INTRODUCTION Government in development countries are facing formidable table of fastening application of social accounting techniques and the distribution of household wealth and initiating programs that will stimulate and enhance the economic growth of their countries despite the difference in their ideological isientation and political setting. Application of social accounting have some possible area in which corporate social objective may be found, eg net income contributio...
ABSTRACT The study was organized in five chapter I In chapter one the researcher introduced the topic under different sub heading such as background of the study statement of problems purpose of the study research question testing of hypotheses delimitation of study and scope etc. A review of related literature was done in chapter two to find out what other view are on the problem from the research it was revealed that pz industries has an effective accounting system which the maintained....
ABSTRACT Accounting ratio is the most important factor used by management, creditors, investors and other users of financial statement in carrying ant most business decision. It uses an application in making business decision remain inevitable. This study has, therefore been divided into five chapters, the first chapter briefly introduced the topic by looking at the definition of accounting ratio, it contains the statement of the problem, the objective of the study and the limitation of th...
ABSTRACT The face is generally recognized that small scales industries constane the major of business organization in Nigeria. The problem tend to investment of the investigate, the small scale industries the propose of carrying that this study is ascertains of the necessary for small scale industries to acquire knowledge effectively. In this study, the research tries to fund out if there is any relationship between accounting and management to small scale industries. The result finding als...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of budgeting on the economic development of the state to determine the factors which account for the difference between the capital expenditure and the recurrent expenditure and to take an overview of the analysis of the relationship between estimated and actual expenditure in the last five financial years. The study is aimed at improving budgeting as an effective tool for financial planning and control in the state public sector. ...
ABSTRACT Stock Exchange market are established to make profit, through of shares, bonds, debentures and assessment of these provisions are against the background of this paper that these provisions are not adequate for the promotion of stock exchange in Nigeria. TABLE OF CONTENT COVER PAGEI TITLE PAGEII APPROVAL PAGEIII DEDICATIONIV ACKNOWLEDGEMENTV ABSTRACTVI TABLE OF CONTENTSVII CHAPTER ONE 1.0INTRODUCTION1 1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY1 1.2STATEMENT OF PROBLEM2 1.3OBJECTIVES OF STUDY3 1.4SI...
ABSTRACT The direction towards on efficient production of good and services curled be as a result of an effective control of cost of production. The study of standard cresting as an aid is production cost control is very imperative especrahy in an economy with high rate of inflation and where prices of grads and service are constrarthy increase with no hope of reduction with the effect that th real value of mey in the consumer hand is lower than its face value. This being the case the cons...
INTRODUCTION 1.1General introduction and background of the study The management of an organization’s capital relates to the finance and investment of non-human resources, that is, physical and monetary assets, for the purpose of maximum benefit in terms of profitability. According to Frear (1980) profitability is determined in part by the way in which a company manages its working capital elements, especially the company’s management policies in respect of cash and account receivable/pa...
1.1INTRODUCTION The idea of establishing indigenous development financial institutions was mooted after the establishment of the Central Bank of Nigeria (C.B.N) on first July, 1959 after the bank failure of the early 1950’s. During this time, it became obvious that there was an urgent need for financial institution capable of providing medium and long term capital to full up serious gaps in the financial system/ struction of the economy. As a result of this need arose to create special inst...
ABSTRACT The concept “source documents” is a familiar term with those involved in keeping accounting records or watch dogs of limited liability and public liability companies and organizations from time to item, most often on annual basis, the independent Auditors call to review the accounting records kept by their clients. This they do by studying and evaluating the internal control systems in the company. This approach makes it possible for lapses, discrepancies, deficiencies and bo...
ABSTRACT The study was done to ascertain the role which central bank of Nigeria played in the regulation of Nigeria economy through monetary policy. Among the goals of economic stabilization the most important is to achieve full employment, price stability, balance of payments and exchange rate stability, hence monetary policy through central bank of Nigeria. To solve the research problem, primary and secondary data were collected. The research instruments used in collection the data were q...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research work is to describe the practical approach to an appraisal of pay-as-you-earn system of taxation with referee to Nssuka local government area. To guide this study, two hypotheses were formulated. A review of literature was down to ensure solid conclusion for the study. A structural questionnaire was developed and administered by the analysis adopted in this research work was chi-square, this method by researcher to ensure that result obtained were real an...
1.0INTROCUTION The practice of accounting came into existence many years ago though, there was no acceptable definite record as to when accounting developed. It should be noted that with the advent of colonial rule in Africa, the European system of accounting was introduced in most of the African countries such as Nigeria. Then, different kinds of people were employed to take care of farms and properties of the Whitman and after that, they have to account for their success so far to their...
INTRODUCTION As an instrument of government economic management monetary policy has to purse, the broad objectives of national economic policy. In Nigeria as with most countries the familiar long-term goals of economic policy are full employment, price level stability, economic development and equilibrium in the balance of payment unfortunately, most of these objectives fall short of being a useful instrument or evaluating the actions of any monetary authority (Teriba, 1977). An economy is ...
INTRODUCTION It is unquestionably true that the development of a nation’s industrial sector hinder greatly on the development of small-scale enterprises operating in that economy. This is because small-scale enterprises are significantly yielding the fruits of developing particularly employment, indigenous technological development, utilization of local resources and lower cost provision of inputs and services for large enterprises. Small scale industries are important not only because th...