and solutions to aggressive behaviour problems exhibited by orphans in ECD B at a primary school. In an effort to establish the causes and solutions to this pr...

Teacher Attitudes Towards Managing Inclusive Classes In Early Childhood Education Level In Bulawayo Central District Primary Schools In Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

ABSTRACT This research sought to investigate teacher attitudes towards managing inclusive classes at Early Childhood Development Level in Bulawayo Central District Primary Schools. This was prompted by remarks given by teachers during gatherings, workshops and meetings. The researcher employed the descriptive survey design during the study. Data was generated through the use of questionnaires and interviews for classroom practitioners and Teachers in Charge (TICs). The sample comprised of thi...

Factors that influence parenting styles at Early Childhood Education level in Magwegwe cluster of Mzilikazi District Primary schools

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to find factors that influence the use of different parenting styles in Early Childhood Education level in Magwegwe cluster of Mzilikazi District in Bulawayo Province. The background of the study highlights varying parenting styles within communities despite having great impact on behavior of children and development. This prompted the researcher to find out factors that influence use of different parenting styles with the hope of finding ways of maintaining...

Intervention Strategies Used By Teachers To Accommodate Learners Who Exhibt Emotional And Behavioural Challenges In Bat Cluster In Reigate District,Bulawayo Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT Childhood Education (ECE) learners who exhibit behavioural and emotional challenges in Bulawayo African Townships, Reigate District. The objectives were to establish effectiveness of intervention strategies teachers used in identifying Early Childhood Education learners who exhibit emotional and behavioural challenges and to explore intervention strategies teachers‟ use in accommodating learners with selected emotional and behavioural challenges. The study used descriptive research...

Challenges Of Inclusion With Regards To Early Childhood Education Learners: The Case Of Mabula Primary School In Mzilikazi District In Bulawayo Metropolitan Province.

ABSTRACT This research project sought to find the challenges faced by teachers and learners at ECE level in the school, then find solutions to the challenges. Questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions were used to collect data for this research. The researcher investigated from parents on the challenges faced by both the teacher and the learner in an inclusive setting and also what their recommendations were concerning the challenges that were raised. The findings from the data c...

Interrogating The Effects Of Bullying Amongst Early Childhood Education Learners, Case Of Chikurubi Prison Primary School In Epworth/ Mabvuku/ Tafara District (Epmafara)

ABSTRACT The researcher carried out a study on how parents were involved in their children‟s academic learning through homework with grade one learners at Nhamburiko Government School in Mabelreign-Warren Park District. The study will assist the researcher, parents and teachers to know the views of parents regarding homework. The reviewed literature answered the research questions in the order they were presented. The researcher used qualitative research design which enabled her to use ques...

Influence Of A Family’s Socio-Economic Status On Early Childhood Education Learners’ Cognitive Development In Zvishavane District.

ABSTRACT The study sought to investigate the influence of socio-economic status on Early Childhood Education learners’ cognitive development. The study was motivated by the variance in learners’ cognitive abilities even though learners are of the same age. The researcher therefore looked at factors that influenced the learners’ cognitive development and the relationship between the learners’ socio-economic background and their cognitive development. The problem was that some pupils we...

Use Of Models In The Teaching And Learning Of Scientific Concepts At Early Childhood Education Level In Gokwe North District

ABSTRACT The study was nessesitated by the need to improve the teaching and learning of scientific concepts at Early Childhood Education level in Gokwe-North, District of the Midlands province through the use of models..A sample of twenty ECD teachers and three TICs from three primary schools was purposively selected from a cluster that was randomly selected from a population of 128 primary schools. The population has 530 ECD teachers and 128 TICs. All the twenty ECD teachers selected complet...

61 - 72 Of 72 Results