Special Needs Education Research Papers/Topics

Poverty And Pupjls Academic Perfomance In Selected Primary Schools In Tulimani Division~ Makueni District Kenya

This study was carried out in Tulimani Division Makueni District. It covered poverty and dropout rates in primary s~hools. The ' major objective of this study was to examine the poverty and its implications 11n the school dropout and educational sector, the existing government interventions and also sought the effective policy recommendations for better conditions in the education sector. The study employed beth qualiunive and quantitative approaches, interview and structured questionnai...

Challenges Faced By The Physically Handicapped Learners In Inclusive Settings In Emuhaya Division Primary Schools

Looking at the plight of learners with physical disability in inclusive setting in Emuhaya division primary schools, the study seeks to unveil the current appalling situation in view of the policy and practice of inclusive education of learners through improved practice approaches, like early intervention, finances, provision of facilities among others. For instance, the work of educational assessment centres should be spread throughout the district. E.g. introducing mobile services, the...

Factors Affecting Education Of Children With Learning Difficulties In Pallisa Town Council Primary Schoolspallisa District

ABSTRACT This study's purpose was on the factors affecting education of children with learning difficulties in Pallisa Town Council primary schools Pallisa District. The research questions formulated for the study in chapter one had the objectives of establishing the involvement of the selected sampled respondents. To get this information, teachers and head teachers gave the responses. This study was aimed at discovering the factors that affecting the education of children with learning diff...

Hearing Impairement And Academic Performance In Matungu Division Kenya

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of hearing impairment on academic performance of children with hearing impairment attending primary school in Matungu division Kenya. Scores in academic performance for 10 hearing impaired children and 1 O normal children attending primary school in the division were obtained from the study schools. Questionnaires were also employed to collect data from teachers. Statistical analysis revealed that teachers have a positive attitud...

Challenges Faced By Mentally Challenged Learners In An Inclusives Setting In Mutira Zone Kirinyaga

ABSTRACT 111e researcher saw that mentally challenged learners in Mutira Zone are not learning well since some regular teachers have negative attitudes towards them. So sue lo this, the reseacher wants to investigate problems facing inclusion of mentally challenged learners in an inclusive setting. The researcher designed questionnaires and piloted to a few teachers within her working station. Later the qeustionnaires were distributed to different subjects in different schools and later coll...

Challenges Facing The Physically Handicapped Learners In Regular Primary Schools In Kenya: A Case Study Of Bungoma South District, Bumula Divisionkenya

ABSTRACT The research was conducted in Bungoma South district in Kenya and is used both qualitative and quantitative collection methods. The research was conducted in line with the research questions of the study that guided the researcher effectively. The first research question was "What is the depth of teachers' knowledge on handicapped pupils?" The findings revealed that many teachers had deeper understanding of children with disability. The second research question was "What is the teac...

Effect of mental retardation on academic perfomacnce of learners in kakuyu zone. Kyuso district - kenya.

ABSTRACT The study was found at finding out the effects of mental retardation on academic performance of learners in Kaundu primary school Kakuyu zone Kyuso district. This was done through setting objectives and research questions which were to be presented to teachers and learners for data collection. This data was to be analyzed and presented to come out with a clear pictures of the problems faced by mentally retarded learners. The researcher had also to read widely and thoroughly together...

Factors Affecting The Performance Of Learners With Low Vision In An Inclusive Setting In Chuka Division Meru-South District-Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to find out factors affecting the education of children with low vision in the Chuka division of Meru South district. The researcher was interested in finding out the views of different people towards the education of children with low vision in the area, therefore qualitative approach was employed to collect data. The researcher chose Head teachers, teachers, parents and visually impaired children as sample population because through them relevant and app...

An Assessment Of Intellectual Challanges Facing Learners In Secondary Education; A Case Study Of Wangirabose Mixed Secondary Schoo~ Kuria East District Kenya

Abstract Since 1940s when the main course of education was started in Kenya with the rehabilitation of victims of the Second World War, there have been a lot of changes in education policies. The initial concern was to provide health and social rehabilitation for those with physical disabilities. These facilities later changed their concern and became custodial care centers following models seen in Europe at that time. Programmes were also started for those with sensory and intellectual chall...


CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the study Education in its sense is to have a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual. Thus, educational system of every country is designed to make learners acquire knowledge, skills, attitude, and values that enhance the total development of the individual, society and the nation at large. Quansah (1998) cited in Aboagye (2002) noted that ―the goal of education in Ghana, seeks to provide an improved and r...

151 - 160 Of 160 Results