Special Needs Education Research Papers/Topics

Teachers Attitudes Towards Inclusion of Learners with Hearing Impairment in Regular Classrooms in Dandora Zone Nairobi Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ................................................................................................................. iAPPROVAL ........................................................................................................................ iDEDICATION .................................................................................................................... iiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...............................................................................

Teachers’ Attitudes and Their Effects On Academic Performance of Hearing Impaired Learners in Selected Regular Primary Schools in Homa Bay District

TABLE OF CONTENTSTitle PageDeclaration .Approval iiiDedication ivAcknowledgement vTable of Contents viList of Tables viiiList of Figures ixAbstract xOperational Definition of Terms xiCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION1.0 Introduction 11.1 Background 11.2 Statement of the Problem 31.3 Purpose of the Study 31.4 Objectives of the Study 31.5 Research Questions 31.6Scope 41.7 Significance of the Study 41.8 Limitations and Delimitations of the Study 5CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW2.0 Introduction 62.1 Conce...


Table of contents PagesDeclaration iiApproval iiiAcknowledgment ivDedication VTable of contents viList of tables viiiDefinition of terms xAbstract XiChapter oneIntroduction 11.1 Background of the study 11.2 Statement of problem 21.3 Purpose of the study 31.4 Research Objectives 31.5 Research questions 31.6 Scope 31.7 Significance of the study 4Chapter twoLiterature review 52.0 Introduction 52.1 Historical Background 52.2 Causes of learning Disabilities 62.3 Characteristic of learners with lea...


TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .................... . ............ .. . .. .... . . ..... ... .. .... . . ... .. .APPROVAL .. ..... ....... . .......... .. .................. .. . .. . . .... .. .. ... ........ iiDEDICATION .. . ....... . ..................... . .. . .... . ... .......... . ... ... ...... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................... .. .. ivTABLE OF CONTENTS ...... , .................. . .. . ... ......... ... . .. . ......... vLIST OF TABLES ...... ....

An Investigation into Effects of Poverty On Primary Education a Case Study in Seneka Division Kisii South District

ABSTRACT The pu ·pose of this study was to find out the effects of poverty on pnmary • educat1 n1 in Suneka Division- Kisii South District. The study used both questionnaires and interview schedules to obtain qualitative and qualitative data. The questionnaires were distributed to ten primary' schools in the Division to the teachers and pupils. An interview was conduc ed with the parents and dropouts who represented the community 1nembe ·s. The r"s ·arch findings showed that poverty did ...

Academic Performance of Hearing Impaired Learners in Regular School in Karai Location, Kikuyu Division, Kiambu West District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ......................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL ............................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ........................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................... ivTABLE O...

Factors Affecting the Education of the Deaf Girl-Child in Kajiado Central Division, Kajiado District- Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to find out factors affecting the education of the deaf-girl child in Kajiado :central division, Kajiado district. [he researcher was interested in finding out the views of different people towards the education of the leaf-girl child in the area, therefore qualitative approach was employed to collect data. [he researcher chose Headteachers, teachers, parents and deaf girl-children as sample population , ecause through them relevant and appropriate informa...

Free Primary Education and The Teaching of the Mentally Challenged in Special Schools and Units in Kipkelion District

TABLE OF CONTENTSPAGIATION PAGETitle page ..........................................................................................•..•..................................................... iDeclaration .............................................................................................................................................. iiSupervisors' approval... .....................................•...................•..•..•...................................................

Impact of Special Needs Education On Mentally Handicapped Learners in Malindi District Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION 11APPROVAL 111ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1vABSTRACT VITABLE OF CONTENTS vnCHAPTERONE IINTRODUCTION I1.0 Background of the study I1.1 Guiding Theory 31.2 Statement of the Problem 51.3 Purpose of the Study 5I .4 Objectives of the Study 51.5 Research Questions 61.6 Scope. 6I. 7 Significance of the Study 61.8 Definition of Terms 7ACRONYMS 9CHAPTER TWO 10LITERATURE REVIEW I 02.0 Introduction I 02.1 Definition of Mental Retardation IO2.2 Classification of Mentally Retarded Childre...

Factors Affecting Hearing Impaired Learners in an Inclusive Setting in Saosa Zone, Kimulot Division, Konoin District of Bomet County-Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTSABSTRACTCHAPTER ONEGENERAL INTRODUCTION1.1 Background to the study1.1.1 Assessment and school placement 11.2 Statement of the problem 31.3 Purpose of the study 31.4 Objectives of the study 31 .5 Research questions 41 .6 Significance of the study 41.7 The scope of the study 41.8 Limitation of the study 4CHAPTER TWO 5LITERATURE REVIEW 52.0 Introduction 52.1 Visually impaired 52.1.1 Problems of visually-impaired Chi...

Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Learners with Hearing Impairments in Special Schools, A Case Study of Wakiso Secondary School for The Deaf

The study investigated challenges that face learners with hearing impairment in Wakiso secondary school for the deaf, Wakiso District Uganda. the researcher is a trained teacher in special needs education and also one who deals with hearing impaired learners decided to find out some of the challenges that these learners faces. That is to say whether these learners are comfortable when learning together with the “normal” children at regular classes. Whether they have enough learning materi...

Teaching Styles and Academic Performance of Learners with Specific Learning Disability in Inclusive Setting in Kisumu West District Kenya

The study investigated teaching styles and academic performance of learners Vvith specific learning disability in inclusive setting in Kisumu West district Kenya. The objectives of the study were to find out learners with specific learning disabilities. to establish teaching styles used in inclusive. setting. to determine the academic performance of learners with specific learning disabilities in an inclusive setting and to relate teaching styles and academic performance of learners vvith spe...

Attitude of Teachers On the Inclusion of Mentally Challenged Learners in Regular Primary Schools in Matete Division of Lugari District, Kenya.

Abstract The research was carried out on the attitude of teachers towards the inclusion of the mentally retarded learners in regular primary schools. This was because the feelings of most regular primary school teachers that these learners affect and lower the academic performance of their schools. therefore this learners are forced to repeat classes or drop off school. It is due to this attitude that mentally retarded learners are not accessing the regular classes. The researcher used the qu...

Factors Affecting Pupils with Specific Learning Difficulties in The Learning of English Language in Lurambi Division Kakamega Central District

Abstract The purpose of this research study was to establish the factors affecting the learning of English language by learners with specific leaning difficulties (SLD) in the three selected schools. There were about nine classes which were involved to represent the fifteen classes in the schools representing regular schools in the division. The researcher targeted two learners from each class. Fortunately all of'them and returned the questionnaire since the researcher was in that school and ...

Solid Waste Management in Mbitni Division in Nzaui District Kenya

ABSTRACT A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted Mutyambua town council, Nzaui district - Kenya between 28th of May to June 18111 , 2008. The main objective was to determine solid waste management in Mutyambua town council Nzaui district. Specifically, the study objectives include; Identification of methods of solid waste management, to determine the level of awareness on dangers of improper solid waste management in the study area, and to find out the role of local town council man...

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