Medicine and Surgery Research Papers/Topics

Survey of the knowledge, attitude and practice of Nigerian surgery trainees to HIV-infected persons and AIDS patients

ABSTRACT Background: The incidence of HIV infection and AIDS is rising in Nigeria. Surgeons are at risk of occupationally acquired infection as a result of intimate contact with the blood and body fluids of patients. This study set out to determine the knowledge, attitude and risk perception of Nigerian surgery residents to HIV infection and AIDS. Methods: A self-administered postal questionnaire was sent to all surgery trainees in Nigeria in 1997. Results: Parenteral exposure to patients' ...

Rationale For Vitamin C Treatment For Covid-19 and Other Viruses.

Vitamin C and Coronavirus: Not a Vaccine; Just a Humble Cure Commentary by William F. Simmons and Robert G. Smith, PhD During the pneumonia epidemic in North Carolina in the 1940s, after American soldiers returned from the war in Europe, a small-town physician used an anti-infective protocol of intravenous vitamin C to cure 42 cases of viral pneumonia. [1] During the same period, the physician used a similar treatment to cure 60 cases of viral poliomyelitis. All patients were clinically well ...

Serum Hepatitis C virus and hepatitis B surface antigenaemia in Nigerian patients with acute Xcteric hepatitis

ABSTRACT Acute hepatitis is common In Nigeria and Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection has been a major aetiologicaI factor. However, the role of Hepa titis C Virus (HCV) infection b yet undetermined. Forty-five consecutive Nigerian patient with Acute Icteric hepatitis (AH) attending the Medical Clinic of the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria and 45 healthy adult Nigerians (controls) were studied for evidence of infection with both virus. Questionnaire on risk procedures which predisp...


ABSTRACT Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) has been strongly associated with various gastroduodenal diseases worldwide with only a few studies emanating from developing countries. The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of serum lmmunoglobulin G (1gG) and underlying gastroduodenal pathology in Nigerian patients with dyspepsia and ascertain the usefulness of H. pyleri lgG screening in decreasing endoscopic workload in dyspeptics in Nigeria. Fifty-five patients with dyspepsi...

Palliative care needs evaluation in untreated patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in Ibadan, Nigeria

ABSTRACT AIM This study aimed to evaluate the physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs of untreated patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, in order to determine effective palliative care approach and therefore improve their quality of life when curative therapy is elusive. METHODS The modified Needs Evaluation Questionnaire (NEQ) on pain and psychological assessments, thoughts and feelings and spiritual concerns was administered to 205 consecutive patients with recently diagnosed hepatoc...

Strabismus in children ln Ibadan

ABSTRACT This study was initiated with the aim of finding out the prevalence and causes of childhoos squints. Over a 5 year period, all children under the age of 16 years who presented with different forms of strabismus at the University College Hospital were collected for this study. 80% of the patients (16 patients) had esotropia, 50% of which was due to hypermetropia (8 patients) and 31 % (5 patients) was due to perinatal problems. 2 patients had ocular causes for their exotropia, a traum...

Language Disorder in Stroke Patients

ABSTRACT Among the many "calamities" befalling a patient with cerebrovascular accident popularly known as a stroke, there is none as devastating as the loss of the ability to communicate, secondary to brain damage. Initially following a stroke, confusion prevails The normal activity of tile train is disrupted and communication difficulties are a common result. In addition to hindering some of the modalities of treatment required for other manifestations of stroke, the inability to express him...

Speech Defects in Head and Neck Cancer Patients - A One Year Study

ABSTRACT This paper is based on a study of the speech defects in 74 head and neck cancer in-patients seen at the' Ear, Nose and Throat Department of the University College Hospital, /badl1f7,Nigeria between October 1989 and October 1990. Out of the 74patients, only 65had speech problems while 9 were free of speech defects. Hoarseness and rhinolalia clause were found to be the commonest. Other speech detects found were the so called "hot potato" voice and minimal pitch changes.

Prevalence of Abnormal Bone Mineral Density in HIV-Positive Patients in Ibadan, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Background: There have been reports of high rate of abnormal bone mineral densities (BMD) among people living with HIV. Following the introduction of combination antiretroviral therapy (CART) into Nigeria, the country is now home to increasing population of HIV positive patients. There is paucity of data about osteoporosis/osteopaenia and bone mineral density in this population. Aim and Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence and determinants of osteopaenia/...

Factors influencing the practice of Hydrostatic Reduction of Intussusception amongst Radiologists in a Developing Country.

Abstract: Background: Intussusception is a major cause of intestinal obstruction in children and can be treated operatively or non-operatively. Surgery is associated with mortality rates, in developing countries of 8.5% to 18%. Hydrostatic reduction is a cost effective treatment that can lower the mortality rate in resource poor settings. However, the technique is not widely performed in spite of the advantages. Objective: We reviewed factors influencing the current practice of hydrostatic r...

Polymorphism of the atrial natriuretic peptide hormone and hypertension in residents of Calabar and Uyo, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The natriuretic peptide systems also affect blood pressure through its vasodilatory and natriuretic activities generating interest in its role in the development of hypertension. The polymorph isms of the ANP have been investigated in different populations but similar studies i are not documented for Nigerian populations. The study investigate the association of -C664G allele of the ANP gene and hypertension in residents of Calabar and Uyo, Nigeria. The study involved 1308 participan...

Renal Length, Packed Cell Volume and Biochemical Parametres in Subjects with Chronic Renal Failure: A Preliminary Report

ABSTRACT The constellation of laboratory and imaging findings that distinguish progressive chronic kidney disease (CKD) from acute renal failure are bilaterally small kidneys, elevated PTH, creatol, carbamylated haemoglobin levels; anaemia, hyperphosphataernia and hypocalcemia with elevated parathyroid hormone levels, and a urinary sediments that reveal proteinuria and broad casts. There has been a documented significant correlation between renal length and GFR, but, the relationship between ...

Knowledge of and attitude to foot care amongst Type 2 diabetes patients attending a university-based primary care clinic in Nigeria

ABSTRACT Background: Individuals living with diabetes mellitus are at an increased risk of developing foot ulcers and cardiovascular complications or a neuropathy that may result in amputations. These complications have been shown to be already present in about 10% of diabetic patients at the time of diagnosis. Objectives: This study was carried out to determine the level of awareness and attitude to foot care among adult diabetic patients attending a university health centre (i.e. a primary...

Detection of p53 codon 249 mutation in Nigerian patients with hepatocellular carcinoma using a novel evaluation of cell-free DNA

ABSTRACT Objectives: This case-control study was done to determine the association and prevalence of p53 codon 249 mutation using cell-free DNA in the plasma of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in South-Western Nigeria. Method: Eighty-five adults with HCC and seventy-seven age and gender matched controls without evidence of liver disease or malignancy involving any part of the body, were recruited. Plasma DNA was analyzed for p53 codon 249 by restriction fragment length polymorphi...

Informed Consent in International Research: Perspectives from India, Iran and Nigeria

ABSTRACT The amount of international biomedical research is increasing and much of this is happening in developing countries. It is important to place adequate focus on the issue of obtaining voluntary informed consent. Researchers need to understand local socio-cultural realities and also respect local cultural beliefs and indigenous research guidelines. Through examples from India, Iran and Nigeria the authors highlight the diversity within and between developing country situations. Emphasi...

331 - 345 Of 392 Results