Special Needs Education Research Papers/Topics

Teachers’ Perceptions Toward De-Brailling Of Work By Students With Visual Impairment In Secondary Schools For Visually Impaired Learners In Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers’ perceptions toward de-brailling of work by students with visual impairment in special secondary schools for learners with visual impairment in Kenya. The study sought to establish teachers’ perceptions toward relationship between original Braille work and de-brailled work, the qualifications of de-brailling personnel, challenges involved in de-brailling, and strategies that can enhance competence of de-brailling personnel. Th...

Exploring Setbacks Of Developing Individualised Education Program For Learners With Physical Disabilities And Hearing Impairments In Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study explored setbacks hindering development and use of IEP in two categories of special schools Joy town school for learners with physical handicaps and Kambui special school for learners with hearing impairments in Kiambu county. Descriptive survey design was used and purposive sampling technique to sample schools and sample size. Data was gathered according to the objectives of the study and subjected to descriptive measures and presented inform of percentages, frequency tab...

Influence Of Interpersonal Relationship On Academic Performance Of Learners With Hearing Impairments: A Case Of St. Bernadatte Turkana County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out the influence of interpersonal relationship on academic performance of learners with Hearing Impairment (HI); a case of St. Bernadette school for the deaf in Turkana County. The study focused on Interpersonal relationship of learners with (HI) and how it helps learners improve on academic performance. The study was triggered after a critical observation of inadequate interpersonal relationship and its effects on learner’s academic performan...

Causes Of Child Labour Among Learners With Mild Mental Retardation In Special Units In Igembe North District, Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to establish causes of child labour (CL) among learners with mild mental retardation (LMMR) in special units in Igembe North, Meru County, Kenya. The study aimed to find out causes of CL among LMMR with the following objectives: To investigate the role of socio-economic status of the family in influencing LMMR to engage in CL, to investigate social cultural practices that influence involvement of LMMR in CL, to establish school practices that can predispose L...

Contribution Of Life Skills Education To Young Persons With Visual Impairment In Thika Municipality, Kiambu County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The research intended to investigate the contribution of life skills education to young persons with visual impairment. The objectives of the study were to determine the skills that support the young persons with VI in their daily living acivities, to establish the opinions of young persons with VI and their parents/guardians towards life skills education taught in schools and to establish the benefits of life skills education to independent living of young persons with VI. The study...

Academic Achievement Of Learners With Down Syndrome In Special Primary Schools For Learners With Intellectual Disability In Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study sought to analyse academic achievement of learners with Down syndrome in special primary schools for learners with Intellectual disability in Kiambu county. The study was guided by the following objectives: To Analyse academic achievement of learners with Down syndrome in special schools; to identify the instructional resources used by teachers to teach learners with Down syndrome; to assess the instructional strategies used in teaching learners with Down syndrome; and to ...

An Investigation Into Factors Influencing Transition Rate Of Learners With Intellectual Disability From Vocational Training To Employment In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that influence the low transition rates of trainees with intellectual disability from vocational training to employment in Nairobi County. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to establish the effectiveness of learner preparation strategies in line with policy guidelines on transition to employment, to establish the prospective employer’s willingness to offer employment opportunities to trainees with in...

Effects Of Early Childhood Education On Children With Hearing Impairments In Special Schools In Kiambu, Murang’a And Nyeri Counties, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out the effects of Early Childhood Education on children with hearing impairment (HI) in Kiambu, Murang’a and Nyeri counties, Kenya. Vigotsky's theory of cognitive development guided the study. The specific objectives were to (i) find out the enrollment trend of children in special schools for HI in the counties. (ii) Determine the type of ECE services provided to children with HI and their effect on the children with HI. (iii) Investigate the ...

Impact Of Vocational Training On Job Placement For Persons With Intellectual Disability In Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This was a descriptive survey design study aimed at determining the vocational training impact on job placement for persons with intellectual disability (PWID) in Nakuru municipality, Nakuru County, Kenya. The study was to; establish prevocational skills received prior to joining vocational training programs, determine vocational programs in special schools, determine activities carried out in sheltered workshops and assess transitional programs available in special schools. Target ...

Social And Academic Experiences Of Pupils With Low Vision In Integrated Primary Schools In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Low vision (LV) is a term that denotes a visual acuity of 6/18 metres in the better eye after medical correction and other intervention measures. This is interpreted to mean that what a pupil who is sighted can see at six metres, a pupil with LV will see it at eighteen metres. This condition makes performance of everyday tasks difficult or impossible. It affects central and/or peripheral(side) vision. The condition is caused by; injuries that damage the optic nerve, cataract, glaucom...

Reading Strategies Adopted By Learners With Hearing Impairments To Enhance Comprehension In Special Primary Schools, Kisumu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to carry out an investigation on strategies adopted by learners with hearing impairments in reading for comprehension in special primary schools for the Deaf. The study was carried out as a result of to low performance by learners with hearing impairments in most of academic tasks and in National Examinations in Kenya. The objectives of the research were to; determine the methods of reading used by learners with hearing impairments in learning reading ski...

Factors Influencing Choice Of Vocational Courses By Learners With Hearing Impairments In Selected Vocational Training Centres, Kenya

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing choice of vocational courses by learners with Hearing Impairments (HI) in selected Vocational Training Centres (VTCs), Kenya. The objectives of the study were: types of vocational courses, learners‟ career aspirations, peer influence and factors within the school environment that facilitate choice of vocational courses. Literature was reviewed according to the objectives of the study. The research study adopt...

School Based Factors Affecting Learning Of Kenyan Sign Language In Primary Schools For Hearing Impaired In Embu And Isiolo Counties, Kenya

ABSTRACT This was a descriptive survey study design which sought to establish the school based factors that affect the learning of KSL in primary schools for learners with HI in Embu and Isiolo counties in Kenya. The target population was all teachers (29) teaching in Isiolo and St. Lukes primary schools for learners with hearing impairment, which were the only schools for learners with HI in Isiolo and Embu counties. From the selected schools, the study purposively and randomly sampled 2 hea...

Analysis Of Determinants Of Access, Retention And Education Achievement Of Learners With Intellectual Disabilities In Embu Special School, Embu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study sought to analyze determinants of access and retention of learners with intellectual disability in Embu Special School for learners with intellectual disability in Embu West District. The study adopted a descriptive research design, with both qualitative and quantitative methods. The target population comprised of 140 learners, 20 teachers, 1 Head teacher, 280 parents and 4 EARC officers in Embu special school. The study used purposive sampling to select teachers, head...

Hiv/Aids Awareness,Perceived Vulnerability Andsexual Behaviour Among Rural Secondary Schools Students: Githunguri District, Kiambu County

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish students’ HIV/AIDSawareness, their perceived vulnerability and sexual behaviour. Specifically the study sought to establish students’ levels of awareness about HIV/AIDS, establish the students’ sexual behaviourdetermine the students’ perceptions of vulnerability towards HIV/AIDS,and determine the relationship between students’ levels of awareness, perceived vulnerability towards HIV/AIDSand their sexual behaviour.  The study was gu...

496 - 510 Of 610 Results