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Education Research Papers/Topics

Abortion And The Value Of Human Life

ABSTRACT Abortion is a moral issue that has attracted a lot of controversial views from both the supporters and the denialists. The arguments of the pro-lifers and the pro-choicers presents abortion as a social phenomenon that has both ethical and moral implications. This is because if we accepts the pro-lifers view that, abortion is bad without any qualification then, such acceptance will be contrary to the principle of situation ethics which recognizes that it is not at all time might justi...

Impact of Teacher’s Involvement in Examination Malpractice on Students in Secondary Schools in Ebonyi State: Afikpo Educational Zone

INTRODUCTION Our society is faced with various kinds of malpractices. It is very common to see teachers failing to do their professional duties properly. Examination malpractice is one of such acts where people do things wrongly in an interrupted way to achieve or acquire correct things. Salami (1995) explained examination malpractices as all forms of illegal acts or cheating in order to pass an examination. He said that these include cheating in the hall, writing exam outside the hall, buyin...

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