Environment and Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

Causes And Effects Of Poor Environmental Sanitation In Division B, Entebbe

Abstract The study focused on the causes, effects and of poor environmental sanitation. It was carried out in Entebbe Division ‘B’ Kitoro, Kigungu, Nakiwogo, and Lugonjo. Basically with the guidance of the objectives, information was obtained and they included to finding out causes and effects of poor environmental sanitation, and suggestions of the solution to the problem. The extra information was obtained from textbooks, newspapers, reports and journals. The major causes of poor enviro...

Water Availability And Household Sanitation And Hygiene: Case Study Of Koboko Town Council, Koboko District Nothern Uganda

ABSTRACT The research on “Water Availability and Household Sanitation and Hygiene” was carried out in Koboko Town Council, Koboko District with specifically on finding out the available water sources; examine the level of accessibility of the available water sources; examine the extent to which accessibility of the water sources influences household sanitation and hygiene; and assess the level of success of town council authorities in improving household sanitation and hygiene by impr...

The Efects Of Slum Establishment On The Health Of The Local Community: A Case Study Of Juba, Southern Sudan

ABSTRACT Slums are inadequate multifamily tenants or rooming houses, either built to rent or converted from some other use. The main purpose of this study was to identify the effects of the slum establishment on the health of the local community. A total number of 140 respondents were randomly sampled. Data were collected using questionnaires and interviews. The data collected were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Ver.l 1.5) and presented in frequencies and percent...

Effects Of Agricultural Production On Wetlands: A Case Study Of Koniala Wetland, Kisumu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to evaluate the extent to which wetland agricultural production allows the wetland ecosystems of the developing countries to be tempered with due to the increased human activities i.e. agro-production. Similarly, it allows us to establish quantitative relationships between anthropogenic activities and ecological responses. Effect of farming practices on wetlands in Kisumu District was determined through assessment of farmers’ environmental awareness....

An Assessment Of The Use Of Indigenous Knowledge In Soil Management. • , Case Study: Musoma Province Mara Region Tanzania

ABSTRACT Soil faces many threats throughout the world, deforestation for charcoal burning and brick making, overgrazing by livestock, and agricultural practices that fail to conserve soil are three main causes of accelerated soil loss. There has been a general trend of soil productivity decline on crop land in Musoma province. Soil degradation is one of major threats to agricultural development in the province and it has become the prob !em in many parts of the province. As the scenario lead...

The Impact Of Deforestation On Environment In Rwanda Parish, Kooki County In Rakai District

ABSTRACT The study examined the impact of deforestation on the environment in Rwanda Parish, in Kooki County in Rakai District. It was guided by specific objectives that included; examining the causes, effects and measures to deforestation in Rwanda Parish. Kooki County in Rakai District. The study took place in five villages that included; Nzosibiri, Nakitokolo, Kachumu, Kitabi and Nabyala. A total of 250 respondents that included; modal farmers, agricultural extensionists, decision mak...

The Impact Of Slum Development On Fragile Ecosystems (Wetlands), A Case Study Of Namuwongo Slum, Kampala District, Uganda.

Abstract This Research is about the impact of slum development on fragile ecosystems in Namuwongo slum, Kampala district, Uganda. This study covers the negative effects of slums on the wetland. In this research a number of impacts were shown such as how they contribute to the degradation of the wetland through the different human activities such as agriculture, industrilisation and others and finally how the wetland has been conserved having all factors constant. These impacts were broke...

Evolution Of Urban Drainage Systems And Its Consequences: A Case Study Of Police Training School, Kibuli, Kampala District

ABSTRACT Police Training School, Kibuli, is in Makindye Division located in a triangle formed by Mukwano Industry to the north, Prince Badru Kakungulu Road to the south and Kibuli Road to the east and the stream joining Nakivubo channel dissecting in the middle plain. Rain induced flooding and water logging has become a natural part of life in this lower plain of the school and the frequency of this problem is increasing. Police Training School Kibuli has been experiencing water logging for t...

The Role Of Local Communities In The Management Of Natural Resources In Protected Areas A Case Study of Mt.Elgon National Park In Kapkwai Parish, Chema Sub-County Kapchorwa District

ABSTRACT The research was conducted in Chema Sub County particularly in Kapkwai Parish in Kapchorwa District. It deals with the roles of local communities in the management of Mount Elgon National Park. The objectives of the study were to find out the reasons as why the locals participate in the management of the national Park, levels of participation, benefits derived from park management by both the park authorities and local people, problems / constraints encountered and the solutions ...

Impact Of Nomadic Pastoralism On Household Welfare: A Case Study Of Afgooye District, Somalia

ABSTRACT The research on “the impact of nomadic pastoralism on community welfare” was carried out in afgooye district,lower shabelle Region- somalia with major emphasis placed on finding out the different activities of Nomadic Pastoralists, effects of various activities of nomadic pastoralists on household welfare and the possible ways of improving the welfare of Nomadic Pastoralists in the Afgooye district. Responses were sought through use of simple random sampling and purposive samplin...

The Role Of Soil And Water Conservation And Its Related Environmental Effects On Crop Production; A Case Study Of Kisii Highland Kisii County, Kenya

ABSTRACT A study on the impact of soil and water conservation and its related environmental effect on crop production was carried out in Kisii highland. Kisii county. With emphasis on determining the impact of soil and ~ater conservation on crop productivity, challenges of soil and ~sater conservation and measures for promotion of soil and ~sater conservation so as to improve soil productivity. Literature from various institutions, libraries and inherent sources, this provided relevant inform...

Effects Of Brick Making On The Environment: A case Study Of Kajjasi Town, Wakiso District, Central Uganda

ABSTRACT . [)ricks hcl c been used l(n the last )()()()years. In Uganda. the practice ot' hrtck making is a long standing acti' ity. , inn-:stigation to asses the cf!Ccts or brick making on the cm·ironment was conducted in Kajjansi town. Wakiso district_ central Uganda. This \·as narrowed down to tackling the raw materials used. e!Tects of the activity to the cn,·ironment and the measures of reducing the effects. During the study a number of methods for obtaining ra\· data 1Cre used and ...

Assessment of the impact of charcoal production on savannah vegetation in Sanaag region, Somalia.

ABSTRACT Nowadays, charcoal supplies about 95 percent of the domestic and commercial cooking energy needs in the developing countries including Somalia. This study assessed the impact of charcoal production on savannah vegetation in Sanaag region by finding out the causes of charcoal production and/or burning on savannah vegetation, identifying the various forms of charcoal production activities on savannah vegetation, examining how charcoal production affects savannah vegetation and assessi...

The Impact Of Agriculture On Arable Land: A Case Study Of Bor County, Jonglei State, South Sudan

Agriculture is the biggest single activity in most of Sub-Saharan Africa. According to the World Bank report on Human development index 2005, about 73% of the people in Sub-Saharan Africa survive on subsistence agriculture. The most widespread methods of farming are the primitive ones, using the traditional hoe as the main tool of agricultural production. This type of farming also depends mainly on the natural seasonal rains for their crops, (World Bank. Human development index 2005). 

Effects Of Community Act1v1ties On Ketumbeine Forest On Logido District-arusha: A Case Study Of Ketumbeine Mountian

Ketumbeine Forest Reserve is in Longido District Region, Tanzania. This forest has undergone rapid land use change resulted from population increase from 1980’s to the present. Increase in population has put a lot of pressure on the forest land, This study was carried between January 2007 and June 2007. The objectives of this investigation were to assess the contributions of community activities to the destruction of Ketumbeine forest and the overall loss of Biodiversity forest land. The sp...

106 - 120 Of 218 Results