Entomology Research Papers/Topics

Development and Implementation of Pre and Post-harvest Management Measures for Bactrocera (invadens) dorsalis (Drew, Tsuruta and White) and Ceratitis cosyra (Walker) (Diptera: Tephritidae) on

Abstract: Mango, Mangifera indica L (Anacardiaceae) is an important tropical fruit providing opportunities for income generation and improvement of livelihoods of millions of farmers across Africa. However, fruit production is limited by several constraints; ranking high among these is the infestation by Tephritid fruit flies such as Bactrocera invadens and Ceratitis cosyra.

Relationship between virulence and repellency of Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana towards Macrotermes michaelseni and chemical identification of the mediating signals

Abstract: It is not well understood how termites survive in hemiedaphic habitats with diverse array of potentially infective fungi. In the present study, it was initially found that Macrotermes michaelseni detected a virulent isolate of Metarhizium anisopliae from some distance in a specially designed Y-olfactometer and avoided direct physical contact through olfaction. The overall objective of the study was to evaluate the relationship between virulence and repellency of different isolates ...

Diversity of honeybee Apis melifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Sub-species and their Assocaiated Arthropod pests in Cameroon

Abstract: Conservation of Apis mellifera requires detailed knowledge of the subspecies identity, diversity and factors threatening their survival. Despite the increasing reports on the spread and damage caused by both exotic and indigenous honey bee pests to bee populations in many parts of Africa, there is dearth of knowledge on the ecology of honey bees and their pests in Central Africa and Cameroon in particular. Furthermore, management practices such as use of different beehive types acr...

Olfactory preferences of gravid female stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans L. (Diptera: Muscidae), and their fitness consequences

Abstract: Oviposition decisions are a prominent example of behaviour directly affecting the fitness,abundance, distribution, and population dynamics of holometabolous insects. Due to eggs being immobile and adult insects often not practicing biparental and/or maternal care, gravid females, when ovipositing, should select substrate(s) that maximise fitness of their offspring.Studies have revealed that this selection is influenced by biotic (intra and interspecific competition, parasitism, lar...

Host-seeking behaviour of Anopheles mosquitoes in response to olfactory and visual cue

Abstract: Chapter 18 IntroductionSuccess in malaria vector control in recent years has been attributed largely to the widespread distribution and utilization of long lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS)(WHO, 2019). The disruption of contact between the human host and the vector remains a very effective mechanism of controlling mosquito-borne diseases when applied in combination with other tools such as effective diagnosis, prevention of mother to child ...

Effects of variation in plant quality on densities and sizes of herbivores, primary and secondary parasitoids

Abstract: To investigate the effects of variation in host quality on densities and sizes of three levels of consumers, a cabbage-aphid-parasitoid foodweb was analyzed. Three close related cabbage populations were studied: Brassica oleracea var. gemnifera cv. Cyrus, a feral Brassica oleracea and a wild cabbage type Old Harry as source of variation in host plant quality. A field experiment were established in Wageningen, The Netherlands to measure the effects on densities of herbivores. Aphids...

Development of Efficient Tools for Improved Surveillance of Vectors of Dengue and Chikungunya Fever.

Abstract: In the past 3 decades, arboviruses have become a major cause of re-emerging epidemic diseases in the world. Amongst the arboviruses, dengue and chikungunya fevers which are transmitted by Aedes spp have become more prevalent and have spread far beyond traditional areas of distribution - mainly in Africa and Asia - to cause severe morbidity, mortality, and economic harm. Currently control of these diseases solely depends on vector control as there is no treatment or vaccine. This ca...

Optimising a Resting box to enhance Adult Gravid Female Mosquitoe Auto-disseminate Larvicide in a Semi field

Abstract: Malaria control strategies that target adult mosquitoes are challenged by the emergence of insecticide resistance and behavioral changes of vectors. The conventional approach of applying larvicides is limited by high operational costs and inadequate knowledge of mosquito breeding habitats especially in rural African communities. This study developed a potential mosquito contamination site, assessed the potential of adult female Anopheles gambiae s.s to pick up fluorescent dye and a...

Mortality Rate of Houseflies Exposed to Some Selected Insecticide to Some

Abstract Houseflies are pest in homes, dairies, barns, poultry houses, recreation areas and food processing sites. The study is to evaluate the susceptibility of Musca domestica to deltamethrin, cypermethrin and DDVP insecticides. Topical bioassay was used to perform adulticidal test, while dipping method was used for larva and pupa, different concentrations were used which ranges from 0.5ml/L-10.0 ml/L for larvae and pupae while 5.0 µL/fly-50.0 µL/fly was used for adult Musca domestica. Th...

Phytochemical Analysis and Effect of Sodom Apple (Calotropis procera (Aiton)) on Maize Weevil (Sitophilus zeamais(Motsch.) in Storage in Bauchi

ABSTRACT Laboratory experiment was conducted to determine the insecticidal activity of leaves and stem bark powder of Sodom apple (Calotropis procera) and optimum concentration for the management of maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais). Actellic dust 50g was used as positive control and untreated Maize seeds serving as negative control. The experiment was laid in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) comprising of Leaf powder (1, 3 and 5 g), stem bark powder (1, 3 and 5 g), Actellic dust and contro...

Edible Insect as A Traditional Food Source Among the Akans in Southern Ghana.

ABSTRACT The African palm weevil, Rhynchophorous phoenicis larva is a popular delicacy among the Akans of Ghana and consumption of this insect is an important tradition in the Birim South, East Akim and Kwahu West districts all in Southern Ghana. Closed and open ended questionnaires were administered in these districts to investigate the main edible insects eaten and their perception about entomophagy. The African palm weevil was the main insect named by this group and out of a total of 500 ...

An Evaluation of Dracunculiasis and The Intervention Strategies Adopted for Its Eradication in Borno State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT  Interventions adopted for the eradication of dracunculiasis in Borno State were evaluated between July 2003 and June 2004 to assess the feasibility of the 2009 target date set for the eradication of guinea worm. Data on cases in Nigeria; North east zone, and Borno State from 1995 - 2007 were obtained from Nigeria Guinea Worm Eradication Programme. Primary data on the cases occurring during the 2003/2004 were obtained through active surveillance. The various intervention strategies ...

Insect Diversity of Cocoa Under Different Management Systems in Central and Eastern Regions of Ghana.

ABSTRACT Cocoa is Ghana's dominant cash crop and the major economic activity for over 800,000 households, with around 6.3 million Ghanaians but insect pest is causing devastating effect on yield. This study sought to obtain information about insect diversity, to generate species list of entomofauna in cocoa farms, to compare the diversity and abundance of the insect and to determine the monthly variation of insect species under differently managed systems in Semi-Deciduous Rain Forest (Suhum...

Evaluation of Corm, Pseudo stem and Pheromone Traps for The Monitoring of Cosmopolites Sordid us, German (Coleopteran: Curculionidae) In Kade, Ghana.

ABSTRACT Cosmopolites sordid us is a major pest of plantain in most plantain growing regions in the world and causing 34.8% yield loss in Ghana. Info chemicals (pheromones and kairomones) can be a potential monitoring tool for plantain weevil borer Cosmopolites sordidus Germar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). The adult weevil produces an aggregation pheromone which attracts both males and females and the attractive compound Sordid in has been identified and synthesised for commercial purpose. Th...

271 - 285 Of 382 Results