Science Education Research Papers/Topics

Effect of Cooperative Learning on Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students in Algebra in Obudu Local Government Area of Cross River State

The study determined the Effect of Cooperative Learning on Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students in Algebra. The study was carried out in Obudu Local Government Area of Cross River State. The research design for the study was quasi-experimental design. A sample size of 163 senior secondary one (SS I) students was used. Data were collected from the subjects using structured questionnaire tagged Mathematics  Achievement Test for Senior Secondary Schools (MATSSS) with reliability 0....

Effects Of Poverty On The Academic Performance Of Learners In The Selected Secondary Schools Of Manga Division, Manga District Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the effects of poverty on learners' academic performance of the selected schools in Manga Division Manga District Kenya. To specific objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between the effects mentioned and academic performance in Manga division, and to investigate the role of the community in alleviating poverty and improving education in Manga Division. The methods used for data collection were questionnaires to the st...

Parental Illiteracy And Learners' Academic Perfomance In Ntugi Zone, Abothuguchi Central Division, Merv Central District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Generally, various researcher report have revealed that more highly educated mothers have greater success in providing their children with the cognitive and language skills that contribute to early success in school (Sticht & McDonald, 1990). Also, children of mothers with high levels of education stay in school longer than children of mothers ·with low levels of education. Parental iY(f/uence on the intellectual, social, economic, psychological and moral .formation of children in s...

Effects Of Teaching Learning Resources On Chemistry Performance At "0" Level. Case Study Of Bumuli Division, Bungoma District, Kenya

ABSTRACT This case study was an investigation into the effects of teaching learning resources on chemistry performance at "0" level. The general aim of the study was to find out the impact of teaching learning resources on performance of chemistry in "0" Level. The objectives of the study were to find out the teaching learning resources for chemistry, to determine the effects of lack of teaching learning resources on chemist!)' performance, to find out the attitude of students towards chemis...


TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration ................................................................................................................................ ii Approval ................................................................................................................................... iii Dedication ................................................................................................................................. .iv Acknowledgement ................................

Students Perception of Practical Agricultural Science in Senior Secondary Schools in Ilorin West L.G.A. Kwara State.

ABSTRACT The study investigate students perception of practical agricultural science in senior secondary in Ilorin west LGA, Kwara State The population for this study is made up of all Agricultural science students. The instrument used for this study was research design questionnaire and responses were elicited for the research, random sampling method was used to sample students offering agricultural science from each of the four schools involved in the study. Four research question and hyp...

Students Perception of Practical Agricultural Science in Senior Secondary Schools in Ifelodun Local Government Area of Osun State.

ABSTRACT The study investigate students perception of practical agricultural science in senior secondary in Ilorin west LGA, Kwara State The population for this study is made up of all Agricultural science students. The instrument used for this study was research design questionnaire and responses were elicited for the research, random sampling method was used to sample students offering agricultural science from each of the four schools involved in the study . Four research question and hyp...

Influence of School Types on Academic Performance of Students in Biology in Ndokwa East Local Government Area of Delta State

TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover pagei Title pagei Certificationiii Dedicationiv Table of Contentsvi Abstractx     CHAPTER ONE ……………….…………………………………………………………………….1  INTRODUCTION1 Statement of the Problem4 Research Questions4 Research Hypotheses5 Purpose of Study5 Significance of Study6 Scope/Delimitation of the Study6 Limitation of the Study7 Operational Definitions of Terms7 CHAPTER TWO9 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE9 Factors Influencin...

Learning Resources And Academic Performance In Chemistry Biashara Ward, Nakuru District, Kenya

The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between learning resources and academic performance in chemistry in Biashara Ward, Nakuru district, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the levels of performance in relation to availability of text books, curriculum implementation, facilitation, better classrooms, laboratories and practical materials. Quantitative data was categorized according to the research variables and data generated from questionnaires w...

Problems Of Students In Conducting Effective Physics Practical In Senior Secondary Schools In Sokoto Metropolis

ABSTRACT This study is an in-depth research on the problems that are facing students in the conduct of physics practical. The research adopted a descriptive survey research design, the population of the study constitutes of about (1413) student, and ( 20) teachers, out of which only (306) students, and (15) teachers were randomly selected as the sample. During the course of the study, a lot of problems have been discovered, which were: problem in identifying physics apparatuses, setting the ...

Poor Attendance And Its Effect On Primary School Pupils Performances In Gada Local Government Area, Sokoto State.

ABSTRACT The study investigated the effect of poor attendance and its effect on primary school pupils’performance in Gada local government area, Sokoto State. Data was collected from (185) respondents, proportionate sampling technique was used to collect data and data obtained were analyzed using percentages and frequency tables. It was discovered that poor attendance affects primary pupil’s performance in Gada local government area, Sokoto. It was also discovered that factors affecting ...

Comparative Study Of Cognitive Achievement In Chemistry And Affective Attitude Of Senior Secondry Two Chemistry Students In Sokoto Metropolis.

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this research study is to investigate and compare and cognitive achievement in chemistry and affective attitude of senior secondary II chemistry student in Sokoto metropolis. The data collected for this study were from some selected secondary schools in Sokoto metropolis. A purposive sampling techniques were adopted in selecting sample size in the population. The data generated were analyzed using tables, descriptive statistics, frequency and simple percentage wer...


ABSTRACT The study investigated the use of computer assisted programme to improve the performance of first year General Arts students on digestion of humans. The study employed action research design. The sample used for the study was 60 first year General Arts students. The instruments used for data collection were pretest and posttest and structured interview. Data collected were analyzed using SPSS. Descriptive statistics were used to organize students’ test scores into means and st...