ABSTRACT The low performance of the Level 1 trainees at the Windhoek Vocational Training Centre has been on an increasing at an alarming rate. Over the years many of the Level 1 trainees Of Windhoek Vocational Training Centre (WVTC) perform below average in their final year examination. However, at the present moment there were no proven reasons why the performance of these trainees was so low. The study therefore investigated the difficulties that the Level 1 trainees experience in learning ...
Abstract Assessment is a vital ingredient for effective teaching and learning. Current educational policies in Namibia call for teachers to adopt formative assessment in their classrooms, since there are reasons to believe that formative assessment could enhance learners‟ performance particularly in mathematics. Teachers however, have difficulties in implementing formative assessment in their classrooms. This study sought to investigate the classroom assessment practices of Grade 11 and 12 ...
ABSTRACT Demands for technical and scientific expertise in many countries including Namibia made the Namibian government emphasise the need for effective teaching of mathematics and science in schools to enable learners to excel in these subjects. Despite that, school failure at Grade 10 level remains a challenge in Namibia. Learners continue to perform poorly, especially in mathematics over the past years. One intriguing manifestation of this record of performance is that there are some lear...
ABSTRACT Mathematical skills and knowledge are crucial for the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) -Goal 4 and the Namibian Vision 2030. In spite of the important role that Mathematics plays in the development of national economy, there has been poor performance in the subject at national examination level in many countries globally (Ali, 2013; Karue, & Amukowa, 2013), including Namibia (Haimbodi, 2012; Naukushu, 2011; Mateya, 2008). The Omusati Education region in Namibia is o...
ABSTRACT Teachers’ knowledge caught the attention of many educators in different disciplines such as Mathematics. In Namibia, some authors and organisations have claimed that Namibian Mathematics teachers at both Primary and Secondary School levels have insufficient Subject Content Knowledge (SCK) and Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), which negatively impacted learners’ academic performance over the past years. However, no study has been carried on the Grade 12 Mathematics’ SCK and ...
ABSTRACT Over a decade, Mathematics performance has been reportedly poor, of which Geometry has been identified as one of the difficult topics for learners in Namibia. Non-experimental and experimental studies revealed a need for teachers to develop classroom-related ICT resources for subject teaching, more especially for conceptually demanding topics like Geometry. An embedded mixed-method research design was applied, using a nonequivalent pre-test-post-test quasi-experimental design and a ...
Modern concept of education is based on students’ centered learning approaches where collaborative instructional strategy is an emerging approach. It has been tested in different subjects and its effectiveness has been proved. Therefore, this experimental study investigated the effects of Collaborative Instructional Strategy (CIS) on mathematics achievement of fifth grade students. The experiment was conducted at a Government school in District Swat, Pakistan using pre-test post-test comp...
ABSTRACT The study addressed the curriculum problem of the placement of the teaching and learning of quadratic equation in the Senior High School. Its purpose was to assess the ability of S.H.S 1 students to solve quadratic equation by investigating their performance, using four methods. Stratified sampling method was used to select four schools in four districts in the Central Region. Eight classes were randomly selected for the study. The sample size was 286 of which 160 were girls. A prete...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate teacher trainees’ attitude towards learning mathematics and their anxiety levels for teaching mathematics as trainees in the internship of the out-segment programme. The study involved 160 third year teacher trainees comprising 55 trainees from Upper East Region, 50 from Upper West Region and 55 from Central Region of Ghana using purposive sampling technique. Teacher trainees showed positive attitude towards all the six variables measured...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess basic school mathematics teachers Information Communication Technology integration in the classroom. Survey method was used as the design for study. The study employed a survey method as a design. Cluster sampling technique was used to select 148 mathematics teachers in Bibiani in the western region of Ghana. The study employed questionnaires in the data collection. The findings of the study indicated that basic school mathematics teachers repor...
ABSTRACT This thesis is a report on a comparative study of diagrams and models used as teaching aids in teaching atomic orbitals in senior secondary schools (SSS). An orbial represents a three-dimensional , atomic nucleus, where electrons arc found. Diagrams of orbitals in textbooks and on teachers' chalkboards appear in two dimensions, making visualization difficult for students. Three second-year elective chemistry classes in different schools in the Cape Coast Municipality were pretested o...
ABSTRACT This study investigated students’ and teachers’ perceptions of organic chemistry topics in the SSS chemistry syllabus. It compared the perception of students’ with that of their teachers’ with the hope of ascertaining whether perceptions were correlated. The survey method was employed, where questionnaires were administered to 300 chemistry students’ and their 35 teachers. Students’ perception of organic chemistry questionnaire and Teachers’ perception of organic chem...
ABSTRACT This study was purported to compare the learning cycle approach which is based on the constructivist theory to the traditional approach on senior secondary school students' understanding of selected concepts in direct current electricity. Two intact science classes from two of the six senior secondary schools offering physics as elective in the New Juaben Municipality were randomly sampled using the computer generated random numbers to participate in the study. In all 101 students pa...
ABSTRACT This research work investigated the impact of Class Wide Peer Tutoring (CWPT) teaching strategy on Senior High School students’ academic achievement and retention. It also looked at students’ perception of using CWPT method in teaching Quadratic Functions. The design adopted was quasi-experimental design, involving pre-tests and post-tests. One Hundred and sixty-six (166) students of 2016/2017 academic year in the two public second cycle schools in the Central Tongu District of t...
ABSTRACT The relatively low achievement of students in mathematics has been of concern to many parents and educators for some time now. Most research concentrated more on the cognitive factors, while the affective factors are ignored. Regrettably in Ghana, little attention is paid to the effect that students’ self-concept and intrinsic motivation have on mathematics achievement. Questionnaires were administered to a convenience sample of 89 students together with the end of first semester r...