ABSTRACT This study carried out an investigation on the role of women empowerment on socio economic development in Mogadishu, Somalia. The objectives of the study were 1) to examine the women empowerment strategies in Mogadishu, Somalia 2) to assess the socio economic development in Mogadishu, Somalia and 3) to establish the relationship between women empowerment and socio economic development in Mogadishu, Somalia. The study employed descriptive/correlational study design which involved both...
ABSTRACT This study was set out to analyze the women's perspectives on domestic genderbased violence in Nebbi District. Specifically the study was guided by the three X It also suffices to note that women are more involved in most of the rural chores though their control over incomes is unfavorably looked down upon (Kasente, 1998:9). Reducing poverty and uplifting their status calls for recognition of the contribution of women to development (Kwesiga, 1993: 9) particularly now that 80% are i...
ABSTRACT Education is a Fundamental human right. It is guaranteed under the United Nations Convention on the rights of the child. This research work explores the extent to which Non-Governmental Organizations provide support to the girl child education in Kampala district. The report is based on both primary and secondary data analysis. More specifically, the Study aimed to (i) establish the contributions of NGOs in educating the girl child; (ii) identify some of the factors that limit the gi...
ABSTRACT The research thought to establish challenges of decentralization system of local governance in A dye The main objectives were to find out the problems faci ng system; to establish the people attitudes toward the system , compare the decentralization and centralized system .explore ways of how the system can be a module to suit the needs and achieving its intended objectives and generates data that can be used by the government. non-governmental organizations in the field of leadershi...
ABSTRACTThe study sought to examine the relationship between Non-Governmental Organisations and poverty reduction in Uganda: a case study of Kiboga District. The study objectives were; to examine the role played by Non-governmental organisations in poverty reduction in Kiboga district, Uganda. o establish the challenges faced by Non-governmental organisations in povertyreduction in Kiboga district. Uganda and to identify the measures to overcome challenges faced by Non-gov...
ABSTRACT The study sought to examine the contributions of non~governmental organizations in Social Development: A case study ofMoroto District, Uganda. The study objectives were; the role played by Non-governmental organisations in social development in Moroto District, Uganda, Uganda, challenges faced by Non-governmental organisations in social development in Moroto District, Uganda, Uganda and relationship between ngos and social development in Moroto District, Uganda. The study applied a c...
ABSTRACT The study investigated the “Influence of Urban Population Behaviour on Solid Waste Management in Jinja Town” and it was revealed that waste management is still one of the biggest problems that is affecting development and reorganisation on Jinja town. Following history, Jinja used to be one of cleanest towns due to its influence in Uganda’s development process. The town however now has one of the worst pictures known to the country. Although the town is noted for being infamous...
ABSTRACT.The overall purpose of the study was to examine the impact of early marriages on the education of both girl and boy child in Nyahuka town. The Specific Objectives .To find out the causes of early marriages in Nyahuka town .To examine the effects of early marriages in Nyahuka town.To find out the possible solutions to early marriages in Nyahuka town.The study used a quantitative and qualitative research design for the purpose of making valid conclusions. Quantitative de...
TABLE OF CONTENTDeclarationApproval iiAcknowledgement iiiList of Tables viiList of Figures viiiList ofAppendices ixList of Acronyms xAbstract xiCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction1.1 Background 11.2 Problem Statement 31.3 Objectives ofthe Study 31.4 Scope ofthe Study 31.5 Significance of the Study 31.6 Justification 4CHAPTER TWO 5LITERATURE REVIEW 52.0 Introduction 52.1 Online Ticketing 52.2 Online Booking/Reservation 52.3 Electronic Payment System 72.4 E-payment Initiatives 82.5 Problems of Implem...
ABSTRACT Cholera is an acute enteric infection caused by the ingestion of bacterium Vibrio cholera present in faecally contaminated water or food. Primarily linked to insufficient access to safe water and proper sanitation, its impact can be even more dramatic in areas where basic environmental infrastructures are disrupted or have been destroyed. The aim of the study was to investigate the factors contributing to the prevalence of cholera and the environmental risk factors associated with ch...
ABSTRACT The study on Child Labour and Performance of Pupils in Northern Uganda, was carried out in Gulu municipality, Northern Uganda to specifically find out; the causes of child labour; government contribution to poverty eradication in promoting performance of children and the challenges experienced by government. The study employed a descriptive study design with a sample of 50 respondents, while a questionnaire and interview guide were adopted for data collection. Study findings revealed...
Abstract The study entitled the influence of physically disabled persons on social economic development in Somalia, case study of Puntland, was guided by the following objectives,to determine the causes and elements of physical disability among people in Puntland Somalia,to identify how disabled persons have contributed to socio-economic development in Puntland Somalia,to identify the challenges faced by disabled persons in accessing social economic development in Puntland Somalia,to identify...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at establishing the impact effect of alcohol abuse on the well- being of the people in Slum areas of Kalalaka Division in Pallisa district. The objectives of the study were, to find out the causes of alcohol abuse among people in Kalalaka Division in Pallisa district, to find out the effects of alcohol abuse on well-being of life among people in Kalalaka Division in Pallisa district, and to find out ways of preventing alcohol abuse among people in Kalalaka Division in...
ABSTRACTThe Girl child education has become a real concern in all nations of the World particularly in the developing countries of the Sub-Saharan Africa, and Uganda in particular. Girl child education provides benefits to the family and the society at large and thus factors affecting it should be addressed for the sake of human and societal development The objective of this study was to establish the factors affecting girl child education in secondary schools in Ntuusi Sub County, Sembabule ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .APPROVALDEDICATION ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT vLIST OF ACRONYMSTABLE OF CONTENTS viiLIST OF TABLES xLIST OF FIGURES xiABSTRACT xiiCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11 .0 Introduction 1.1 Background to the study1 .2 Statement of the problem 41.3 Objectives of the study 41.3.1 General objective 41.3.2 Specific objectives 41.4 Research questions 51.5 Scope of the study 51.5.1 Geographical scope 51.5.2 Conceptual scope 51.5.3 Time scope 51.6 Justification of the study 51.7 Sig...