Nuclear Sciences Research Papers/Topics

An Evaluation Of The Natural Radioactivity In The Soils Of Okahandja And Karibib, Namibia

ABSTRACT The natural radioactivity and associated hazards in the soils of the towns of Karibib and Okahandja have been studied by gamma spectroscopy. Each town was divided into ten geographical areas and five soil samples were collected across each area. These samples were processed and placed in well-labelled 500 ml plastic bottles. A High Purity Germanium detector (HPGe) was used to measure the gamma ray spectra of the samples. The intensities of selected gamma lines were used to calculate ...

Assessment Of Natural Radioactivity In The Soils Of The Ohorongo Cement Plant And The Town Of Otavi, Namibia

ABSTRACT The activity concentrations of the naturally occurring radionuclides 238U, 232Th, and 40K in soil samples collected from the Ohorongo Cement plant and the town of Otavi, Namibia have been determined using a High-Purity Germanium (HPGe) detector. In addition, an assessment of the radiological hazards due to these natural radionuclides in the soils of the plant and town was carried out. The plant was divided into three geographical areas, and fifty soil samples were collected across th...

Resting Behaviour of Endophilic Anopheline Vectors in Three Ecological Zones of Southern Ghana and its Implications for the use of Entomopathogenic Fungi

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to determine the resting behaviour and factors that influence the choice of resting sites by endophilic anopheline mosquitoes in southern Ghana. The study was carried out in six villages across three ecological zones of southern Ghana, including: the forest ecological zone (FEZ), the coastal savannah ecological zone (CSEZ) and the forest-transition ecological zone (FTEZ). For every mosquito collected, the indoor resting sites was characterised and microclima...

Hydrogeochemical And Isotopic Studies Of Groundwater In Coastal Aquifers Of Ghana: Case Study In The Central Region

ABSTRACT The major setback in the exploitation of groundwater in the Central Region of Ghana is poor water qualitydue to high salinity. The source of salinity has not been adequately addressed. The focus of this study was, therefore,to understandthe hydrogeochemical processes occurring in the study area in order to determine the origin of salinity and groundwater residence time. The methodology involved desk study, fieldwork, and laboratory work. The desk study comprised review of literature,...

Studies Of Rare Earth Elements And Associated Radioactivity In The Coastal Sand Of The Central And Western Regions Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Beach sands are known host of different heavy minerals, which occur mostly as placer deposits and are of great importance to the electronics, metallurgy, medical, defense, and automobile industries. Typical examples of such heavy minerals are the rare earth-associated minerals (e.g. monazite, bastnaesite, xenotime and euxenite). Some of these rare earth elements-containing ores are known to occur in association with naturally occurring radioactive uranium (U-238) and thorium (Th-232)...

Design And Production Of A Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell For The Production Of Brown’s Gas

ABSTRACT The use of petroleum products (fossil fuels) has raised a lot of environmental concerns over the past years. This is due to the fact that most of the machines and devices manufactured are engineered to use these conventional fuels which include petrol, diesel and natural gas. However, these fuels substances pollute and deteriorate the quality of the environment. Some of these pollutants include sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and ozone. These gases are called gre...

Numerical Simulation of Dispersion of Emissions from Tema Oil Re nery

Abstract The petrochemical industry is a major contributor of industrial air pollutants which are known to have dire consequences on human health and the environment, neccesitating research into their dispersion and transport. The objective of the study, therefore, is to simulate the dispersion and transport of pollutants emitted during the processing of crude oil by the Tema Oil Renery in the Greater Accra region of Ghana using the California Pu (CALPUFF) modeling system. This thesis couples...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Limestone from Oterkpolu Area in the Eastern region of Ghana as a Suitable Adsorbent for Water Defluoridation

ABSTRACT Fluoride-contamination of groundwater [above the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended limit of 1.5 mg/L] in the Upper East and Northern regions of Ghana is a well-known problem. Fluoride is, however, beneficial to humans if present in drinking water at levels between 0.7 – 1.5 mg/L. Although, there are some efficient methods for defluoridation of drinking water using various adsorbents, the magnitude of the problem has made it imperative to develop economically viable water ...

