Computer Engineering Research Papers/Topics

Microcontrooller-Based Weather Prediction System Using The Sliding Window Algorithm

ABSTRACT Weather forecasts are made by collecting as much data as possible about the current state of the atmosphere (particularly the temperature, humidity and wind) and using understanding of atmospheric processes to determine how the atmosphere evolves in the future. Weather forecasting is important in all walks of life and it enters agriculture, aviation, traffic, torrential floods and floods. Design weather temperature forecasting and implemented by using a sliding window algorithm appl...

Scheduling Algorithm For Grid Computing Using Shortest Job First With Time Quantum

Abstract One motivation of grid computing is to aggregate the power of widely distributed resources and provide non trivial services to users. To achieve this goal an efficient grid scheduling system is an essential part of the grid. The scheduling of the processes can be implemented in different ways with different scheduling algorithms. In this project we use Shortest Job First [SJF] algorithm where it assigns highest priority to shortest process. If processes are long, it suffers with a l...

Implementation of IEC 61850 Based on Substation Automation Systems

The standard IEC61850 is the first standard that considers all the communication needs within a substation. The main goal of this standard is to support interoperability of IEDs, to allow IEDs from different manufac turers to operate on the same network sharing information and commands. This thesis discusses challenges for implementing the new communication architecture of IEC61850. The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate how an IEC 61850 source code application running at station leve...

Design And Implementation Of An Automated Parking Lot System

ABSTRACT Due to the increase in the number of vehicles caused by rapid population growth in urban areas, the demand on parking infrastructure for the general has increased significantly (Polycarpou & protopapadakis, 2013). As (Polycarpou & protopapadakis, 2013)further points out, finding a free-parking space in urban areas like hospitals, hotels, shopping malls, event centers especially during peak hours is more or less impossible, in many cases. Drivers have to drive round looking for free ...

Microcontroller Based Pump And Level Indicator

Microcontroller Based Pump And Level Indicator

A Micro-Controller Based Door Access Control System Using Radio Frequency Identification

ABSTRACT There have been several cases of unwanted entries into the laboratories and offices within the school environment, and in a quest to reduce these occurrences, this project "a micro-controller based door access control system using Radio Frequency Identification" was proposed to control access to restricted areas within the school. Access control is a process by which users are granted access and certain privileges to systems, resources or information. Radio frequency identification ...

Microcontroller-Based System For Poultry Temperature And Humidity Regulation

ABSTRACT This project presents a Microcontroller-based temperature and humidity measuring and control system which can be implemented in a poultry farm. The control of temperature and humidity have, overtime, become a major part of control systems operated in environments where these quantities are crucial entities. In this project, DHTI I temperature-humidity sensor is used for the sensing of the temperature and humidity of the poultry house, and it is then controlled using a microcontrolle...

Performance Evaluation of OLSR Routing Protocol for VOIP Applications under IPv6 Environment

Abstract In areas in which there is little or no communication infrastructure or the existing infrastructure is expensive or inconvenient to use, wireless mobile users may still be able to communicate through the formation of an ad hoc network. This research investigates the overall performance of the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol on Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) applications in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) under IPv6 environment. Using VoIP over MANETs takes advantag...

Design And Implementation Of A Microcontroller Based Gsm Alert Farm Monitoring System

ABSTRACT This project is a farm operation monitoring system using a microcontroller device that gets the status of the farm by using the following factors: soil moisture, temperature, light and humidity and send the status of the farm to the user using a SMS alert notification system all at a given time. In the field section, the Farm monitoring system was built around three sensor modules, and will be programmed using to read in data from a monitoring device that will be attached to the sen...

A Microcontroller Based Speech Recognition System Using Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient Algorithm

ABSTRACT In today's world, speech recognition has become very popular and important, speech plays a vital role in human to system and machine communication, speech signal is transformed from analog to digital wave form, which can be understood by the system or machine. , , The development of a speech recognition system for toilet flushing using Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) technique, has become a necessity as the physically challenged ones (handicap), individuals suffering from ...

Development of an English to Yoruba machine translation system using direct based approach,

ABSTRACT Language is the basic medium of communication and it is ultimately important because it is the primary means through which humans have the ability to communicate and interact with one another. Translation has been made very important so as to bridge the gap of information inequality. A lot of countries and organizations rely on human translators to disseminate information but human translators are limited in terms of speed, insecurity and high cost, therefore the demand for faster a...

Determination Of End-To-End Delays Of Switched Ethernet Local Area Networks

ABSTRACT The design of switched local area networks in practice has largely been based on heuristics and experience; in fact, in many situations, no network design is carried out, but only network installation (network cabling and nodes/equipment placements). This has resulted in local area networks that are sluggish, and that fail to satisfy the users that are connected to such networks in terms of speed of uploading and downloading of information, when, a user’s computer is in a communica...

Impact Of Number Of Hops And Paths On Wireless Sensor Network Performance

ABSTRACT In the last decade, there was rapid growing of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) for research and commercial uses. Low-cost/low-power WSNs techniques are utilised in various applications such as smart-home, industrial control, health care, agricultural fields, environmental purposes, biomedical systems, and scientific applications. The aim of this research is to find the suitable number of paths and hops in each path to be used in transmit power control protocols for multi-path unifor...

3D Visualisation of the Laetoli Footprints on the Internet

Abstract This thesis examines the use of 3D visualisation over the Internet as a tool for analysis and presentation of the Laetoli footprints. It describes the data used in the project and the methods used for checking and processing the data. Principles for creating 3D models are explained in detail. The tools used in the project are discussed, particularly VRML-based tools and how these tools integrate with the Internet. The discussion includes the design of the tools, which have been writ...

61 - 75 Of 150 Results