Epidemic & Community Health Research Papers/Topics

Assessment Of Prevention Behavioural Practices Among Adult Tuberculosis Patients In Eastleigh Division, Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Tuberculosis is a common and often deadly airborne bacterial infectious disease which usually targets the lungs (pulmonary TB) and affects any organ outside pulmonary parenchyma (Extra-pulmonary TB), and is a major cause of illness and death worldwide. It causes ill-health among millions of people each year and ranks as the second leading cause of death from an infectious disease worldwide, after the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). About one third of the world’s population is i...

Assessing The National School Health Policy On The Status Of Water, Hygiene And Sanitation In Primary Schools Of Sabatia, Vihiga County, Kenya

Abstract School Health began in Kenya in 1960‟s as an initiative of UNESCO and FAO as an intervention tool to encourage attendance and reduce malnutrition in school-going children. The introduction of free, Universal Primary Education (UPE) in 2003 increased pupil enrolment from 5.9 to over 7.8 million thus overstretching water, hygiene and sanitation facilities hence necessitating for a policy. In 2009, the Kenya Government developed the National School-based health program with its policy...

Assessment Of Community Based Water Supply, Consumption, Utilization And Perceived Sustainability: A Case Of Rironi Self-Help Water Project, Kiambu County Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess the influence of demography, water consumption level, water supply and water utilization on perception of CBWR sustainability at Rironi Self Help Water Project (SHWP) in Kiambu County, Kenya. The study objectives were: to determine the influence of demographic characteristics of project members on perception of CBWR sustainability, to establish the influence of water supply on perception of CBWR sustainability, to establish the influence of wate...

To Determine Hygiene And Microbial Contamination Of Minimally Processed Fruits As Street Foods In Central Ward, Nairobi County

ABSTRACT Despite numerous benefits of minimally processed fruits vended as street foods, it has been recognized that they can be a source of foodborne illnesses that can majorly result from poor hygiene practices and unsanitary conditions at fruit vending points. The main objective of the study was to assess the hygiene status and microbial contamination in fruit vending businesses in Nairobi central ward. The study was cross sectional with analytical component and through purposive sampling...

Determinants Of Water, Sanitation And Hygiene Related Morbidity Among Primary School Children In Mathare Informal Settlement, Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite continued national and international efforts, access to improved water and sanitation remains limited in many developing countries. The health consequences of lacking access to clean water and proper sanitation are severe, and particularly among children. Sixty-two percent and thirty one percent of all deaths in Africa and Southeast Asia, respectively, are caused by infectious disease associated with WASH. Poor access to safe drinking water, inadequate sanitary conditions an...

Compliance To Exclusive Breastfeeding Of Children By Mothers Seeking For Maternal/Child Health Services In Mathira Sub-County Hospitals, Nyeri County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) is the practice of feeding the infant for the first six months of life on breast milk only. This is the standard way of feeding the infants six months and below as per WHO/UNICEF recommendations.Globally, many studies have shown thatthere is increasing number of mothers who do not follow this practice for the full period of six months with, rates of as low as 13% in America, 20% in West and Central Africa and 32% in Kenya. Despite the serious consequenc...

Factors Influencing Adherence To Antiretroviral Therapy In Embu Teaching And Referral Hospital, Embu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Adherence to antiretroviral therapy is a major predictor of the survival of individuals living with HIV/AIDS. Appropriate use of antiretrovirals (ARV’s) has improved the health of many human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positive individuals. The effectiveness of HIV treatment depends on sustenance of high levels of adherence to ARV; however, ARV regimens are often complicated and can be affected by varying dosing schedules, failing to have proper dietary requirements and patients d...

Use Of Insecticide Treated Net In The Prevention Of Malaria Among Jiggery And Tea Workers In Kisii County Kenya

ABSTRACT Insecticide- treated nets (ITNs) if used correctly are the most powerful malaria control intervention tools which have been recommended by most governments in the world. Yet up to date, use is still very low in some places with only three percent of African sleeping under an ITN and about 20 percent sleeping under any kind of net. Worse still, malaria continues to be the leading cause of mortality and morbidity among the Jaggery and tea workers in both sugar cane and tea industr...

Use Of Malaria Preventive Measures By Pregnant Women In Enugu

ABSTRACT Malaria in pregnancy is a major public health problem in Nigeria leading to increase in the risk of maternal mortality, low birth weight and infant mortality. Malaria accounts for about 11% of all maternal deaths in Nigeria, and indirectly contributes to additional 11% of maternal deaths mainly by being a leading cause of anaemia in pregnancy.Prevention tools such as use of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) and intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) with Sulphadoxine-py...

Influence of Spousal Communication about Family Planning and HIV/AIDSrelated Issues on Modern Contraceptive Use in Nigeria

Abstract Contraceptive use in Nigeria at 15 percent is low, despite a high human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevalence of 3.4 percent and fertility rate of 5.7 percent. We assessed the levels of spousal communication on family planning and contraception (FPC) and HIV/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), the influence of demographic characteristics on this communication and association between this communication and the respondents’ health behaviors. We used a cross-sectional a...

Work Environment Noise Levels And Auditory Status Of Generator Users In Agbowo And Ajibode Areas Of Ibadan, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The increasing use of electric generators in small scale businesses is predicated on the erratic and inadequate power supply in Nigeria. Electric generators produce noise at levels capable of inducing hearing impairment. Hitherto, few studies have assessed the auditory status of generator users in Nigeria. This study was designed to compare the work environment noise levels and auditory status of generator users in two areas where generators are used in Ibadan. A comparative cross ...

Community-Directed Interventions For Priority Health Problems Inafrica: Results Of A Multicountry Study

Abstract Objective To deterrnine the extent to which ihe cornrnunity-directed approach used in onchocerciasis control inAfrica could effectively and efficiently provide integrated delivery of other health interventions. Methods Athree-year experirnental study was undertaken in 35 health districts frorn 2005 to 2007 inseven research sites inCarneroon, Nigeria and Uganda. Four trial districts and one cornparison district were randornly selected in each site. All districts had established iverrn...

Occult HBV infection among a cohort of Nigerian adults

Abstract Objective: To determine markers of HBV infection and detect the presence of its occult infection in serum of a cohort of adult Nigerians.  Methodology:  The study involved 28 adult Nigerians with viral hepatitis (Group 1) and 28 apparently healthy adult Nigerians as controls (Group 2). Their sera were assayed for HBsAg, HBeAg, anti-HBe, anti-HBc, anti-HBs, and anti-HCV, while HBV DNA was determined in 15 patients with chronic hepatitis. Significance of differences between the patie...

Knowledge And Attitudes Towards Mobile Phone Use To Promote Meternal And Child Health Among Women In Mushin Lagos State

ABSTRACT Mobile phone technology has been demonstrated to promote maternal and child health. However, its benefits are yet to be fully explored in Nigeria. The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge and attitudes towards the use of mobile phones to promote maternal and child health among, women of reproductive age group (15 - 49 years) in Mushin, Lagos, Nigeria. In this descriptive cross-sectional survey, data was collected using an interviewer-administered questionnaire from 400 re...

Determinants Of Maternal Health Care Service Utilization Among Mothers Of Mount Elgon Constituency Bungoma Kenya

ABSTRACT Since independence, the Government of Kenya has made lots of efforts to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity through some women-oriented programs. These programs are included in the marginalized groups like Ogiek in Mt. Elgon Constituency in Bungoma County. Despite this, Mt. Elgon constituency in Bungoma County still had high maternal mortality and morbidity together with low utilization of maternal health care services. Reports showed low levels of skilled delivery in Mt Elgon Co...

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