Educational Administration and Planning Research Papers/Topics

Computer Technology Usage And Teaching Efficiency In Tertiary Educational Institutions In Lagos State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship between computer technology usage and teaching efficiency in tertiary institutions in Lagos State by ascertaining how lecturers perceive their rate and mode of computer usage, enhancing and inhibiting factors and the influence of their computer usage perceptions on teaching efficiency. The target population for the study included all the tertiary institutions in Lagos State. Descriptive and correlational survey research designs were adopted and l...

Policy And Situation Analysis Of Women Continuing Education In Sokoto State: A Study Of Women Centre For Continuing Education

ABSTRACT The motivation for this study was informed by the seeming low enrolment level of the females in schools in Sokoto state. To identify the reasons why they withdrew from schools and the motivating factor for their re-joining schools after a long break. The sample consisted of 300 students who were all females in categories of single, married, divorced and widows, selected randomly from Women Centre for Continuing Education Sokoto. Fifty other respondents that consisted of teache...

Financial Resourcing Mechanisms And The Management Of Private Universities In Uganda A Case Study Of Uganda Martyrs’ University- Nkozi

ABSTRACT This study sought to identify the different sources of funds for private universities and the ways employed by the same universities to obtain the same funds from the sources. It also wanted to examine the management implications involved. The research area was Uganda Martyrs’ University (UMU), Nkozi, as a Case Study, which study was conducted following the following objectives: 

A Study of Equity in the Financing of Primary Education in Ogun Statework

ABSTRACT Due to the massive size of the school enterprise resulting from democratization of education effort of the government

Improving The Performance Of Teachers Through Clinical Supervision At Perry Hayford Junior Secondary School At Takoradi

ABSTRACT This study is an effort to improve teacher performance by employing the clinical supervision concept to reverse lackluster teacher performance in the school of study. The purposes of the study were to determine; if the instructional practices of the teachers’ changed; if the teachers cultivated the habits of responding positively to supervision and if teacher confidence level rose over the five months study period. The research methods used to answer questions were both qualitative...

Assessing Student Participation In School Administration In Anglican Senior High School, Kumasi

ABSTRACT The study was prompted by an observation that student leaders of Anglican High School, Kumasi, hardly performed their prefectorial duties as expected. A sample of 300 second and third year students was randomly selected. The views of the headmaster were also sought to affirm the responses of the students. Background information on 30 selected teachers was also obtained from official records while a questionnaire made up of 24 items was used to get responses from the students. Also, a...

Impact Of Economic Environment On School Attendance In Kwabre District Of Ashanti Region

ABSTRACT The study was undertaken to find out the effects of the economic environment in Kwabre District of Ashanti Region and its impact on school attendance and the possible mechanisms that could be put in place to improve regular school attendance. The sample of the study consisted of students who obtained less than 30% of attendance, parents of such children and teachers and head teachers in the selected school. Two principal research instruments were used. These were interview schedule f...

Stress Management Strategies Among Female Heads In Basic Schools In Cape Coast Metropolis

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study wus to investigate the sourees. manifestations. nnd coping strategies of stress mnong female hends in bnsic schools in the Cape Const Metropolis. Furthennore. the study sought to lind out whether there were indicators of stress mnong femnle hends when perfonning their multiple mlcs. The theoreticnl review centred on the importanec of educntion. lcmlcrship roles of female heads of bnsie schools. women in thc workforce and as Iemlers. thc concept of stress. nnd...

Assessing The Extent Of Staff Participation In The Financial Administration Of Public Secondary Schools In Adansi Traditional Area

ABSTRACT The study focused on assessing the extent of staff participation in financial administration in public secondary schools in the Adansi Traditional Area. The purpose of the study was to identify areas of school finances where staff members were particularly involved. It was also to find out whether finance committees had been established in the schools and how effective they were. The study also sought to find out whether staff had access to information relating to financial transacti...

Perception Of Teachers And Administrators On Effectiveness Of Supervision In Basic Schools In Krachi District Of Ghana

ABSTRACT This study "Perception of Teachers' and Administrators on the effectiveness of Supervision in basic school in Krachi District of Ghana" attempts to grapple with one of the crucial problems facing educational management in Ghana. Since 1987, Ghana has embarked on transformation of her educational system at the pre-university level to make it efficient and effective. Elaborate programmes on superVision have been put in place to achieve the desired objectives. But some reports indicate ...

Improving Performance Of Students Of St. John's Grammar School Through Teacher Appraisal

ABSTRACT This research work set out to answer the question of what could be done to help students of St. John's Grammar School to improve on their performance in both internal and external examinations. Certain problems facing teachers which might have had negative effects on student performance were identified. In all, fifty-four members of staff were requested to answer questions - . on whether their work had been appraised before and on their perception of performance appraisal. They were ...

Discipline In Achimota School• Yesterday And Today

Achimota School in the past was described as an ideal institution. Today however, Achimota School appears to be losing its glory. The research problem was to find out what had gone wrong and suggest ways to improving Achimota School. The study examined views held by 49 past students (Yesterday) and 172 present students (Today) on discipline and how views and actions of students affected Achimota School. It was a qualitative research.

Exploring Lived Experiences Of Users Of School Built Environments In The Ghanaian Context Of Basic Education

ABSTRACT School built environments (SBEs) are critical places of human experience. Although disparities in teaching and learning opportunities exist in basic education, it is unclear whether meanings of SBEs communicate to users manifest these disparities. This study explored the lived experiences of SBE users to understand how meanings communicated to them manifest inequality of educational opportunities in the context of Ghanaian basic education. The study collected verbal and visual data f...

An Assessment Of Effectiveness Of Supervision In Basic Schools In Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa District

ABSTRACT The study investigated the effectiveness of instructional supervision at the basic school level in the Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa District. The study covered the district education office and all the 62 Junior High Schools in the district. There are seven circuits in the district and four circuits were randomly selected for the study. The data were collected with the use of questionnaire and interview guide. Simple percentages were calculated to analyse the data. The main findings of the ...

Provision Of Teacher Management And Support Services In Public Junior High Schools Of Lamashegu Circuit ‘‘B’’ In The Tamale Metropolis

ABSTRACT This study investigated management and support services provided for teachers of Lamashegu Circuit B public junior high schools by service providers. It sought to discover services actually provided at the time, challenges faced by both service providers and teachers, and solutions needed to address them. Purposive sampling was adopted to select 62 respondents, from whom data were collected, using a questionnaire with Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha reliabilities of .91 and .82. Retur...

181 - 195 Of 435 Results