Accounting and Finance Research Papers/Topics


The study examined the nexus between exchange rate volatility and financial performance of manufacturing companies in Nigeria between 2014-2023. Exchange rate volatility which is the independent variable was measured by exchange rate volatility, interest rate and inflation rate while financial performance was measured by return on asset, return on equity and net profit margin. The study adopted ex-post facto research design using five manufacturing companies as sample size. The secondary sour...


This study attempts to review the extant literature on financial inclusion, financial development innovation and monetary policy. It surveys literature between 2007 and 2015 and identifies key themes in this field of study, methodologies adopted, geographical distribution of the studies and synthesizes these to identify relevant gaps and direction for future research. The study makes very interesting finding. Common areas of study can be categorized as determinants, effects and evaluation of ...

Internal auditor’s independence, firm size and financial performance of deposit taking SACCOS in Kenya

Abstract Audits are essential because of the separation of ownership and control in modern economies. Shareholders or owners delegate resources to management to enhance their wealth under this arrangement. Therefore, they want the agents to provide authentic, precise, and impeccable reports. Therefore, the research evaluated the effect of auditor independence on the performance and the moderating effect of firm size on the relationship between auditor independence and the performance of depo...

The Nexus between Social Capital and Household Investment among Financially Included Youth in Kenya

Abstract Financial inclusion is a poverty reduction tool and many economies have taken it up as a national agenda. To meet the expected levels of financial inclusion, governments have worked with financial intermediaries to reach the expected target group; the unbanked poor. As per financial intermediation theory, the role of financial intermediaries is to reduce information asymmetry in the financial system. To enhance financial inclusion, many countries and financial institutions have embr...

Effect of Quantity Environmental Reporting Disclosure on Financial Performance of Manufacturing Firms Listed in the Nairobi Securities Exchange

Abstract Environmental sustainability has become a major pillar of today’s business activities. One of the accounting information goals is to help users predict the returns on their investments. The main purpose of the study was to determine the effects of quantity environmental reporting disclosure on the financial performance of manufacturing firms listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. This study employed a survey research design to select manufacturing companies listed on the NSE. ...

Credit Risk Management on Financial Performance of Selected Microfinance Institutions

Abstract The purpose of this study was to look at the impact of credit risk management on the financial performance of a few Kenyan microfinance firms. The study's approach was a descriptive survey research design and a panel data analysis technique. The study comprised credit managers from all 52 Kenyan microfinance institutions registered in the Association of Microfinance Institutions in Kenya (AMFI) database. The study included all of the institutions that were targeted. The questionnair...

Effect of Expansion Decisions on the Financial Performance of SACCOs in Bungoma County, Kenya

Abstract The financial performance of Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (SACCOs) in Kenya has been a major concern in recent years, as they play a critical role in promoting financial inclusion and economic development in the country. SACCOs in Kenya have been criticized for making poor expansion decisions, leading to losses and declining financial performance. Several studies have explored the effects of expansion decisions on the financial performance of SACCOs. However, these s...

Effect of Quality of Financial Reporting on Performance of Manufacturing Firms Listed in the Nairobi Securities Exchange in Kenya

Abstract Even though manufacturing firms in Kenya are of great value, there are inadequacies in financial performance. Kenyan Manufacturing firms are reporting losses, as evidenced by audit committee shortcomings and low earnings. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of audit committee effectiveness on the financial performance of manufacturing firms in Kenya. This study adopted a mixed research design with a target population of eight manufacturing firms listed at the Nair...

Health Managers’ Utilization of Evidence to Inform Annual Health Sector Planning and Budgeting Process in Bungoma County, Kenya

Abstract Evidence-based planning and budgeting within the health sector are essential in strengthening the health system building blocks. Decentralization has presented opportunities for collecting local and reliable data to facilitate evidence-based planning and budgeting. Despite the increasing availability of routine health information at all levels of the health system, its effective utilization among health managers in lower and middle-income countries remains inadequate. This study, th...

Effect of accounting information and communication control on financial performance of Sacco’s in Kenya

Abstract The study sought to examine the effect of Accounting Information and Communication control on the financial performance of Sacco’s in Kenya. The study employed a mixed research design targeting 175 Sacco’s with 875 respondents. A purposive sampling technique was used to select the CEOs, Finance Managers, Risk Managers, ICT Managers and Internal auditors. Data were collected by the use of both primary and secondary techniques. Primary data collection was using questionnaires, whi...

Interest-Rate Capping and the Security Prices of Bank Companies Listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya

Abstract Banks play an essential role in the creation of new capital in a country, help the growth process by collecting the savings of the individuals and lend them out to a business-people and manufacturers. Banks also play an essential role in the financial system and the economy by allocating funds from individuals with excess cash to borrowers in an efficient manner; thus, make the overall economy more efficient. In September 2016, the Kenyan government enacted a law capping interest to...

Shareholder Rights and Performance of Deposit Taking SACCO’s

Abstract Purpose:Greater attention has paid on shareholder rights in the 21st century by shareholders, regulators and the general public. Effective shareholder protection mechanisms have played a crucial role thus bolstering shareholder confidence and retention. this study probed the influence of shareholder rights on Deposit Taking SACCOs performance in Kenya. Design/Methodology: The relation was analyzed on the basis of all the 42 Deposit Taking SACCO’s in Nairobi County. The study relie...

Influence of Liquidity Risk Management on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya

Abstract The management of liquidity risk in commercial banks determines the banks' financial performance, which predominantly influences the quality of the loan portfolio and the nature of credit administration programs as a whole. By ensuring that liquidity risk is effectively managed, the primary objective of liquidity risk management is to generate a high-quality, stable, large, and growing flow of net interest income for banks. This objective is achieved by ensuring that banks can meet ...

Effect of Credit Monitoring Practices on Loan Nonperformance among Microfinance Institutions in Nairobi County, Kenya

Abstract The Kenyan microfinance industry faces many challenges. Studies point to nonperforming loans as one of the main problems facing microfinance institutions in Kenya, which has led to reduced profitability and institutional collapse in some cases. Noncompliance with credit monitoring and loan policy provisions have been cited as some of the factors leading to increased non-performing loans. The main objective was to determine the effect of Credit Monitoring on nonperforming loans among...

School Budget Development and Financial Accountability of Public Secondary Schools in Khwisero Sub County, Kenya

Abstract The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) raised concern about the misuse of funds in public secondary schools, warned principals in charge, and even indicated the interdiction of principals with financial anomalies. In Turkana South, the audit questioned the use of Kenya Shillings 29 million to buy three school buses, failing the school budget implementation plans. There were no logbooks for the said vehicles. According to audit reports on public secondary schools, financial statement ...

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