
General Research Papers/Topics

Growth Performance Of Mixed Sex Nile Tilapia In Cage Monoculture And Polyculture With African Catfish And African Carp

ABSTRACT The excessive breeding of mixed sex Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in ponds often lead to stunted growth. This study hypothesized that cage culture was a potential alternative in solving the problem. Furthermore, it was hypothesized that its growth performance does not significantly vary when polycultured in cages with the African catfish (Clarias gariepinus Burchell 1822) and African carp (Labeo victorianus Boulenger 1901). An experiment was set up in a completely randomized ...

Temporal And Environmental Conditions Regulating Biomass Dynamics In Water Hyacinth And Its Effects On Water Quality In Lake Naivasha, Kenya

ABSTRACT The influence of the water hyacinth mats on the physico-chemical characteristics of the underlying water is important in understanding the potential impacts on the aquatic organisms and human uses. The objective of the study was to determine the temporal and environmental conditions regulating biomass dynamics in water hyacinth and its effects on water quality in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Field measurement and experimental set up were used to generate research data. Field research was c...

The Ecology And Relative Abundance Of Clarias Species In Relation To Land Use Change In The Mpologoma Riverine Wetland, Uganda

ABSTRACT Land use change influences wetland’s services through effects on structure, physicochemical environment and the biota. This consequently affects the ecology and relative abundance of individuals or populations of certain fish species. This calls for concerted efforts to understand the wetlands’ response to land use change impacts if a sustainable balance between demand and wetland resources is to be achieved. The ecology and relative abundance of the endemic small Clarias specie...

Stakeholder’s Perceptions Of Influence Of Community Policing On Criminal Activities In Low Income Areas Of Nakuru Town, Kenya

Kenya has experienced a huge security lapse in the last one decade. This has been the case due to frequent rates of crime such as theft, armed robbery, burglary, housebreaking, battery, assault and terrorism among others. Many lives have been lost, property destroyed or stolen, many homes and houses broken into, many people displaced as a result of these crimes. Community policing was introduced in Kenya in 2003 to help in reducing such criminal activities. However, it is observed that c...

Distribution, Isolation And Characterization Of Bacteria With Industrial Potential In Lake Nakuru, Kenya

Lake Nakuru is an economically important natural resource in Kenya. Despite the unique ecological characteristics exemplified by this lake, the industrial potential of microbes in the lake has barely been explored. The main objective of this study was to determine the distribution of bacteria, isolate and characterize bacteria with industrial potential. This was achieved through intensive ecological study of three sites on the lake for a period of six months (January to June 2010). Total...

Comparative Assessment Of Feeding And Reproductive Ecology Of Oreochromis Leucostictus (Pisces: Cichlidae) And Cyprinus Carpio (Pisces: Cyprinidae) In Lake Naivasha, Kenya

ABSTRACT Lake Naivasha fishery is economically important to the communities living around the lake and nationally. The communities derive economic benefits directly and indirectly through fish sales and utilization of fish for food as a source of protein. The fishery is primarily based on exotic species, supported by six main species, namely; Blue spotted tilapia (Oreochromis leucostictus), Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), Red-bellied tilapia (Tilapia zilli), Largemouth bass (Micropteru...

Feeding Habit, Fecundity And Other Biological Aspects Of The African Catfish Clarias Gariepinus (Clariidae) In Lake Naivasha, Kenya

ABSTRACT The African catfish Clarias gariepinus is a non-native fish species to Lake Naivasha. The timing and method of its introduction into the Lake is not clearly known, but it is thought that it probably came through the inflowing rivers; Malewa, Gilgil and Karati. The biology and ecology of catfish in Lake Naivasha is poorly known. This lack of knowledge makes it difficult to estimate the trophic level, reproductive capacity and ecological role of the species in the Lake. Therefore, thi...

An Assesment Of Wetland Influence On Water Quality Of River Mereronyi, Kenya.

