
Law Research Papers/Topics

Electoral Processes And The Future Of Democracy In Kenya: A Case Study Of The 2013 Presidential Elections

TABLE OF CONTENTS DEDICATION ................................................................................................................................. i DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ .ii APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .....................................

A Legal Examination Of Women's Land Rights In Uganda A Case Study Of Nwoy A District

ABSTRACT In this increasingly Globalizing World of Emancipation Gender and the Law, there is need for a holistic approach to the acquisition of knowledge and skills for one to survive the challenges of the Historical Patriarchal Concept of Land Rights as a Reserve for the men. This research has been undertaken to make a noble contribution to the cause of Women's Land Rights Reform Needs considering that rural women in Uganda and those ofNwoya District with particular interest in Nwoya Count...

Corporate Governance In Banking: An Assessment Of The Existing Legal Framework

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................... ii APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................. iii DEDICATION .............................................................................................................................. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................

The Law On Rape And Its Effectiveness Case Study Of Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ......................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................

The Principle Of Opportunism And Its Effect On The Insurance Business In Kenya.

TABLE OF CONTENTS DEDICATION ............................................... .iv DECLACLARATION .. ..................................... V APPROVAL ................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................... vii .. . , CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction .......... . ...................................... 1 1.1 Background of the Study ................................ .4 1.2 Statement of the Problem ................... . ...... ....... 5 1.3 Objective o...

A Critical Analysis Of The Law On Gender Equality In Uganda

ABSTRACT This research involves identifying the effects of gender equality in Uganda and how the concept of gender equality is promoted by women and men's rights movements/organizations (feminism and masculinism). The jurisdiction that the research focuses on is Uganda though other jurisdictions were quoted when relevant. The research shows that unlike the misconceptions and stereotypes, gender equality is concerned with both male and female. This research has been conducted using mostly qua...

Tax Compliance: An Examination Of Kenyan Law And Policy

ABSTRACT This study was an attempt to examine the extent to which tax administration affects tax payer's compliance. The study was guided by the following objectives; to show the need for co-existence between tax enforcement and demonstrate that enforcement undermines voluntary tax compliance, to show how taxpayers compliance is complex and therefore the need to put in place measures orchestrated at achieving tax compliance, to reveal suggestions which may influence' and bring forth tax comp...

Human Rights Violation In Kenya: An Analysis Of Domestic Violence In Kilifi District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ............................................................................ v APPROVAL. ................................................................................ vi DEDICATION .............................................................................. vii ACKNOWLEGEMENT ..............•......................................•.......•.... viii CHAPTER ONE: BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY ............................. ] I. I Introduction .......................

Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of The Law On Divorce In Uganda A Case Study Of Kampala

Table of Contents Declaration ....................................................................................................................................... i Approval .............................................. ,. ................................... :'.:···················································· ii Dedication ..................................................................................................................

The Challenges Faced By Uganda Revenue Authority (U.R.A) In Achieving Its Goals

Table of Contents Page Title Page ......................................................................................... i Declaration ..................................................................................... ii Approval ....................................................................................... iii Dedication ..................................................................................... .iv fcknowledgn1ent .......................................................

The Efficacy Of The Corporate Legal Regime In Kenya; A Critical Analysis

The contribution of companies to the economic development of any country can no longer be underestimated. Companies play a vital role as mechanisms of generating business, sources of employment, and avenues of government revenue through taxation. Nevertheless, effectiveness of companies and their success and sustainability so much depends on the effectiveness and strength of the legal and enforcement framework governing management and control of companies. This raises the crucial issue of whe...

An Examination Of The Law Relating To Electronic Banking Activities In Uganda

ABSTRACT. Electronic or online banking is the newest delivery channel to be offered by the retail banks in many developed countries and is gaining a significant impact on the market. Additional insight into the Banks 'adoption of this new channel is gained by exploring two areas important in the analysis of new offerings, that is: the banking laws relating to this service; and their view of the current and future markets.

The Challenges Faced In Administration Of International Criminal Justice . .. Case Study Of Darfur Region Of Western Sudan.

ABSTRACT. It's an intricate issue among the intemational conununity once the Darfur is mentioned. Many have either suppmied argument that there exists an humanitarian crisis in the Darfur region of westem Sudan and it requires attention to address it then it being given empty promises by the intemational community or on the other hand, a gnmp led by the Sudan Govemment claiming the problem in Darfur has not reached the crisis propotiions the westem countries would want the world to believe. ...

A Critical Analysis On The Enforcement Of Children's Rights In Rural Areas A Case Study- Kamwenge District

ABSTRACT This research thesis is intended to analyze to what extent the legal requirements providing for children rights have been enforced in the rural areas. The historical genesis and development of the children's rights provisions will generally be reviewed under literature review, but much emphasis will be on the post period from 1990 to date when Uganda started ratifYing the international conventions This research is geographically centred on Kamwenge district as a case study. T...

The Role of the Judiciary In the Enforcement of The Rule of Law in South Sudan

ABSTRACT Throughout independence, there was civil war between North and South because among others. the legal system under Islamic laws declared by President Gafar Nimeri in 1983 was also equally applicable to the non-Muslims in Sudan.  South Sudan became independence on the 9th July 20 I 1 as a result of Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in Naivasha Kenya on the 9th January 2005. South Sudan then have to reconstruct and build the legislative vacuum which was absent for the last 50 y...

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