Civil Engineering Research Papers/Topics

Optimum Utilization of Human Recourses by Construction Companies in Sudan

 In this research was to highlight the most important sources possessed by any organization to achieve its desired image and increase their rate of production and increase their profits and expand their activities, making the construction industry in Sudan industry with many benefits such as opening business opportunities for human cadres in various specializations and take advantage of them and their energy and experience to the labor market in Sudan and work the establishment of proj...

The Effect Of Bioremediation On The Compaction Parameters, Cbr, And Permeability Of Oil Polluted Soil.

ABSTRACT Environmental pollution with petroleum and petrochemical products has been recognized as one of the most important and serious challenges facing environment engineers. Disposal from mechanic sites, accidental leakages from petroleum carrying ships, vandalization of pipelines, have all contributed to the current common oil pollution in Nigeria today. The currently used physical and chemical remediation are effective for the degradation of petroleum products but the affected medium lo...

Modeling and Simulation for Water Sealing Problem In Low Level Sluice Radial Gates At Merowe Dam

The present research discusses a problem of seal damages in dam gates due to influence of water flow through sluices passage way. The low level sluices (L.L.S) of Merowe dam were taken as a research field to investigate the influence of flow on the gate seal. The core of the problem is that the rubbery seal of L.L.S gates is damaged and washed out during yearly operation in flooding season. In previous years there is many solutions has been tried in two ways: first way is by improvement ...

Investigation Of Electromagnetic Radiations By Global System For Mobile Communications Base Stations In The University Of Nigeria, Nsukka Campus

ABSTRACT Thousands of Base Station Antennas (BSA) have been installed in Nigeria to support the development of mobile telephony. At the same time there is a public concern about the electromagnetic fields radiated by these antennas, particularly there is a great fear by those living in the vicinity of these antennas, of being exposed to the harmful effects of this radiation. This fear has created the need to investigate and establish the level of radiation and also determine whether this lev...

Appraisal Of Construction Health And Safety Risk Management In Nigerian Construction Industry – A Case Study Of The Building Industry

ABSTRACT The study examined the state of health and safety risk management practices in the building sector of the construction industry and has the objectives to: evaluate the construction risks inherent in the building sector of the construction industry; examine the health and safety risk management processes adopted by the construction industry in Nigeria; validate the existence of identified factor(s) militating against the implementation of health and safety practices in the constructi...

An Appraisal of Highway Maintenance Management in Nigeria

ABSTRACT The primary objective of this work is to form the foundation of a Road Management Maintenance System (RMMS) that Road Maintenance Agencies like FERMA can immediately implement to make better decisions pertaining to rehabilitation options. Further, this is to allow for appropriate decisions about the best type of maintenance and rehabilitation interventions to apply to the poor state of arterial roads taking into consideration various factors, least of which are the type and ext...

Analysis Of Factors Affecting Pavement Markings And Pavement Marking Retroreflectivity In Tennessee Highways

ABSTRACT Pavement markings are lines drawn on a pavement surface to provide vital information to road users pertaining to lane restrictions and vehicle movements, which if adhered to, results in improved safety and smooth travelling to road users. Pavement markings’ visibility is quantified into a parameter called retroreflectivity, which is a measure of how well the markings can be seen by road users. The importance of the factors affecting pavement markings differs from one publication t...

Large Deformation Analysis Of Continuum Compliant Mechanisms

Compliant mechanisms (CMs) above the traditional rigid-body mechanisms have the sole merit of no relative moving parts hence preventing any form of wear, backlash, noise and need for lubrication. Its applications are versatile and fully domicile in such sectors as medicine, robotics, aerospace, biomechanics, food processing and automotive industries to mention a few. The Pseudo Rigid Body (PRB) equivalence of compliant mechanisms have been the conventional approach used by earlier researchers...

Experimental And Analytical Investigation Of Soil Cutting

INTRODUCTION The objective of this work is first to determine experimentally the horizontal and vertical force components of the operative forces during soil cutting. Since previous work in soil cutting had been empirical and involved curve fitting techniques therefore the second objective is to predict these horizontal and vertical force components. In order to achieve these objectives a special apparatus was designed and fabricated for experimentation. It comprises the soil bin, the horizon...

E-Nose Odour Recognition System For Produce Quality Assesssment

ABSTRACT The march of globalization and international trade has brought into focus the need for the measurement of quality as an essential element for customer satisfaction. Earlier approaches to quality control based mainly on end product testing are no longer considered adequate enough as quality must now be assured at every developmental or production stage to guarantee quality product at the end. Thus, non-subjective and non-destructive methods are receiving attention especially where the...

Combined Free And Forced Laminar Convection In Incuned Wide Rectangular Channels Heated From Below And Cooled From Above

ABSTRACT The steady-state two-dimensional problem of combined free and forced laminar convection with upward flow in inclined rectangular channels heated from below and cooled from above, has been investigated by numerical, parameter perturbation and experimental methods. The results indicate that for air (Pr = 0.73), maximum heat transfer rates occur at the hotwall for inclinations between 30° and 60° to the horizontal. In addition, the perturbation analysis predicts the occurence of maxim...

Analysis Of Traffic Congestion In Abakpa–Nike Road Network Intersections

ABSTRACT Abakpa-Nike is notorious for chaotic traffic due to driver's indiscipline and poor road nehvork. This study was therefore undertaken to determine the level of traffic congestion at four major intersections: The Abakpa-Nike- Trans-Ekulu T-Junction; Abakpa-Nike Liberty Junction; Afia Abakpa Junction and Nowas Roundabout Intersection in Abakpa-Nike area of Enugu, Enugu State. These intersections are notorious for high traffic volumes. Vehicular traffic volume were measured to quantify o...

A Hybrid Virtual Force Field Model For Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation

ABSTRACT This work improves upon the Potential Field Method (PFM) for the navigation of autonomous mobile robots, through the introduction of a new Hybrid Virtual Force Field (HVFF) concept. The HVFF concept integrates the virtual force field (VFF), which is based on the principles of artificial attractive and repulsive potentials, with the virtual obstacle concept (VOC) and the virtual goal concept (VGC). In particular, the specific challenges resolved by the HVFF include the local minimal p...

Heat Transfer By Steady Laminar Free Convection In Triangular Enclosures

ABSTRACT Two Dimensional Laminar Free Convection in a fluid contained in a long horizontal right triangular enclosure has been investigated using numerical techniques and an experimental study. The geometry of the enclosure is such that the base is assumed horizontal while the vertical height is adiabatic. Motion in the region is set up by heating the hypotenuse while cooling the horizontal wall. This model simulates heat transfer problems associated with pitched-roofs with suspended ceilings...

Bearing Capacity and Critical Normal Stress Distribution of Soils by Method of Variational Calculus

ABSTRACT A ma thema t i c a l t-echnique is h e r e b y advanced f 01: i n v e s t i - c j ; ~ t - it13 the bearing c a p a c i t y and a s s o c i a t e d normal stress t l I :-; tLribut.ion il t- C a i l . u r e of s o i l f o u n d a t i o n s . 'I'hc stab1 1 i t.y e q u a t i o n s are o b t a i n e d using the L i m i l: i,:clu.i l i b r i u m ( 1,E) c o n d i t i o n s . The c o n d i t i o n s of v e r t i c n 1 , I I ~ J J - i z o n t aal .n d r o t a t i o n a l e q u i l i b r i a a...

196 - 210 Of 382 Results