ABSTRACT An investigation to assess the influence of a natural wetland in the middle reach of River Mereronyi , Kenya, on the river water quality was carried out between May and June, 2008. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of this particular wetland on nutrients (Nitrogen and Phosphorus) and removal and trapping of coliforms (E. coli, total coliforms) in the river water. Water samples were collected weekly using acid washed plastic bottles, while sediment samples were collecte...

Project Evaluation And Organizational Learning In The Road Construction Industry Of Uganda: A Case Study Of Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)

ABSTRACT The study sought to establish the extent to which formative and summative project evaluation influences organizational learning in Uganda National Roads Authority. The study also examined the moderating role of organizational culture on the above relationship. This was a case study design that adopted both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Data was collected from a sample consisting of 116 UNRA staff at the level of Directors, Managers, M&E Officers, Project Engineers, Mainte...

Participatory Evaluation And Utilization Of Evaluation Results In Share An Opportunity-Sao Uganda

ABSTRACT This study investigated Participatory Evaluation (PE) and Utilization of Evaluation in SAO Uganda. Specifically, the study: assessed the relationship between PE planning and utilization of evaluation; examined the relationship between PE implementation and utilization of evaluation; and, found out the effect of resources on the relationship between PE and utilization of evaluation in SAO-Uganda. This quantitative and qualitative case study design selected of 116 respondents from 129...

Influence Of Parental Conflict On Learners’ Academic Performance In Public Primary Schools In Kathiani Sub-county, Machakos County, Kenya

The purpose of the study was to find out the influence of parental conflicts on the academic performance of pupils in public primary schools in Kathiani Sub-County, Machakos County, Kenya. The study was guided by four research questions: What influence does parentalconflict have on learner‘s performance and behavior in public primary schools in Kathiani  Sub-county? How do learners whose parents are involved in parental conflict relate with fellow learners and teachers? What challenges...

Measuring The Impact Of Literacy Projects On Rural Poor In Northern Uganda: The Case Of Rural Education Empowerment Project In Nebbi District

ABSTRACT This qualitative study examined the impact of literacy projects on the rural poor in Northern Uganda with specific reference to the Rural Education Empowerment Project (REEP), which the Uganda Programme of Literacy for Transformation (UPLIFT) implemented in partnership with Norwegian Baha’i Office of Social and Economic Development (NorSED) from 2007 to 2009. The study considered literacy as the independent variable and the impact of the project on the rural poor as its dependent ...

Institutional Factors And Evaluation Quality In Non-Governmental Organisations In Uganda: A Case Study Of Fhi360 Uganda

Abstract The study examined how institutional factors affect the quality of project evaluations in non- governmental organizations. It was guided by three research objectives, that is, the influence of management strength, staff competence and resource management on the quality of project evaluation at FHI360. The study used a cross-sectional survey design with a qualitative-focused but mixed method inquiry. The study population involved project team leaders, M&E staff and project implementa...

Perceptions Of Teachers And Learners On The New Ordinary Level Textile Technology And Design Curriculum In The Ntabazinduna Cluster In Umguza District In Matabeleland North Province, Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT This research set out to identify and understand teachers and learners‘ perceptions towards Textile Technology and Design (TTD) in the Ntabazinduna cluster of Matabeleland North province‘s Umguza district. The study identified factors which influenced teachers and learners‘ attitudes and perceptions. Scholarly viewpoints from African and Zimbabwean perspectives were employed to discuss the issue of TTD curricula under different settings. Scholarly views were given to discuss TT...

Performance Contracting And Service Delivery At Directorate Of Co-Operatives In Nairobi County

ABSTRACT Performance contracting introduction to government ministries and agencies was aimed at improving service delivery. In 2006, Directorate of Co-operatives adopted and implemented performance contracting however; its performance on service delivery remains unsatisfactory. The main objective of the research was to analyze performance contracting and service delivery at Directorate of Co-operatives in Nairobi County. The specific objectives were to assess performance contracting process,...

136 - 150 Of 280 Results