Accounting Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Electronic Payments Systems On The Economy Of Nigeria: A Pre-Covid-19 Era Ardl Analysis

This study investigated the effects of E-payment systems on the economy of Nigeria. Secondary quarterly data spanning over a period of eleven (11) years (2009-2019) contained in Central Bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin were used for this investigation. This study used ARDL model to investigate the relationship between Nigeria economy (dependent variable) and E-payment systems in terms of volume and value of transactions (independent variables) in both the short run and long run. EViews St...

The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative on Company Bottomline (2008 - 2017)

 ABSTRACT   This study empirically examines the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative on Company bottom line The main objective was to examine its impact and as well as to investigate Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), profitability of bottom line of listed companies on Nigeria Stock Exchange (NSE). To achieve these objectives, data was sourced from financial statements and company’s annual reports selected manufacturing firms in Nigeria for the period 2008 to 2017. Ra...


Abstract: The study sought to ascertain the effect of Covid-19 lockdown on the Nigerian economy: An empirical Assessment of Nigerian economy. The study adopted survey design. In this study structured questionnaires were administrated to Nigerians of different ranks in the states in Nigeria. The data collected with the questionnaires were analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 20. Two hypotheses were formulated and tested using Godden Statistical tool for analysi...


ABSTRACT The study examined the implications of accounting policies on firm performance in Nigeria. It made use of two objectives being to: examine how accounting policies in disclosure of inventories and in disclosure of receivables affects return on assets of firms in Nigeria. Ex – post facto research design was adopted for the study while secondary data of the listed consumer goods sector were extracted from CBN statistical bulletin and the financial statements. Random panel regression m...


ABSTRACT This paper examined the effect of dividend policy on financial performance of manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The effect of dividend policy on firm’s performance has been a really big controversial issues among scholars in financial management. As many factors affect the performance of firms and dividend policy poses as one of those factors. The study had two (2) specific objectives, two (2) research questions and two (2) hypotheses. The study had a population of 31 manufacturing f...


ABSTRACT: This study investigates the value relevance of accounting data in the Nigerian Stock Market. The primary objective of the study is to determine if there is a relationship between accounting numbers and share prices in the Nigeria Stock Market. The value relevance of accounting data was measured by the correlation coefficient between stock prices and some accounting numbers. In an attempt to estimate the model, linear regression was used. While there has been a number of studies on t...

Local Government Authority Performance Management Practices: Analysis Of The Functional Organizational Assessment Tool (Foat)

ABSTRACT Performance Management (PM) includes a range of processes, techniques and methods that facilitate the identification of targets and measurement of progress towards achieving them. Ghana’s Local Government System has prioritized PM as a primary measure of ensuring that local development efforts are driven by value-for-money and accountability dictates. The Functional Organisational Assessment Tool (FOAT) is a PM tool for assessing Municipals, Metropolitans and District Assemblies (...


ABSTRACT This study examined the effect of corporate social responsibility on organizational performance in Durabe Bakery, Minna, Niger State. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study. The research design adopted for the study was a descriptive survey design. The sample of the study constituted of 100 respondents. A questionnaire was used to gather data while table and simple percentage were used to analyze the data. Major findings revealed that CSR ranges as actions that...

The Challenges and Prospects of Tax Administration in Minna, Nigeria Using Mutunci Block Industry as a Case Study

ABSTRACT This study examined the challenges and prospects of tax administration in Minna, Nigeria using Mutunci Block Industry as a case study. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study. The research design adopted for the study was a descriptive survey design. The sample of the study constituted of 20 respondents. A questionnaire was used to gather data while table and simple percentage were used to analyse the data. Major findings revealed that tax administration helps i...

The Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance Using Selected Firms in Bida Local Government Area, Niger State

ABSTRACT This study examined impact of motivation on employee performance using selected firms in Bida Local Government Area of Niger State as the study area. The research design adopted for the study was a descriptive survey design.  The sample of the study constituted of 230 respondents. A questionnaire was used to gather data while table and simple percentage were used to analyze the data. Major findings revealed that employees are the most important resource to the organization because...

Issues and Challenges in the Adoption of IFRS for SMEs in Chanchaga, Niger State

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to assess issues and challenges in the adoption of IFRS for SMEs in Chanchaga, Niger State. Three research questions were formulated in line with the objectives of the study. Descriptive method was adopted and data were collected through the use of questionnaire. Data generated were analyzed with tables, and simple percentage. The study found out that Government policies geared towards encouraging organizations to adopt the standard and self-enforcement b...

Material Control On Organisational Profitabilty: A Case Study Of Uganda Clays Limited

ABSTRACT This report, Material Control on Organizational Profitability" was can·ied. out with Uganda Clays Limited with specific aims of examining; the need for material control on improving profitability; the challenges experienced in material control on the profitability of the company and suggesting solutions to the challenges experienced. To comprehend the study a review of related literature was carried out on already existing information on the specific aims of this paper to enrich and...

Management Competences And Performance Of Small And Medium Entreprises In Adyel Division Lira District

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between Managerial Competencies, and performance of selected SMEs in Adyel Division Lira District. The research was guided by three objectives;to assess the relationship between management competence and business success of Small and Medium Enterprises in Adyel division Lira district, to establish the relationship between management competences and business growthof Small and Medium Enterprises in Adyel division Lira distric...

A research report on the topic: micro finance credit policies on loan repayment. Case study: centenary rural development bank ltd (cerudeb), ffianda branch

ABSTRACT  The research study was undertaken on the micro finance credit policy on loan repayment. The research was based on three objectives as, 1. To analyze the relationship between credit policies on loan repayment. n. To examine and evaluate loan repayment in the bank HI. To establish the credit policies applied in centenary rural development bank. To achieve the study objectives, the researcher collected data from both primary and secondary sources, which data was from records, intervie...

The Impact Of Accounting Techniques On Performance Of Centenary Bank: Case Study Of The Centenary Bank Kabalagalabranch

ABSTRACT The study examined the impact of accounting techniques and performance of centenary bank with a case study of kabalagala branch which has a total population of 60 employees in all departments from which the sample size of 52 respondents was randomly selected. The study was quantitative since the major findings from the field were descriptively presented through the use of tables and graphs for easy understanding and interpretation. The study had four research questions and four obje...

196 - 210 Of 1735 Results