Studies Of The Effects Of Gamma Irradiation On The Microbial Load And Physicochemical Properties Of Ghanaian Honey From The Ashanti, Brong Ahafo And Greater Accra Regions

ABSTRACT Honey is a universal product with a wide usage throughout the life spectrum. It is a substitute for sugar for many people, an energy booster, helps maintain the blood sugar level and research has shown that it has the potential for cancer prevention. The high sugar concentration of honey and its low pH gives honey antimicrobial properties and makes it difficult for microorganisms to grow. However, research has provided evidence of the presence of microbes in honey. The microbes are i...

Comparison Of Methods Of µ-Map Generation: Mr-Based Method In Pet/Mr Imaging Versus Pseudo-Ct Method In Radiotherapy Dose Planning

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to compare the similarities and differences in MRbased and pseudo CT µ-map generation in PET/MR and radiotherapy respectively. The study sought to look at ways attenuation correction could be done on PET hybrid imaging systems and compare them in various ways so as to improve treatment and patient care. The methodology involved patient selection, image processing and generation of both µmaps for PET-attenuation correction and pseudo CT for radio...

Hydrogeochemical And Isotopic Studies Of Ground And Surface Waters In The Lower Anayari Catchment Area, Upper East Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The Lower Anayari catchment (LAC) located in the Upper East Region of Ghana, is part of the transboundary (Ghana and Burkina Faso) Anayari catchment. The other transboundary catchments are Atankwidi and Yarigatanga. These catchments are noted for intense farming activities. The population within Lower Anayari catchment area is estimated to be about 19,445. An estimate of about 80% of the population depends on groundwater for domestic and agricultural purposes. Agriculture has direct ...

Numerical Simulation of Dispersion of Emissions from Tema Oil Re nery in Ghana

Abstract The petrochemical industry is a major contributor of industrial air pollutants which are known to have dire consequences on human health and the environment, neccesitating research into their dispersion and transport. The objective of the study, therefore, is to simulate the dispersion and transport of pollutants emitted during the processing of crude oil by the Tema Oil Renery in the Greater Accra region of Ghana using the California Pu (CALPUFF) modeling system. This thesis couples...

Dose Assessment Of Natural Radioactivity In Fly Ash And Environmental Materials From Morupule A Coal-Fired Power Station In Botswana

ABSTRACT This study has been undertaken to estimate the occupational and public radiation doses due to natural radioactivity at Morupule A Coal-Fired Power Station and its environs. The radiation doses were reconstructed to include 60 year period from 1985 to 2045. Direct gamma ray spectroscopy was used to determine the natural radionuclides Th-232, U-238, and K-40 both qualitatively and quantitatively for fly ash, coal, soil and water (from the fly ash ponds) samples. The average activity co...

Energy and Exergy Based Performance Analysis of Westinghouse AP1000 Nuclear Power Plant

ABSTRACT Energy and exergy analyses of the performance of the Westinghouse Advanced Passive 1000-MWe Nuclear Plant (AP1000) was conducted with the primary objectives to identify and quantify the operational locations having the largest energy and exergy losses under normal operating conditions. The energy and exergy losses in the reactor units were determined from formulations of the energy and exergy rate balances based on the Gouy-Stodola theorem. The performance of the overall AP1000 plant...

Numerical Modeling and Simulation of the Stability of Earth Slopes

ABSTRACT Ghana, as most other countries, has a considerable variation in its topography. In an attempt to build cheaper, but yet the safe structures (i.e., roads, apartments, etc.), we are most often times faced with building on hill-sides and in valleys. This then calls for the need to correctly assess the stability of any adjacent slopes. In recent times, due to the extensive need for stability analysis in engineering practice, slope stability analysis programs have been developed. It is no...

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