Psychology & Educational Foundation Research Papers/Topics

Relationship between Self efficacy and Academic Performance among Orphaned Secondary School Students in Kenya

Abstract/Overview The study investigated the relationship between academic self-efficacy and academic performance among orphaned secondary school students in Kenya. The research was anchored on Social Cognitive theory. The study adopted concurrent triangulation research design within the mixed method approach. The target population comprised 300 orphaned students and 35 principals. A total of 300 orphaned students in secondary schools and 11 principals were selected through saturated and ...

The Relationship between Anxiety Levels and Academic Achievement among Students in Selected Secondary Schools in Lang’ata District, Kenya

Abstract/Overview The study investigated the relationship between anxiety levels and academic achievement among students in selected secondary schools in Lang’ata district, Kenya. The study adopted an ex-post facto design and the sample size comprised 180 secondary school students (90 boys and 90 girls). A personality anxiety self-examination quiz and an anxiety test examinations were administered to participants. Data was analyzed by using both descriptive and inferential statistics. T...

Evaluation of teacher factors associated with mathematics performance in primary schools in Kenya

Abstract/Overview The focus of this study was to investigate teacher-related factors associated with performance in mathematics in public day primary schools in Nandi Central district, Kenya. Seventy-four (74) mathematics teachers participated in the study. Stratified, random, and purposive sampling techniques were used to obtain the samples for the study. Data collection was done using questionnaire which had been validated and subjected to a pilot study to establish its reliability. Eac...

Influence of internal locus of control on mathematics achievement among students in secondary schools in Kenya.

Abstract/Overview Achievement in Mathematics has remained a challenge to many students at secondary school level in Kenya, for example students in Vihiga Sub County. Despite the government’s effort in strengthening the subject, its performance is still wanting. The main objective of the study was to determine the influence of the level of Internal Locus of Control on Mathematics achievement among students in secondary schools in Vihiga Sub-county. The Self-determination theory informed ...

Influence of efficacy expectation on mathematics achievement among students in secondary schools in Kenya

Abstract/Overview Achievement in Mathematics has remained a challenge to many students at secondary school level in Kenya, for example students in Vihiga Sub-County. While most studies have focused on: school related factors, subject related factors and teacher related factors as predictors of students’ achievement in Mathematics, very scanty literature is available on the Efficacy expectations, an indication that this area has minimally been researched. Despite the government’s effor...

Influence of introversion personality trait on social adjustment among re-admitted teen mothers in Kenyan Secondary schools

Abstract/Overview Teen motherhood is a major concern in the world. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of extroversive personality traits on social adjustment among secondary school re-admitted teen mothers in Rarieda Sub-County of Kenya. Eysenck’s personality traits theory and Social comparison theory were used in this study. The study adopted a concurrent triangulation design. The study’s target population of 217 consisted of all re-admitted teen mothers, 34 t...

Relationship between locus of control and stress management among high school principals Kenya

Abstract/Overview In a pre- conference brief by the Kenya High School Heads Association (KEHHSA, 2016) alluded that twenty-three (23) principals die annually in Kenya due to stress related issues. The present study examined the relationship between locus of control and stress management among high school Principals in Homa Bay County of Kenya. The study adopted a Convergent Parallel research design within the Mixed Method approach. From a population of 295 principals, the study used strat...

Efficacy of peer counselling on emotional adjustment among orphaned learners in Kenyan schools

Abstract/Overview There has been an overwhelming rise in the number of orphans in Kenyan primary schools. The purpose of this study was to establish the efficacy of peer counseling on emotional adjustment among orphaned learners. The study was informed by Carl Rodgers’ Self-Centered and Skinners’ Behavioral Theories. The study employed sequential triangulation design. Simple random sampling was used to select 30 primary schools and purposive sampling was used to select 60 orphaned pup...

Influence of age on adjustment of readmitted teenage mothers in secondary schools kenya: a case study of Ugenya sub-county

Abstract/Overview Teenage motherhood is a worldwide problem with 36.4 million girls giving birth before the age of 18 years in developing Countries and Kenya is no exception. The current study investigated the difference in adjustment of readmitted teenage mothers in select age. Mixed method research approach was used and within it Sequential Explanatory Design was adopted. The target population consisted of 288 respondents namely 23 principals, 23 guidance and counseling teachers and 242...

Influence of learner involvement on academic performance of secondary school students in Kenya

Abstract/Overview Academic performance among students may be a function of many factors such as their abilities, socio-economic background and pedagogical beliefs. This study investigated the influence of learners’ involvement on academic performance of secondary school students. The study was guided by Locke and Lotham’s achievement theory which claims that setting goals and targets allow individuals to be focused and provides a sense of direction which enables individuals achieve th...

Factors affecting teaching and learning in mother tongue in public lower primary schools in Kenya

Abstract/Overview Kenya has legislated a Language in Education (LiE) policy to use mother tongue in lower primary classes (class 1-3), yet the pupils in Tabaka Division of Kenya continue to perform poorly in national examinations. The purpose of this study was to investigate factors affecting teaching and learning in mother tongue in lower public primary schools in Kenya. The Chomsky’s theory of language acquisition was adopted. The study employed the sequential triangulation research d...

A qualitative and quantitative examination of using positive consequences in the management of student behaviors in Kenyan schools.

Abstract/Overview He challenge of addressing students’ behaviour problems in Kenya cannot be over emphasized. The present study investigated the effectiveness of positive reinforcement in the management of student behavior problems in public secondary schools in Kenya. Thorndike’s Behavior Modification theory informed the study. Mixed methods paradigm that had both quantitative and qualitative approaches was adopted, together with concurrent triangulation design. The study population ...

Efficacy of peer counselling on emotional adjustment among orphaned learners in Kenyan schools.

Abstract/Overview There has been an overwhelming rise in the number of orphans in Kenyan primary schools. The purpose of this study was to establish the efficacy of peer counseling on emotional adjustment among orphaned learners. The study was informed by Carl Rodgers’ Self-Centered and Skinners’ Behavioral Theories. The study employed sequential triangulation design. Simple random sampling was used to select 30 primary schools and purposive sampling was used to select 60 orphaned pup...

Influence of gender on teachers’ self-efficacy in secondary schools of Kisumu County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview The study investigated the influence of gender on teachers’ self-efficacy in public secondary schools of Kisumu County, Kenya. Bandura’s (1989) Social Cognitive Theory guided the study. The study employed the mixed methods approach within which a concurrent triangulation design was used. The target population was 1790 teachers in 143 public secondary schools from which a sample size of 327 teachers was drawn using stratified random sampling. Questionnaires and interv...

Relationship between self-esteem and indulgence in behavior problems among secondary school students in Kenya

Abstract/Overview The study investigated the relationship between students’ self-esteem and indulgence in behavior problems in Kenya. The Theory of Planned Behaviour by Ajzen, and Person Centered Theory by Carl Rogers were employed to guide the study. A concurrent triangulation design was adopted. The SelfEsteem Scale and indulgence in behavioral problems questionnaire were used to collect data for the study. Interview schedule were used to collect data from the students. A sample size ...

16 - 30 Of 38 Results