Agricultural and Resource Economics Research Papers/Topics

The Effects Of Market Intelligence Systems On Sales Revenue Among French Bean Producers: A Case Study Of Ol-Donyo Sabuk, Machakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Businesses operate in a world in which information is more readily and publicly available than ever before. Thanks to the development of the Internet, information on market trends, legislation, customers, suppliers, competitors, distributors, product development and almost every other conceivable topic is available at the click of a mouse. Search engines, online libraries, company websites and other sources provide information in an increasingly plentiful, easy to find, and easy to d...

An Assesment Of Natural And Socio- Economic Impacts On Indigeneous Chicken Production:-A Case Study Of Katangi And Ikombe Divisions Of Yatta Sub County, Machakos County

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to identify the natural and socio economic factors that affect indigenous chicken production and the level of their impact in Katangi and Ikombe divisions of Yatta sub county, Machakos County. The study therefore sought to establish why despite the Government, Non Governmental organizations and the communities spending a lot of resources in tackling food insecurity among the local communities through poultry keeping, there has been an increase in the num...

Evaluating Response To Cassava Viral Disease Infections Among Selected Cassava Genotypes Under Field And Greenhouse Assays In Lower Eastern Kenya

Abstract Cassava mosaic geminiviruses (CMGs) and cassava brown streak viruses (CBSVs) respectively cause cassava mosaic disease (CMD) and cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) which significantly inhibit cassava production in Kenya. This study aimed at determining the prevalence and incidence of CMD and CBSD in lower eastern Kenya and resistance response of new improved cassava genotypes. To determine the prevalence and incidence of CMD and CBSD in lower eastern Kenya, survey was conducted in M...

Determinants Of Adoption Of Forage Technologies Among Peri-Urban Dairy Farmers In The Semi-Arid Region Of South Eastern Kenya

ABSTRACT Semi-arid peri-urban environment holds great potential for dairy development to meet the high demand for milk and become a livelihood support strategy. In support for dairy production, forage technologies were promoted among dairy farmers in order to improve the performance of the sector and contribute to poverty reduction. However, the level and determinants of adoption of selected forage technologies in relation to dairy production is still unknown. To address this, 150 dairy farme...

Factors Affecting Sisal Cultivation And Adoption In Kiomo Division, Kitui County, Kenya

ABSTRACT best +practices in sisal was also revealed that there was a relationship between age and awareness of sisal cultivation as a commercial activity (p-value=0.809>p=0.05). xiv Further, 30.65% of factors identified to be contributing to the low sisal propagation in the area related to lack of knowledge and 0.77% related to financial constraints. This showed that there was an association between the awareness of sisal cultivation as a commercial activity and a highest level...

Factors Affecting Smallholder Farmers‟ Adoption Of Integrated Soil Fertility And Water Management Practices In Machakos County

ABSTRACT Natural resource degradation and water scarcity are a global concern that threatens sustainability of smallholder farmers‟ livelihoods in arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs). In ASALs, low adoption of Integrated Soil Fertility and Water Management (ISFWM) technologies has contributed to food and nutrition insecurity. A study was carried out to assess factors influencing smallholder farmers‟ adoption decision of ISFWM technologies in Mwala and Yatta Sub-Counties. A questionnaire was ...

Effects Of Tillage And Mulching On Maize Yield, Soil Water Content And Organic Carbon In Kirege, Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya A'

ABSTRACT Sustainable agricultural production in Kenya requires improvement of yields per unit of land while still conserving soil resources. Besides poor soil nutrient status, water is a limiting factor to crop production in the rain-fed farming systems of central highlands of Kenya. Hence, there is need to address soil water scarcity challenges in order to increase crop production. The objective of the study was to determine the effects of tillage and mulching on maize (Zea Mays. L) yield, s...

Characterisation Of Smallholder Farming Systems And Greenhouse Gas Emissions Simulation From Maize Cropping System In Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The influence of soil fertility management technologies on crop production has widely been researched in Tharaka-Nithi County. However, data on their contribution towards national greenhouse gas budget is scanty. This study aimed at characterising smallholder farming systems and simulating greenhouse gas emissions, maize yields, yield scaled nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and N2O emission factors from different soil fertility management technologies in Tharaka-Nithi County. Three hund...

Enhancing Soybean Production, Economics And Adoption Among Smallholder Farmers In The Central Highlands Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Current demand for soybean in Kenya is higher than production. The deficit which is over 95% is filled through importation from neighboring countries. Despite the high demand, adoption and production is low (0.56 to 1.1 t ha-1) against potential yield of 3.0 – 3.6 t ha-1. The low production is associated with low use of fertilizers. Farmers are using mineral fertilizers below recommended rates and they are not using organic fertilizers despite them being readily available. The obje...

Assessing The Food Security Status Of Smallholder Farm Households In The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT  Smallholder farmers play a vital role in food production especially through subsistence farming. However, their households are major casualties of food insecurity despite their efforts in food production. This study seek to assess the food security status, factors influencing household food security status and coping strategies used among smallholder farm households in West Mamprusi (WMD) and Mamprugu Moaduguri (MMD) Districts in the Northern region of Ghana. The study used the COC...

Climate-Smart Agriculture Technology Adoption And Impact In The East Gonja District Of Ghana

ABSTRACT  Climate Smart Agriculture has been introduced as a viable solution to tackling the climate change challenge across the world. It is believed to have the potential of increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change while simultaneously increasing crop yield and incomes of farmers and reducing the emission of Greenhouse Gases. The aim of this study was to determine the factors contributing to the adoption of CSA practices in the East Gonja district of the Northern region of Gh...

The Determinants Of Total Factor Productivity In Ghanaian Agriculture

ABSTRACT The role of productivity in general and agricultural productivity in particular in hastening the pace of economic growth cannot be underestimated. There is an ever rising need for increases in food supply, given the incessant increases in population and a dwindling supply of farmland that can only emanate from growth in productivity rather than increases in input usage. The study examined the total factor productivity measure and the factors influencing it in Ghanaian agriculture by...

Socio Economic Factors Influencing Tomato Supply And Consumption In The Tamale Metropolis, Ghana

ABSTRACT This study assesses the socio economic factors influencing tomato supply and consumption in the Tamale Metropolis. Specifically, the study sought to determine the factors influencing the adoption of dry season tomato production, estimate the gross margins at each stage of the tomato value chain and analyze the perceptions and factors influencing consumers’ choice of the type of tomato, among others. A cross sectional data was collected from three hundred and fifty major actors dur...

Agricultural Technology Transfer, Adoption And Technical Efficiency Of Rice Farmers In Northern Ghana

ABSTRACT  The demand for rice continues to outstrip supply in Ghana, making the country a net importer of the commodity. Low productivity due to poor technology dissemination and adoption by rice farmers is said to be the major reason for the supply deficit. The main objective of this study was therefore, to draw the link between agricultural technology transfer mechanisms, adoption and technical efficiency of rice farmers in northern Ghana. Specifically, the study assessed various agricultu...

Farmer Innovations In Agricultural Financing And Economic Efficiency Of Maize Production In The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT  The main objective of this study is to identify the innovative agricultural finance practices of maize farmers in the Northern region and how they affect economic efficiency (EE) of production. Credit markets in rural Ghana are woefully inadequate or missing, and some smallholder farmers have been observed to desist from participating in same even when they are available. These phenomena necessitate a shift in the focus of agricultural financing studies towards assessing how farmer...

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